Today we will meet the Violet family - Violaceae. The family includes 25 genera and 1000 species of flowering herbs, lianas, shrubs and trees. The family derives its name from the genus Viola of violets and pansies. It is the largest genus in the family with around 400 species.

The family members occur mostly in the tropical and warm temperate regions although there are only few species found in this region.

Some of the characteristics of Violaceae plants include:

🍂: The leaves are usually simple (some species may have palmate or deeply dissected leaves) have stipules and are arranged alternately (sometimes opposite). Leaves often have toothed or lobed margins.

🌷The flowers are usually bisexual and zygomorphic (sometimes actinomorphic), with five free petals which may be blue, purple, yellow, or white in color. Stamens 5 in number often joined into a ring around the ovary and style. The 
ovary is superior with an unlobed or beak-shaped stigma.

🍒 The fruit is usually a small, dry capsule or berry that contains many seeds.

In Singapore, the following species of Violaceae plants can be found. 

🌷Viola banksii: This species is a small herbaceous plant that is found in a variety of habitats, including forests, grasslands, and rocky areas. It has reniform or kidney-shaped leaves and small, zygomorphic flowers that are usually white with a purple center.

🌷Rinorea anguifera: This species is a small tree that is found in secondary forests and along forest edges. It has alternate, toothed leaves and small, radially symmetrical flowers that are usually yellow or green in color. Its fruit is round, up to 3.5 cm wide, and covered in a dense mass of branched hairs.

🌷Spade Flower (Hybanthus enneaspermus) which is a herbaceous plant bearing zygomorphic pinkish flowers and has been used in Indian traditional medicine where it is considered to be extremely beneficial and used as a diuretic, demulcent and tonic. The root is diuretic and is used in treating urinary infections and bowel complaints. Decoction of leaves and tender stalks is demulcent. The fruit is used to treat scorpion sting.



Be a giver..

If a child is unable to carry 5kg bag, will you help him? Yes..

Wake up! 
If your love is there to help others, nobody can destroy it..
If your love is to get something from the other, it can break into pieces sooner or later..
Got it? 

Be a giver..
Know that you have come here in this planet for some bigger purpose..
Spread love, spread smiles..


Drop all worries..

If a child copies only questions, will he get any marks in examination? No..

Wake up!
A complaining mind is of no use..
1 hour of negative thinking is equal to 8 hours of manual labor..
Just think how much energy is draining out of you..

Drop all worries..
Drop all the botherations..
Know that God is your very own..All your work will get done..
I am with you..


Keep your mind open to new possibilities

A bud opens up it's petals to be a flower..Right?

Wake up! 
Keep your mind open to new possibilities..
The cause of your distress is set concepts in mind that things should be in a certain way.. 

See life from a bigger picture..
Getting into something is a blessing..
Getting out of something is also a blessing..
Have faith..
Know that only the best will happen..


Deep meditative state

Long Sudharshan Kriya gives you deep meditative state, deeper elimination of hidden stress, deeper relaxation, betters your health. Moreover, group sadhana is like a yagna where everyone's energy puts impact on each individual. It purifies that particular area, vibrations increase and sattva level enhances. Every individual and the place gets purified and you become 'pattra' of the Yagna, and you carry positive karma. In this age of kalyug if you are in a group that has more power than an individual.

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji 

"Health is not a mere absence of disease. It is a dynamic expression of life – in terms of how joyful, loving and enthusiastic you are.”
Health is Wealth and Prevention is better than cure. So everyday morning do Sudarshan Kriya, Pranayam, Physical Exercises, meditation. 
Sudharshana Kriya is a very powerful technique of Breathing that eliminates
 Stress, Fatigue and Negative emotions such as Anger, Frustration and Depression, leaving the mind calm, focused and the body energized, completely relaxed.

Sudarshan Kriya is the unrevealed secret to health, happiness, peace and an insight of life beyond!
It’s a spiritual breakthrough giving the experience of a glimpse of infinity. 

Know about the Sudarshan Kriya breathing technique which can transform your health, relationships, and career. Know 99 benefits of Sudarshan Kriya

Inhale Good Health, Everyday

Banana flower

banana flower

The iron queen of the food world .The people of srilanka also use the names "Kesel muwa" and "watumuha" for the banana flower that is eaten. Among the ancients, banana was a very nutritious.According to the latest findings, it has been found that there are 56.4 milligrams of iron in one hundred grams of banana flowers. In other words, a pregnant mother needs to eat only 50 grams of banana flowers to get the required amount of iron daily.It has been found that banana flower as well as the bark of banana tree works exceptionally to control diabetes and obesity. 
 pain during menstruation and some women experience heavy menstrual bleeding. A spoonful of cooked banana flower curry in your rice bowl can have these amazing results. Banana flowers cooked with yogurt have also been found to increase progesterone hormone in the body and reduce bleeding.Prevents cancer and heart disease Kehel flower helps in increasing breast milk secretion in mothers.Slows down the aging process.
Relieves digestive problems; Banana pulp is an alkaline food that effectively neutralizes gastric acid secretion and provides relief for indigestion, ulcers and pain. Apart from this, banana flowers, rich in dietary fiber and other nutrients, act as a natural laxative and regularize bowel movements and treat constipation.


