Showing posts with label Meditation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Meditation. Show all posts

A Chance To Become NEW YOU! | Drop Old Memories, Baggage, Impressions | Evolve in Wisdom, Dissolve in Meditation | Blossom in your true capabilities

🌱A Chance To Become NEW YOU!  
🌱 Drop Old Memories, Baggage, Impressions
🌱 Evolve in Wisdom, Dissolve in Meditation🍃
🌱 Blossom in your true capabilities

*Date:* *16 th -19 th JUNE*(Thur-Sun)

*Residential ADVANCE MEDITATION PROGRAM* @ the most serene *MYSORE ASHRAM*

 _(Senior AOL faculty, & amongst very few who have spent decades in close association with Gurudev)_ 

_*DON'T MISS..*_


_*Join below group for more details* 👇🏻_

 *⛪Accommodations (includes course donation):* 

 *🚠Travel (train, bus, flight) bookings can be made with special rates & HERITAGE Mysore city tours (Mysore palace, Brindavan gardens etc) can be arranged on request* 

 _⚜️ Check our more about *Mysore city attractions*_* - *The Sandalwood city 👇🏻* 

📞 9619700501 l 95958 03289 l 9892752035 l 83559 43324 l 9810063557

Learn Online Sahaj Samadhi Meditation | Benefits of Sahaj Meditation:

*🌸 Learn Online Sahaj Samadhi Meditation*
*Yogi Umesh Ji🌸*
*(Senior Art of Living Faculty*, _among the very few who spent decades in close association with Gurudev)_

_Learn the skill and the art to transcend the ever chaotic mind with primordial sounds and enjoy deepest rest in a very short period of time. Release stresses, tensions, restlessness of mind to discover the bliss within🏖️_ 

📆 *13 to 15 JUNE l Mon-Wed*

🕰️ *Morning batch: 6 am - 8 am*

*Benefits of Sahaj Meditation:*

💰 Improved structure, function, behaviour of brain..
💰 Enhanced mental clarity, efficiency, inner strength & stability
💰 More harmony in relationships (compassion & empathy)
💰 Ability to focus, defocus and "let go" for greater peace of mind
💰 Improved creativity, intuition & sleep quality

*Pre-requisite:* 16 years and above...OPEN TO ALL

*💠More on Sahaj Samadhi Meditation program:*

*💠Scientific Study of Effect of Meditation on Brain:* 

*Contact:* 9810063557
9619700501 l 99875 72215 l 
7000168320 l 83199 02423

That wealth is meditation. Now you have a lot of money, now you do not need any more money. Now dig into your inner mine, which is above all."

Yogi Nagarjun  who would sit under a tree and  meditate. Every day, he used to watch a woodcutter come there, cut some wood and take it with him. One day he said to him, "Brother, you cut and collect wood all day long, and still it's not enough to earn two meals a day. Why don't you go a little further... There is a sandalwood forest ahead. If you cut wood one day, it will earn you enough for seven days."

The poor woodcutter could not believe it because he thought no one else knew the forest as well as he did. He had spent his whole life chopping wood in the forest. Whereas this mystic kept sitting under the tree, what did he know? At first, he wasn't willing to accept, but then he came to the conclusion that what's the harm in checking? Who knows, he might be right! Then again, why would he even lie? He seemed like a calm and quiet man, happy in his own world. He had never even said anything before. So he decided to go and check for himself. 

So he went ahead. When he returned, he bowed down and fell at the feet of the Yogi Nagarjun saying, "Please forgive me! I had a huge doubt in my mind, as I thought who could know this forest better than me. But I did know how to recognize sandalwood. My father was also a woodcutter; his father was also a wood cutter. But we just kept cutting this firewood, we did not even know about sandalwood, what exactly sandalwood is? Even if we got sandalwood, we would have cut it and sold it in the market just like any other log of wood. You revealed its identity to me, its smell, how to recognise it. How unfortunate am I! I wish I had known earlier." The Yogi Nagarjun  said, "Don't worry, now you have found out."

The woodcutter then began to spend his days with great pleasure. He would come to the forest and cut wood one day, and then he did not need to come for seven-eight, or even ten days. One day, the mystic said to him, "My brother, I used to think you would get some sense. You kept chopping wood here all your life, you never went further ahead. And even now, you never wonder that there could be something more valuable beyond this sandalwood..?"