Cucumber Balances Pitta

Cucumber Balances Pitta

When we analyze the properties of cucumber based on ayurvedic principles, it pacifies pitta dosha. Pitta dosha is associated with heat. Pitta when aggravated can cause acidity, heart burn, high blood pressure, irregular sleep pattern, acne, irritability, and emotional disturbances. Cucumber helps to reduce vitiation of pitta and cools the body.
Ayurvedic treatment for difficulty in urination, excessive thirst, headache and insomnia.

Sushruta Samhita, the Ayurvedic treatise, mentions that cucumber is a sheetala (coolant), mutrakaraka (diuretic), and shodhana (cleans urinary gladder).


Ayurvedic seasonal regimen

ayurvedic seasonal regimen

“seasonal regimen.” Simply eating the recipes from the 
seasonal chapters will get you started on this aspect of the Ayurvedic lifestyle. 
Changing your foods with the weather keeps you well
Traditionally, Ayurveda recognized six seasons, because the weather of the srilanka and all 
Indian subcontinent sees varying levels of heat, cold, and moisture, including 
monsoons. For our purposes in the europ, we identify four seasons, this way: 
SPRING: Cool and damp 
SUMMER: Hot and humid 
FALL: Cooling and increasingly dry 
WINTER: Cold and dry 
In spring, the environment is cool. The tastes that balance spring are pungent, bitter, and astringent. Pungency 
warms, melts, and mobilizes; bitter and astringent tastes lighten and reduce 
excess moisture. Reduce building foods, be sure to exercise, and eat only when 
In the winter, dry and cold qualities accumulate. The increase of building 
qualities (dense, oily, warm, smooth, and so forth) protects the body from the 
cold, and you will experience an increase and thickening of the mucous 
membranes (in the sinuses, lungs, and intestines) to protect your system from the 
dry quality, which will only increase until the thaw in spring. A reaction to the 
combination of cold and dry could look like constipation, brittle or stiff feelings 
in the joints or bones, anxiety, and/or weight gain.
 make seasonal food 
choices, and observe a bit of lifestyle routine, you will lower your risk of getting 
sick at the change of seasons. Think about it: spring and fall, the major junctures 
in weather changes, are the times when many people become ill with colds, flus, 
and allergies.
spring season the body’s release of accumulated Ama and the melting of Kapha.
Ayurveda considers spring to be the ideal time to detox
Foods with bitter taste: kale, chard, collards, dandelion, bitter gourd, broccoli rabe, turmeric, fenugreek, curry leaf
Foods with pungent taste: arugula, leek, radish, turnip, scallion, ginger, black pepper, cumin, bay leaf, mustard, hing, rosemary, basil
Foods with astringent taste: beans, lentils, spinach, watercress, parsley, winter squashes, pumpkin, artichoke, brussels sprouts, cauliflower, cabbage, broccoli, millet, amaranth, barley, quinoa, buckwheat

Reduce foods with sweet, sour, and salty tastes.
Reduced heavy or sour fruits
Reduce heavy or watery vegetables
Increase lighter foods that are easy to digest, such as fruit and fresh vegetables.
Eat plenty of freshly cooked vegetables and a variety of lentils and beans
Support the process of opening up and detoxifying your body channels by drinking hot water and herbal teas.
Eat only when you are hungry
For this reason, ayurveda always emphasizes the importance of kindling the digestive fire with warm food and drinks. In spring especially, when the digestive fire has weakened and the coldness of kapha influences the body, we should avoid eating or drinking anything which is cold. 
warm water or ginger tea. This will help keep the digestive fire strong.
Try to all six tastes in every meal: sweet, sour, salty, bitter, pungent, and astringent. That’s not so easy to do, but we should at least eat all six tastes each day. Of these, the bitter, pungent, and astringent tastes balance kapha. The sweet, sour, and salty tastes increase kapha. While we should continue to eat all six tastes in spring, we should reduce sweet, sour, and salty, and give more emphasis to bitter, pungent, and astringent. 