The woodcutter said, "I didn't even think about it. Is there anything beyond sandalwood?"

He said, "Go ahead from sandalwood, there is a silver mine there. Leave this wood cutting. If you bring this silver once, it will last for two to four months."

Now he trusted the fakir. So he ran at once. No doubts arose in his mind. And he got hold of silver! Life was luxurious now. Now he wouldn't be seen for four to six months. He would come for one day, and then would disappear again. But man's mind is so foolish that even then he didn't realise that there could be something else beyond this.

Again one day the Yogi Nagarjun said to him, "Will you ever wake up or not? Or will I have to awaken you again? There is a gold mine ahead, fool! Do you not have any questions, curiosity, anything from your side that I should look further? Now for six months, you are lying quiet, there is no work at home, you are at leisure. And you never thought let's look ahead in the forest..?"

The woodcutter said, "I am too slow, I did not even think about it! I believed silver was the last thing, what could be there beyond this! Being poor, I've never seen gold, only heard about it." The Yogi Nagarjun  replied, "There is a gold mine further on." And thus the story goes on. And then, there is a diamond mine further. This story went on for many years. And one day the mystic remarked, "you are so ignorant, now you have stopped on diamonds?" Now that woodcutter had also become wealthy, he had palaces of his own. He said arrogantly, "Leave it now, don't bother me. Now what can be there after diamonds?"

The Yogi Nagarjun said, "Beyond diamonds, _I am_ there. Did you never wonder, that this man is sitting here, he knows of the diamond mine, and is still not piling up diamonds.. he must have found something more precious.. he must have gone beyond diamonds.. this question never arose in your mind?"

The man started crying. He slammed his head at the mystic's feet and said, "How stupid am I! I never had this question! It's only when you say, that I think further. For in my lifetime, I could not imagine that you have more riches than diamonds. Please show me the way to get the real wealth that you have!"

The Yogi Nagarjun said, "That wealth is meditation. Now you have a lot of money, now you do not need any more money. Now dig into your inner mine, which is above all."

We must go forward and keep moving forward... until all the experiences have quietened. As long as even the experience of God continues, it implies duality still exists - the seer and the scene are present. When even that experience is gone, then the state of _samadhi_ is attained. Then there is no scene, no seer, nothing at all remains. There is a silence, and in that void, the lamp of understanding burns. That is the ultimate state, that is _samadhi

Wherever and whenever possible, let us expand our support and services

A long time ago, some rich and beautiful women were enjoying a picnic by the river. After a while, as they washed their hands and feet in the cold and clear water of the river, they saw their own reflection in the water.

Seeing the reflection in the water, they started praising their own beauty. One of them said, "Look how beautiful my hands are."

The other woman claimed that her hands were more beautiful. The third one also made the same claim. Just like that, an argument broke out between them.

They saw an elderly woman passing by. She was walking with the help of a stick and her clothes were dirty. She looked very tired and hungry.

One of the rich women suggested, "Let's call this old lady and ask who has the most beautiful hands." They all agreed on this, and one of them called out to the old lady. When the old lady came closer, they all showed their hands to her and asked, "Tell us who has the most beautiful hands?"

The old lady said, "I am very hungry and thirsty. First give me something to eat, then I will be able to answer you."

But those women refused to give her food and asked her to leave.

Some distance away, a poor lady was sitting and doing her work. She had seen all this. She went to the old lady, took her hand and very lovingly, brought her to the place where she was working and made her sit comfortably.

Placing her hand on the head of the elderly woman, the poor woman consoled the old lady. She then washed her hands and feet, and wiped them clean with her own clothes.

Then she opened her lunch box, and gave the old lady food to eat and water to drink.

When the old lady began to feel a little better, she went back to the rich women and, pointing towards the poor woman, said, "She has the most beautiful hands..."

All the women laughed and said, "What do you know about beauty. You know nothing about what beauty is!"

To this the old lady replied, "Beautiful hands belong to those who do good deeds and serve the needy. The beauty of hands increases with good deeds, not by jewellery.."


"There are many people around us who are troubled and suffering and we should consider helping and serving them as an opportunity to serve humanity. Prayer helps, but it should be the last resort. Wherever and whenever possible, let us expand our support and services."