Lotus roots

lotus roots

Lotus Roots are a powerhouse of nutrients like vitamins and mineralsLotus Roots are low in calories and it is believed that adding this root vegetable in your diet can significantly reduce the bad cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases. The presence of healthy dietary fibers helps in improving digestion and relieves ailments like constipation and eventually helps in losing weight.Also, because lotus root has anti-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory properties, it is very effective when applied to acute fever and burns.
it has properties that are good for the heart and protect the heart as well as stop the blood. is used for doing). Also, effective results can be obtained by practicing this in diseases of blood contamination like visarpa, visthotha (sores) and blood deficiency.
The presence of Potassium in Lotus Roots makes it a great vasodilator, which helps in reducing the bad cholesterol from our blood. It also prevents clogging up of arteries and reduces the risk of heart attacks.


Banana flower curry

banana flower curry

1 banana flower
1 teaspoon of turmeric powder(1/2 teaspoon for soaking the chopped banana flower/ 1/2 a teaspoon used for tempering)
2 tablespoons of Oil(ghee,coconut oil,sesame oil
5-6 curry leaves(substitute with a bay leaf)
some ginger ,galic
1 onion, sliced fine
4 full table spoon coconut milk
1 tea spoon paprika powder
1 tea spoon curry powder
1 tea spoon rostted curry powder
some fenugreek seed
1 tablespoon of tamarind juice
The first step of making the banana flower recipe is, cleaning and chopping it for the banana flower recipe.
Have a bowl ready with water, salt, and turmeric(1/2 tsp)added to it.
Soak in water for 5 minutes, strain, and squeeze out the liquid.
Place a pan over medium heat.
Pour in oil(2 tbs), then temper curry leaves(5-6), ginger ,galic, fenugreek seed and onion(1)until they turn golden in colour.
add kurkuma paprika and curry powder.
Turn heat to low and add the banana flowers to the pan.
Combine and cook for 5 minutes or until it’s cooked.
Pour in the tamarind(1 tbs) and cook for a few minutes(3-5 minutes).add coconut milk and cook another 5 minutes,then add roseted curry powder if you have.Taste and season with salt if necessary.


Radish and leaves

radish and leaves

Radish, known as mulaka in Ayurveda, is packed with more benefits than you can imagine. These little wonders are sharp, hot, vipak (pungent), and bitter in nature but turn slightly sweet, when cooked. It is great for reigniting the Agni (digestive fire) and easing the symptoms of piles. When sauteed in ghee, it also pacifies all the three doshas.
Radish is in itself an immune-boosting food.
The nutritional value of radish greens is pretty high. They contains vitamins A, B1 and C to assist in the production of energy. People who experience fatigue can try the above-mentioned radish leaves Ayurveda Recipes
Since the leaves are an excellent detoxifier, they help cleanse your liver and stomach along with controlling the bilirubin levels during jaundice. 
Radish leaves detoxify the blood. They remove impurities from your bladder as well as kidneys. They also kill harmful bacteria and viruses.
Radish and its leaves contain anthocyanins to effectively prevent the risk of heart diseases. They regulate your blood pressure and reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol. 
Since the leaves of radish are high in fiber, they are good for your digestive system
The radish leaves benefits include protecting your skin from oxidative damage. The flavonoid content tightens the skin – keeping it hydrated, moisturized, and healthy.
Radish is great for balancing vata and kapha.

It also awakens the Pitta in the digestive tract.

Thanks to its diuretic properties, radish has a cooling effect on body.

Vata people should not have raw radish as it can lead to formation of gas.
The leaves of radish are diuretic, antiscorbutic and laxative in nature. Well, lets know the nutrients of radish-
You will be surprised if many diseases like liver related diseases, eye diseases, pleia are cured with one medicine. If a poison enters the body, radish has the ability to remove that poison. That is why this herb is very beneficial for the liver.
Boiled radish water is good for all diseases related to the urinary system (infrequent urination, inflammation of the urinary tract, urinary retention, etc.). It is a valuable medicine for all diseases related to bladder. Or take radish and cut it and add water to the required amount of juice and drink it daily. This is a very important medicine to dissolve urinary stones
Radish is an extremely healthy vegetable that comes with a lot of benefits....


Cucumber raita salad

Cucumber raita salad

2 large cucumber
2 boiled carrot
1 red onion
1 cups plain yogurt
 1⁄2 Tea spoon cumin
teaspoon black pepper
teaspoon lime juice
mint (to garnish
cleanthe cucumber .
Roughly chop the cucumber with its seeds cut carrots. Season with salt, black pepper, and lime juice. Set aside.
. Transfer the yoghurt to a large bowl. Add cucumber mixture, cumin, Carrot and onion. Mix well.
4. Allow the raita to chill for 10-15 minutes, then garnish with mint.
5. Serve as a cooling side dish with curried vegetables and rice.


Potato curry

Potato curry

6 Medium Potato (peel and cut in to small pieces)

1 Cup Coconut Milk

4 Medium Garlic (cut in to pieces)

1/2 Medium Onion (cut in to pieces)

1 Small Cinnamon Stick

5 Small Curry Leaves

1/2 Teaspoon Turmeric

1/2 Teaspoon Fenugre

1 Teaspoon Salt (or to taste)
Step 1
In a sauce pan add potato, Water, turmeric powder, , curry leaves, pandan leaf, cinnamon stick, fenugreek, onion,garlic, and salt and mix well all together.

Step 2
Heat up the sauce pan over medium heat and let it simmer until potato are cooked then add coconut milk

Step 3
When curry is getting to thick check taste for salt and remove it from heat.

Step 4
Serve with steamed rice, bread


Zucchini and Bell Pepper

2zucchini2 Red Bell Pepper (Capsicum, de-seeded and cut into stripes)

1 Onion (thinly sliced
some ginger
3 cloves Garlic (finely chopp
1 Tea spoon cumin
1 table spoon ghee
add Salt
coriander leaves 

To begin making Zucchini and Bell Pepper Stir Fry Recipe, wash, dry and cut the zucchinis and bell peppers into long stripes and keep aside.

Heat ghee in a wok, add the finely chopped garlic.ginger.cumin and saute till it turns golden colour.

Add the sliced onion and saute until it turns translucent.

Add in the zucchini and red bell pepper stripes, season with salt and flash fry them for a minute.

Add in the coriander leaves .




1 Medium-Sized Snake Gourd
1 Medium-Sized Onion (sliced fine)
2 s Green Chillies (chopped)
3 cloves Garlic
5 s Curry Leaves
1 inch piece Pandan Leaf If you can find
some Fenugreek Seeds
1 tea spoon Turmeric Powder
50ml water
118 mL Thick Coconut Milk
add Salt (to season)
Scrape off the outer white layer using a knife, exposing the green skin underneath it
Once this is done, slice them
Add onion(1 medium), pandan leaf(2-inch), green chillie(1), garlic(3), fenugreek seed(1 tsp),turmeric powder(, pour water(1/2 cup), , season with salt and place over low-medium fire.

Cook for 10 minutes.then add cocobut milk.
pour in the coconut milk, mix and cook for further 5minutes or until the gravy thickens. cook over low medium fire. taste and season with salt and serve with rice and curry.


Winged beans

winged beans 

100 Grams Winged Bean (dambala)
3 table spoon coconut milk
1 Medium Red Onion (chopped)

6 Medium Curry Leaves (fresh)

3 Clove Garlic (chopped)

1 Teaspoon Currypowde.1 tea spoon termaric

1/2 Teaspoon Salt (or to taste)
1/2teapoon fenugeek seed
2 Tablespoon Oil

Step 1
Cut winged beans in to small pieces and set aside.

Step 2
Heat the oil in a sauce pan and when oil is hot add curry leaves, onion and garlic in to sauce pan and stir well about 3 minutes. (just enough to sweat garlic & onion)

Step 3
Now add winged beans and stir well. After 7 minutes add curry powder.and kurkuma and salt in to sauce pan and stir well . Keep cooking for more 5 minutes.add coconut milk

Step 4
When winged beans are done remove it from heat. Serve hot with rice.


Heath , Erica

Flower/Plant : Heath( Erica) 

Origin: Europe, Africa, and North America

Plant Type : Ericaceae

Season: Between May and October

About :
The Erica cinerea is a large but compact shrub. It has beautiful flowers which are a variety color mix of white, purple, pink and are well populated on the shrubs. 

The Bell heather is a native of Central and West Europe. They belong to the family of Ericaceae, provide large amounts of nectar, and can grow in winter and fall.

They are drought-tolerant and mostly grown as ornamental plants due to their attractive multicolor flowering pattern. Bell Heathers grow best adapted to the sun and well-drained. Like any other Heather on our list, the Bell Heather dislikes alkaline soil. 

Source : 

Ashish Kumar Singh 

Cape marguerite , Osteospermum ecklonis

Flower/Plant : Cape marguerite (Osteospermum ecklonis) 

Origin: Sub-Saharan Africa

Plant Type : Asteraceae

Season: Fall Bloom, Spring Bloom, Summer Bloom

About :

The Cape Marguerite (Osteospermum ecklonis), or African Daisy, is a beautiful and versatile plant that is perfect for adding a splash of color to any garden.

With its distinctive blue and white flowers, the Cape Marguerite is sure to add interest to any landscape

In addition to its visual appeal, the Cape Marguerite is also a hardy plant that is easy to care for. Once established, the Cape Marguerite is resistant to drought and heat, making it an excellent choice for gardens in warm climates.

Whether planted in mass bedding or used as a border plant, the Cape Marguerite is sure to add beauty and elegance to any home landscape.

While most Osteospermum species require full sun to grow well, some varieties are more tolerant of shade. Cape marguerite generally needs at least six hours of direct sunlight each day to perform optimally. However, in very hot climates, some afternoon shade may be appreciated to prevent the flowers from scorching.