Once we understand that our world of desires and thoughts is nothing but an illusion, then we start living like a King

_*What is the real goal of human life?*_

Muhammad Ali was a well known person in his area. He had a small cloth factory of his own, a good house and a car too. Mr. Ali had a luxurious life. But who has ever had control on death! When the end came near, Muhammad Ali thought that he should write a will in his son's name.

Along with making the will in his son's name, Mr. Ali wrote a small letter as well. Giving the letter to his son, he said, "After my death, fulfill my one last wish, then read this letter.

My last wish is that after I die, it is my torn socks that should be put on my feet. It is my heartfelt desire. Please do fulfill it dear, and after that you open this letter and read it."

After the father's death, when his body was bathed and brought out, the son took out the same old socks of his father and wanted to put them on. But the religious preachers sitting there stopped him saying that no other piece of clothing other than the shroud, can be put on the dead body. The son insisted a lot, all the Ulemas and Maulvis were gathered.

The son's wish was that the father's wish should be fulfilled, but to no avail. Finally, after giving up, the son opened his father's letter and started reading it. He got goosebumps as he read it, and all the people standing there sank into deep silence.

It was written in the letter - _"My son, I accumulated wealth throughout my life. I established the factory, got a big mansion built and also have a good reputation in the society. But despite all this, I am not able to take even a single torn stock with me. I have given all the wealth and factories in your name. Earn a lot of money, but always keep one thing in day, death will come to you too, and you too will not be able to take anything with you. Always keep your deeds of high standards, and spend this wealth for noble causes and for helping the poor. This is all there is to a father's will, and advice too."_ Tears started streaming down the son's eyes on reading this.

It is the truth...even if we collect immense wealth, we cannot take along anything from this world except for our own deeds. We came empty handed, and will go empty handed!

Once we understand that our world of desires and thoughts is nothing but an illusion, then we start living like a king._


*"Merely being human is not enough, it is also necessary to be aware. And how will this understanding come unless we meditate and feel it? Meditation is the only way to self-realization."*

"Do you want to experience miracles in your life? If yes, always give your 100 percent." If we have love, tenderness, humility and a sense of ease in our hearts, we can become so creative that we will be able to take humanity to a different level.

_*How can we attract grace or blessings in our life?*_


Once, there was a huge fire in the forest. All the animals were panicking and running in different directions. The terror of fear was all around.

Suddenly, a cheetah saw a small bird flying over its head. But the bird was flying in the opposite direction, towards the forest where the fire had started. Even after seeing the flames, the bird was flying in that direction without stopping. 

A few moments later, again the cheetah saw the bird flying over it, but this time in the same direction that the cheetah was moving in.

For some time the cheetah observed the movement of the bird very carefully and realised that the bird was flying towards the forest and then in its opposite direction, repeatedly.
After seeing all this for some time, the cheetah could not hold back and decided to ask the bird about it, because this behavior of the bird seemed very strange to the cheetah.

The cheetah asked the bird, "Why are you flying from here to there repeatedly?"

The bird replied, "I first go towards the lake and fill my beak with water, and then go towards the forest and drop it over the fire to put out the fire."

The cheetah started laughing on hearing this. It said to the bird, "Have you lost your mind? Do you really think that you can put out that huge fire on your own, with water filled in your little beak?"

"No," said the bird. "I know that I will not be able to put out the fire. But the forest is my home. The forest gives me fruits to eat, it gives shelter to me and my family. I am very grateful to the forest for this. And when I eat the fruits and flowers of the forest and drop the seeds here and there, those seeds play an important role in making the forest dense and spreading the forest further. I am part of this forest and this forest is part of me. I know I can't put out the fire, but I have to do my best."

While the bird was having this heartfelt conversation with the cheetah, the divine spirits living in the forest were listening to it all. They all became very happy and impressed by the bird's feelings of love for the forest. They caused a miracle to bring heavy rains in the forest and the rain put out the fierce fire.

If we consider ourselves to already be perfect in everything, then the emptiness inside us will only be filled with these concrete thoughts and there will be no room for divine energy to enter our hearts...we will never be able to experience the grace of God. 

It will be like an upside-down pot on which anything we pour will never be filled. Humility creates a spiritual void in us and only then can we imbibe the grace of God.

*"Man has the potential to blossom until he becomes love himself. Instead of seeking blessings, he becomes a blessing. Instead of seeking grace, he becomes a source of grace. In short, that is the essence of spiritual life. "*

“Meditation is the journey from sound to silence, from movement to stillness, from a limited identity to unlimited space.”

“Meditation is the journey from sound to silence, from movement to stillness, from a limited identity to unlimited space.” 

Residential Advanced Meditation Program in Pune,Triveni Ashram Mharashtra India

*Residential Advanced Meditation Program in Pune,Triveni Ashram* 🌿❄️                                                

*Great time for New and Beautiful experience😇❄️ ,* With Our beloved *Rajesh Bhaiya*(Art of Living Senior Teacher, International Faculty and Wellness Coach).!!😇😇 

🗓️ *2 June to 5 June 2022*

⌛ _*Reporting Dare*_ : 1 June
⌛ _*Start Date*_ : 2 June
⌛ _*End Date*_ : 5 June

*Eligibility* : 
🦋18 years or above 
🦋HP/OMBW / Basic Program / Yes+

*Click here to register* :

*What will I get from the Program:*
🌿 *Hollow and Empty meditations🧘🏻‍♀️* : A wonderful Process...These meditations help you settle into deep rest.

🌿 *Explore Meaningful Silence 🤐🤗*: Go beyond your usually active mind and experience an extraordinary sense of tranquility. From here, you will be able to experience renewed vitality.

🌿 *Unique Techniques of Pranayama🧎🏻‍♀️🧘🏻‍♀️* : Put a full stop to chaos in your mind and Relax.Release all the impressions of your experiences and reconnect with your rejuvenated self.

🌿 *Experience the higher energy levels* 😇❄️:
The techniques of this program help increase the prana or life force in your body and mind. When the prana goes up, your mind becomes calm and positive.

for more information: 
 ☎ *9632407855, 9108154555*, *80077 58818*

 *Welcome to Triveni Ashram Pune to experience this beautiful journey*😇🙏🧘🏻‍♀️

How To Meditate Into Higher States Of Consciousness

How To Meditate Into Higher States Of Consciousness

We live most of our life through three states of consciousness: waking, dreaming and sleeping.

In the waking state of consciousness, we experience the world through the five senses. We seek elevation and joy from these senses. If any one of the senses is missing, the entire dimension of that sense is lost. One who cannot hear is bereft of the whole arena of sound. Similarly, he who cannot see is deprived of all the beautiful sights and colors. So, the sense is more important and much bigger than the object of the sense.

The mind is higher than the senses. The mind is infinite, its desires are many, but the capacity of the senses to enjoy is limited. Greed is wanting more and more of sensory objects. Even though one can only enjoy a limited amount during a lifetime, one wants all the wealth in the world.

Giving too much importance to sensory objects leads to greed; giving too much importance to the senses leads to lust; and giving too much importance to the mind and its desires leads to delusion.

We hold on to the concepts of the mind and want things to happen in a certain way. Thus, the concepts in our mind impede us from perceiving the infinite consciousness that is a part of us. This is not to say that the senses or the mind are bad. But we must learn to discriminate between things and be aware of what is happening at all times; that is when clarity dawns on us. This is the first step toward the higher state of consciousness.

In the waking state, one is constantly engaged in looking, eating, working, etc. The other extreme is the sleeping state where one is completely cut off and dull. The dullness and heaviness linger even after waking. The more one sleeps, the duller one feels since a lot of energy is expended in sleep. Then there is the dreaming state where one is neither asleep nor awake. Here, you neither feel at rest nor are aware of your surroundings.


The higher state of consciousness is somewhere in between the waking, sleeping and dreaming states. Here, we know we “are” but we don’t know “where” we are. This knowledge that I “am,” but I don’t know “where” I am or “what” I am, is called Shiva. This state gives the deepest possible rest that one can experience. And one can achieve this through meditation.

Meditation helps in two ways — it prevents stress from entering the system and simultaneously releases accumulated stress. With the assimilation of meditation into daily life, a higher state of consciousness called cosmic consciousness dawns within us. Cosmic consciousness perceives the whole universe as part of oneself. When we perceive the world as a part of us, love flows strongly between the world and us. This love empowers us to overcome the opposing forces and the disturbances in life. Anger and disappointments become fleeting emotions that occur momentarily and then vanish.
A higher state of consciousness will not simply happen one fine morning. The sapling of consciousness is within you — it needs to be nurtured through spiritual practices like meditation. Some coconut trees yield in three years, and some in 10 years. And those that are not nurtured never yield, they simply exist.