Once established, the plant is relatively drought tolerant. With its low water needs and tolerance for poor soils, Osteospermum is an ideal choice for xeriscaping or other water-wise landscaping designs.

Source : 

Ashish Kumar Singh 

Manuka , Leptospermum scoparium

Flower/Plant : Manuka( Leptospermum scoparium) 

Origin: Australia and New Zealand 

Plant Type : Myrtaceae

Season: Manuka's flowering season lasts only 2-6 weeks, peaking in mid-December

About :
An evergreen shrub or small tree with white, occasionally pink flowers and small, rigid leaves that have a sharp tip. The fruit are woody capsules that appear on the plant all year round.

Plant uses

Beauty and cosmetics

Extracts from the leaves of manuka are used in cosmetics to improve skin by decreasing flakiness and protecting against UV damage and skin ageing.

In hair care products, the extracts are reported to help hydrate, repair, and strengthen hair.

Food and drink

Manuka honey is produced by bees that pollinate flowers of the manuka plant. It has a thick texture and rich flavour.

The leaves of the manuka plant can be brewed to make a tea.

The Maori (Māori) people of New Zealand (Aotearoa) have traditionally eaten a sweet gum-like substance from the branches of the manuka (mānuka) plant.


Maori people have used the manuka plant for its medicinal properties for generations.

Essential oil extracted from manuka leaves is used to provide some antibacterial activity. The oil is also reported to sooth itchy skin.

Materials and fuels

Maori people have used young manuka plants to make crayfish pots and eel baskets.

The hard, red wood of manuka was also widely used by Maori people to make paddles, weapons, tools and build houses, and the bark was used to make water containers and a waterproof layer for roofing.

Source : 

Ashish Kumar Singh 

Begonia coccinea , Scarlet Begonia

Flower/Plant : Begonia coccinea(Scarlet Begonia)

Origin: Atlantic Forest of Brazil.

Plant Type : Begoniaceae

Season: Early summer to mid-fall 

About :

Begonia coccinea is a herbaceous evergreen perennial with only a few bamboo-like stems. It grows up to 3.3 feet (1 m) tall. Leaves are leathery, obliquely oblong to ovate, up to 6 inches (15 cm) long and up to 3 inches (7.5 cm) wide, with slightly toothed, undulate edges. The leaf surface is grass green-tinged at the edges with red above and dull red below. Flowers are irregular, unisexual, and appear in axillary pendulous cymes with red peduncles from early summer to mid-fall. They are waxy, coral red, and up to 0.4 inches (1 cm) wide. 

Source : 

Ashish Kumar Singh 


Flower/Plant : Marigold

Origin: Southwestern North America

Plant Type : Asteraceae

Season: Annual but mostly July to October

About :

Aechmea fendleri is a species native Marigolds are a popular blooming plant amongst gardeners and can be a great addition to the garden or back patio. They are heat and drought tolerant and have many beneficial qualities.
While marigolds add a pop of color to any landscape or garden, this is not the only reason marigolds can be a great addition to the garden. They are widely useful as interplanting crops due to their qualities that attract pollinators, deter pests, and even attract beneficial insects.

Marigolds, while easy on the eyes, also attract bees, butterflies, and other beneficial insects that can help ward off harmful ones. They contain pyrethrum and limonene, chemicals that deter harmful insects such as: tomato hornworms, thrips, whiteflies, and beetles. Therefore planting marigolds near tomatoes or in between other vegetable crops can be very beneficial.

Ashish Kumar Singh 

arattha or galagal

arattha or galagal
galangal root looks so similar in appearance to ginger that it's sometimes referred to as "Thai ginger.

galangal is specifically utilized in Southeast Asian cuisines, such as Thai, Indonesian, and Vietnamese cooking. srilanka we used as a medicine ,we call arattha ala .Galangal adds unique flavor and offers a variety of health benefits when used in certain dishes.helps to combat heart disease and also helps to lower blood sugar, helps to lower inflammation that leads to joint pain in the body while also protecting the body against harmful microorganisms and bacteria.
consuming galangal root may also boost male fertility.
Galangal can be boiled, steamed, or eaten raw and powder.
more convenient for galangal to be pureed.You can also store pureed galangal .so you can easily toss it into soups , smoothies, or stir-fries,curry "Depending on the flavor profile you're seeking, "



From an Ayurvedic perspective, moringa is considered heating and pungent.As mentioned previously, moringa has deep cleansing and detoxifying effects It has a particular affinity for rakta dhatu (blood) and meda dhatu (fat). moringa excellent for balancing kapha and vata dosha,
 Moringa can improve our taste perception, appetite and digestive power
Moringa acts as a nervine tonic 

It is useful in headaches through the pancakarma treatment of nasya and by rubbing the leaves over the forehead