Attaining higher states of consciousness does not require any complicated strategy; one just needs to learn the art of letting go. 
The confluence of knowledge, understanding and practice makes life complete. When you grow into higher states of consciousness, you find that you are no longer thrown off-balance by different situations and disturbances. You become strong yet soft — a delicate and beautiful individual capable of accommodating different values in life without any conditions. As your consciousness opens and the whole system gets physically, mentally and spiritually elevated, your life truly becomes worth living.

Meditation for beginners 8 Tips


How to Get Started with Meditation?
Do you want to know, how to meditate? 
Are you looking for meditation for beginners?

Yes, It is natural to seek profound experiences in meditation, especially when you have just begun meditating. Did you know that just by ensuring a few simple things before you start meditating, you can actually have a deeper experience in meditation? 

The usual beginner questions are ‘how to meditate’ and ‘how to meditate at home’ and the answer lies in following the 8 simple pre-meditation techniques.

Follow these 8 tips  for Good  Meditation.

1. Choose a convenient time
Mediation time
Meditation is essentially relaxation, so it should be done entirely at your convenience. Choose a time when you know you are not likely to be disturbed and have the freedom to relax and enjoy. The hours of sunrise and sunset are also ideal for meditation. These hours are the time when there is a serene calm at home too, which will help you to meditate easily.

2. Choose a quiet place
Place for Meditation
Just like a convenient hour, choose a quiet and peaceful surrounding where you are not likely to be disturbed. Such a place can make meditation for a beginner more enjoyable and relaxing.

3. Sit in a comfortable posture
Comfortable posture
Your posture makes a difference too. Be relaxed, sit comfortably and easily and as much as possible be steady. Sit straight with your spine erect, keep your shoulders and neck relaxed, and eyes closed throughout the process.

Keep in mind: It is a myth that one has to sit in padmasana (lotus position) to meditate.

4. Keep a relatively empty stomach:
Be it at home or in office, it is recommended to meditate on a relatively empty stomach. The reason to meditate before a meal is simple - you might doze off while meditating after a meal. 

When you are hungry, the hunger cramps may keep you from meditating. In fact, your mind may even keep thinking about food the whole time! It is advisable to meditate two hours after a meal.

Keep in mind: Do not force yourself to meditate when you are very hungry. 
5. Start with warm Up Exercises
A few warm-up exercises or sukshma yoga (subtle yoga exercises) before starting the meditation helps improve circulation, removes inertia and restlessness and makes the body feel lighter. This is an important step in ‘how to meditate’ as it will enable you to sit steadily for a longer time.

* Are you looking at starting your journey in meditation, or perhaps going deeper? Your journey can begin and end here. Gain access to a set of tools that will stay with you through life, enhancing every step of the way. Sign up for The Art of Living Meditation and Breath workshop and unlock the path for yourself.

6. Take a few deep breaths:
Deep breaths
This is another important tip for easy meditation. Deep breaths and even nadi shodhan pranayama before the meditation is always a good idea. It helps to steady the rhythm of the breath and leads the mind into a peaceful meditative state.

7. Keep a gentle smile on your face
Smile on your face
This is unmissable and non-negotiable! A gentle smile keeps you relaxed, peaceful and enhances the meditation experience. Give it a try, we say. 

8. Open your eyes slowly and gently
Open your eyes slowly
As you come close to the end of the meditation, don't be in a hurry to open your eyes or move the body immediately. Open your eyes gradually and take time to become aware of yourself and your surroundings. Then slowly move your body and there, you are ready for the day!

Start your journey within now!

Practicing meditation regularly alleviates you from stress-related problems, deeply relaxes the mind and rejuvenates the system.

The Art of Living’s Sahaj Samadhi Meditation is a specially crafted program to help you tap into your unlimited potential by diving deep within yourself.

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ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः। सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चिद्दुःखभाग्भवेत। ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः॥
सभी सुखी होवें, सभी रोगमुक्त रहें, सभी मंगलमय घटनाओं के साक्षी बनें और किसी को भी दुःख का भागी न बनना पड़े। ॐ शांति शांति शांति॥
May all sentient beings be at peace, may no one suffer from illness, May all see what is auspicious, may no one suffer. Om peace, peace, peace.


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