Can be used as a massage powder for skin conditions such as pruritis, urticaria and acne and give healthy glowing skin

A tea is useful in loose motions and diarrhoea (red variety)

Helpful in conditions of abdominal bloating, pain and distension

Useful for worm infestations

The leaves are useful in conditions of fever, coughs and colds especially with mucous, bronchitis
Supports fat metabolism and weight management and reduces cholesterol
Can improve sexual debility and fertility (particularly male)
Can support menstrual issues like amenorrhoea and dysmenorrhoea
The bitter and pungent properties makes a perfect detoxification aid especially for the blood and fat tissues
Useful in reducing hypertension and is uniquely able to restore strength to the heart and blood after cleansing
how to use
Take the powder with a teaspoon of ghee for overall nutrition or with honey to boost metabolism.
Mix it with warm milk and honey to help balance vata.
To offset the heating quality, take with a spoonful of aloe vera.
cook as a salad and curry leaf and fruit call drumstick.


Fenugrek seed

Fenugrek seed

Based on the available evidence, fenugreek has benefits for lowering blood sugar levels,
boosting testosterone, and increasing milk production in breastfeeding mothers.
Fenugreek may also reduce cholesterol levels, lower inflammation, and help with appetite
control, Fenugreek is an interesting herb with diverse uses and many potential health benefits.



Perumkayam is a unique medicine found in Hela medicine.Because in the past, if an infectious disease such as smallpox or measles occurred, it was customary to tie a piece of perumkayama wrapped in a clean white cloth to the hand of the patient and the hands of others around the patient. That is to prevent the spread of the disease from the patient to others. So according to Hela medicine, Perumkayam is an herb that cures not only one disease but many diseases.
Health properties of perumkayam

- Works against viruses
For digestion
   Digestive problems can be easily prevented with perumkayama and toxins are also removed from the digestive system.

- Ability to heal
   It is said that perumkayama is made into a paste and applied on the wounds, and the wounds get immediate healing
As a remedy for worm trouble
   The strong smell of perumkayama has the ability to repel worms. For that, mix some perumkayaam with warm water and drink it at night before going to bed.

- For insect bites
   Perumkayama has the ability to cure insect bites. Accordingly, grind garlic and perumkayama together to make a paste and apply it on the insect bite.
Relieves headache
   Due to the soothing properties of perumkayama, it reduces the inflammation of blood vessels in the head and relieves headaches.

   Dissolve some perumkayama in some water, heat it and drink it several times a day.
Relieves menstrual pain
   Reduces pain sensation around waist and lower abdomen.

   Put a few drops of lime in a cup of cow's milk tea, mix it with a little perumkayam, a little uluhal powder and a little salt powder and drink it when you have menstrual pain.
Increases physical well-being
  Perumkayam helps to increase heart health and is a useful medicine against cough and breathing problems.

   This spice increases the blood supply to all tissues and cells and provides the required oxygen content to each cell.
Asthma and bronchitis
   Asthma and bronchitis are two acute respiratory diseases. Peripherals are largely resistant to these respirat
ory syndromes.

   Repairs tired tissues and reduces fatigue.



8 oz. cashew nuts
1 onion , finely chopped
5 cloves garlic
curry leaves/some ginger
½ teaspoon turmeric
1teaspoon curry powder
4 pods cardamom
1 stick cinnamon
1 cup coconut milk
½ teaspoon fenugeek seed
2 tablespoons clarified butter (ghee

Soak the cashew nuts in a bowl of water for at least 1 hour. Drain and set aside.
In a pot, heat the ghee over high heat. Then, add the onion, garlic, curry leaves,fenugeek seed. 
After 2minutes, add the turmeric, curry powder, cardamom and the cinnamon stick. Lower to medium heat and stir until spices are lightly roasted, about 2 minutes.
Add the drained cashew nuts and stir.
Add the Water,salt. bring to a boil and simmer until the sauce has thickened and reduced, about 15 minutes.
Add the coconut cream, bring to a boil and continue simmering for about 5 minutes. Season to taste.
Serve with rice


April is a spring month

April is a spring month in the northern half of the world and a fall month in the southern half. It might be named after Aphrodite, the goddess of love.

Spring is one of the most pleasant times of the year when the tiny buds are beginning to sprout by the boulevards after a long and tedious winter. Now, the days promise to be longer and you get to enjoy more sunlight. Exposure to the sun also releases happy hormones like serotonin that explains the change of moods. Your strength and vitality remain moderate; kapha dosha remains vitiated, though the accumulation that happened in the previous season stands reduced; and digestive Agni is weak. This is also considered to be one of the best times to detoxify your system.

Diet for the 8 bitter, astringent and pungent which will help pacify kapha dosha. You can have garlic, ginger, wheat, barley, rice, lentil, onion, neem leaves, spices like coriander, turmeric and water with honey. But avoid foods that are heavy to digest; salty, sweet or sour; dairy; deep-fried or cold foods.


Sisira is the deep winter

Late Winter
Sisira is the deep winter that runs from mid-January to mid-March, and up until April and May in some regions. It is wet, cold, and slow. Kapha increases during this time, so you need to make more efforts to fire up the agni. While this is a pleasant time for people with kapha prakruti, this may not be such a good time for vata people. This time of the year, the moisture from your skin is driven out by the cold windy clime and body heat is high.

Diet for the Season

Here you can continue with the diet from the previous season, which has more of sweet, salty, fatty, and sour or fermented foods. Have warm spices too. Stay away from cold and astringent foods.. You can have plenty of dairy, root vegetables, beans, wheat, rice, berries and sweet fruits.


Snake gourd is cooling in nature

Snake gourd is cooling in nature. It pacifies Pitta Imbalance, inflammation, and high heat related health problems.

In Ayurveda, snake gourd is used in the treatment of migraine, alopecia, fever, abdominal tumors, bilious disorders, boils, acute colic, diarrhea, hematuria, and skin allergy.

Snake Gourd is an anthelmintic agent. That means, it is highly effective to re
move worms and parasites from the stomach.
Snake gourd also acts as a purgative, laxative, and a hydragogue. It helps to remove excess water from the body. Hence, it is highly effective for health disorders related to water retention, puffiness, and swelling.

The gourd is also an emetic. That means, it can help to remove toxins from the digestive tract and clean it up.
Snake Gourd possesses anti-diabetic activity as it improves oral glucose tolerance. It promotes glucose uptake in peripheral tissues.

Also, it is low-calorie food and it can keep weight under control. So, it is beneficial for Type II Diabetes patients
Snake Gourd fruit is commonly consumed as a vegetable. It is a popular summer squash that can be added to soups, stews, and curries.


Sweet potato leaf fry

Sweet potato leaf fry

bunch (about 350g) sweet potato leaves Wash,Drain and cut into 1 inch length.
1 tea spoon blended/grounded dried red chillies(not fine powder)or fressh chili
1 tbsp galic paste
1 onion - chopped
2tsp ginger paste
1 tsp brown suger
1 medium size lime - extract juice
3 sesami oil
Some cashewnut
Heat up sesami oil in a wok, when it is hot, add cashew,Ginge galic onion chili flacks
Mix well and Stir and fry till onions and garlic start emitting aroma.
At this stage, add suger and salt and mix well.
Then add all the leaves which we kept aside and mix well.
Adjust salt and remove from the stove.
Actually the heat of the pan is really enough for cooking sweet potato leaves without changing the colour much.




Ingredients :
250g red onions
5 Tbs coconut milk
5 curry leaves
2tsp chopped garlic
1tsp curry powder
1/4tsp turmeric powder
1/2tsp fenugreek seeds
remove red onion’s skin and wash well. then heat ghee and add curry leaves,garlic fenugreek seeds, turmeric powder and fry it to golden brown color, then add
onion and fry it about 3 minutes (stir between frying) mix it well. next add coconut milk and cook about
10 minutes (stir between cooking).


Snake gourd is cooling in nature

Snake gourd is cooling in nature. It pacifies Pitta Imbalance, inflammation, and high heat related health problems.

In Ayurveda, snake gourd is used in the treatment of migraine, alopecia, fever, abdominal tumors, bilious disorders, boils, acute colic, diarrhea, hematuria, and skin allergy.

Snake Gourd is an anthelmintic agent. That means, it is highly effective to re
move worms and parasites from the stomach.
Snake gourd also acts as a purgative, laxative, and a hydragogue. It helps to remove excess water from the body. Hence, it is highly effective for health disorders related to water retention, puffiness, and swelling.

The gourd is also an emetic. That means, it can help to remove toxins from the digestive tract and clean it up.
Snake Gourd possesses anti-diabetic activity as it improves oral glucose tolerance. It promotes glucose uptake in peripheral tissues.

Also, it is low-calorie food and it can keep weight under control. So, it is beneficial for Type II Diabetes patients
Snake Gourd fruit is commonly consumed as a vegetable. It is a popular summer squash that can be added to soups, stews, and curries.


Gotukola sambolaya

Gotukola sambolaya

Gotu Kola 
1 Large Tomato
1 Small Green Finger Chilli (finely sliced)or green belpepper 
6 s Small Red Shallots (finely sliced) fresh coconut flakes50g
½ Lime (juice only)
to taste Table Salt
Finely chop the gotu kola, including the stalks, and place in a large bowl. Add the tomatoes, chilli and shallots and mix together.
Add 50G of coconut to the bowl, along with the lime juice and a little salt. Mix well to combine, taste and add more salt if desired.

fresh coconut flakes are available from the freezer section of asian shops Alternatively, rehydrate desiccated coconut in a little water.


Sweet potato leaves have antioxidant, antiseptic, anti-cancer, anti-hypertensive, anti-microbial properties.

Sweet potato leaf
Sweet potato is a kind of vine that can be seen commonly in our country. Its leaves and tubers are used for various purposes.
 It is also used for soothing because of its medicinal properties. Not only that, but many people do not know, sweet potato leaves are also used for various culinary purposes. Can be eaten.

Moreover, sweet potato leaves can also be known as a rich source of antioxidants, vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin and folic acid. They also contain a lot of dietary fiber and nutrients. So here are some health benefits of using sweet potato leaves with so many properties.
Reduces the risk of heart disease; sweet potato leaves contain vitamin K, which helps prevent clogged arteries, a major cause of heart attacks. It also helps reduce inflammation and maintain healthy blood pressure. It also helps reduce the risk of heart attacks. Sweet potato leaves also help.
Strengthens bones; Vitamin K in sweet potato leaves helps maintain strong bones and reduces the risk of osteoporosis.
Sweet potato leaves help reduce the risk of liver disease and stomach cancer.

It reduces depression and helps in weight loss.

Sweet potato leaves are considered to have antioxidant, antiseptic, anti-cancer, anti-hypertensive, anti-microbial properties.

Sweet potato leaves are used to relieve constipation.

It boosts immunity and prevents diseases and infections.

It also reduces anxiety, stress and blood pressure.




Brahmi/gotu kola is one of the most beloved mental rejuvenatives in the Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia. Best known for its long and impressive history of use for enhancing intellect and mental acuity, it also soothes the nervous system, purifies the blood, and promotes healthy skin and hair and scalp, and is said to cleanse, soften, and protect the skin. supports the body’s reaction to internal and external stressors. Thanks to these adaptogenic qualities, brahmi/gotu kola promotes energy in the daytime while supporting sound, restful sleep at night.
Ayurveda teaches that brahmi/gotu kola is a tridoshic herb, meaning that it balances all three Ayurvedic doshas—vata, pitta, and kapha, though it is especially balancing for pitta.
also encourages a healthy appetite, working to gently enkindle agni (the digestive fire) and promote overall digestive health.
How to Take Brahmi/Gotu Kola Internally 
fresh as a salad .vegitable.curry.drinkor powder,tablets,liquid.
fresh gotukola you can find all asian shops.


Mushroom curry

mushroom curry

6 Tbs coconut milk
50g ghee
500g mushrooms, 
1 tsp fenugeek seeds
some curry powder
1 tsp curry powder
1 large onion, finely chopped
4 garlic cloves, finely chopped
1 tsp ground ginger
¼ tsp ground turmeric/curkuma
½ tsp rosted curry powder
½ tsp paprika powder
Heat the oil in the pan over a medium-high heat and fry the curry leaves, cumin and fenugeek seeds, stirring continuously for about 30 seconds . Stir in the onion.galic and ginger cook for 5 mins until golden. Reduce the heat to medium, then add the garlic and ginger then add curcuma, paprika.curry powder and rosted curry, Cook , uncovered, for 5-7 min.
then add mashroom and salt mix it well.then add Coconut milk and cook it 3 minits




Rasa (Taste) – Madhura (Sweet)
Guna (Qualities) – Laghu (Light) Snigdha (Contain moisture), Picchila (Slimy)
Vipaka – Madhura (Undergoes Sweet taste after digestion)
Veerya (Potency) – Sheeta (Cold)
Karma (Actions) –Vatapitta shamaka (reduces vitiated vata and pitta dosha),
Kaphavardaka ( increase kapha dosha
Medicinal mushrooms are nutritional powerhouses with a myriad of health benefits including the followin
Provide immune support
Full of antioxidants
Support a healthy inflammation response
Help to balance blood sugar
Support brain health and cognition
Support the nervous system
Increase energy and stamina
Always cook mushrooms
Raw mushrooms are a popular salad item. However, raw mushrooms are nearly indigestible. We suggest you always cook mushrooms to avoid these digestive difficulties.


Califlower mallum

califlower mallum

1 califlower 
1 teaspoon Coconut Oil
¼ teaspoon Cumin Seeds
1 onion.4 garlic
½ tsp curkuma 
6 Curry Leaves
¾ teaspoon Salt or to taste
50g grated coconut 

Heat oil in a pan, add curry leaves. cumin, mustard seeds and let the seeds splutter.
Thrown in the Oniongalic and let brown.
Add onion, , some salt and sauté on high flame until onions are soft.then add curkuma.coconut and Mix it well.
Gradually add califlower add some water not too much
Cover the pan and cook for a minute, then uncover and continue stir frying on high flame until cooked .


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