Showing posts with label course. Show all posts
Showing posts with label course. Show all posts

Why you must learn mindfulness & meditation | Rajendra Nagar Dehradun Uttarakhand India

Why you must learn mindfulness & meditation : 🙂

1. To be able to live COMFORTABLY 😆with uncertainty (a fact of life).

2. To RELAX 😌 without depending on substances or external stimuli.

3. To stay POSITIVE 😌 in a world full of negativity.

4. To be able to stay FOCUS  in highly distracting environments.

5. To be yourself in market reeling of Comparisons 

 We teach 1- on- 1 personal, small batches and have graduated 500+ students.

Enrol for OFFLINE HAPPINESS PROGRAM starting from 
Friday to Sunday 


23-25 June in 
Rajendra Nagar Dehradun

Limited Seats 🚨
Register here👇

Contact - 8126795308

A Chance To Become NEW YOU! | Drop Old Memories, Baggage, Impressions | Evolve in Wisdom, Dissolve in Meditation | Blossom in your true capabilities

🌱A Chance To Become NEW YOU!  
🌱 Drop Old Memories, Baggage, Impressions
🌱 Evolve in Wisdom, Dissolve in Meditation🍃
🌱 Blossom in your true capabilities

*Date:* *16 th -19 th JUNE*(Thur-Sun)

*Residential ADVANCE MEDITATION PROGRAM* @ the most serene *MYSORE ASHRAM*

 _(Senior AOL faculty, & amongst very few who have spent decades in close association with Gurudev)_ 

_*DON'T MISS..*_


_*Join below group for more details* 👇🏻_

 *⛪Accommodations (includes course donation):* 

 *🚠Travel (train, bus, flight) bookings can be made with special rates & HERITAGE Mysore city tours (Mysore palace, Brindavan gardens etc) can be arranged on request* 

 _⚜️ Check our more about *Mysore city attractions*_* - *The Sandalwood city 👇🏻* 

📞 9619700501 l 95958 03289 l 9892752035 l 83559 43324 l 9810063557

The Heart of Yoga with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar!!

Learn Yoga with Gurudev!

☺️ Join: The Heart of Yoga with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar!!

13th-20th June 

 7:00 - 8:00 am IST: Yoga with Gurudev (premiered sessions) 

 7:30 - 8:30 pm IST: LIVE Swadhyaya with Swami Suryapada (Chayanna)

🌟 All participants will receive Gifts of Knowledge and a Hand Made Yoga Mat!

You have 2 options to sign up:

1. Heart of Yoga Sessions

2. Heart of Yoga + Monthly Sri Sri Yoga Sessions (13 June -13 July)

*Learn ! Discover ! Hack !* Our internal chemicals of Intelligence 🧠 Happiness😀 Memory 🙋‍♀️ Sleep 🧖‍♂️

*Learn ! Discover ! Hack !*

Our internal chemicals of 
Intelligence 🧠
Memory 🙋‍♀️
Sleep 🧖‍♂️

_Sri Sri Institute For Advanced Research presents an online unique workshop_
🟡 *Molecules of Life: Brain Edition* 🧠

Learn about the kind of molecules that drive the *Brain* & how to hack them.🧬

*Date* : 6 - 8 June

*Time* : 8 PM - 9:00 PM IST

*Registration link*:

*Benefits of the workshop* : 

✨Optimal Health and brain function
✨ Higher energy levels 
✨Improved Cognition 
✨ Increased self awareness 
✨Better management of emotions 
✨Improved involuntary physiological processes 

Join our exclusive workshops at : 

*Happy to help:*
_Team SSIAR_
+91 9887853578
+91 8446457957

A beautiful opportunity to learn the secrets of dropping doership and taking responsibility

*_A beautiful opportunity to learn the secrets of dropping doership and taking responsibility in DSN with Anandji and Namrata ji in our beautiful and amazing Art of Living International center, Bangalore_*


🏠 : Art of Living International center, Bangalore

🗓 : *18th (4.00 PM) to 21st (10.00PM) Aug 2022*

*Contact:* 9663801986

*The Art of Living's Sri Sri Yoga classes.*

*The Art of Living's Sri Sri Yoga classes.*

A daily workshop that gives you:
🌼Better immunity, digestion, and sleep quality

🌼Freedom from back pain, shoulder pain, and fatigue

🌼Enhanced energy levels, blood circulation, and flexibility

*Register now!*

*Morning Batch (6:30-7:30 AM)*:

*Evening Batch (6:30-70:30PM)*:

Yoga Teacher Training Course

Get ready to deepen your practice of Yoga with the 200H Online Yoga Teacher Training Course 🧘🏻‍♀️

Learn authentic yoga in its purest form. Go deeper within through the practice of yoga asanas, pranayamas and cleansing techniques. Yoga Philosophy to give you a deeper understanding of the subject. Learn at your own pace and get personal guidance, all from the comfort of your home.

*TTC start Date* : 11th June 2022 🗓️ 
*Mode of TTC* :
1.*Fully Online*
2. *Online + Residential*

*There are 2 modes of the TTC available choose as per your convenience*

1. *Online Mode Duration* : 
    8 Weeks Online

2. *Online + Residential Duration* : 
     5 Weeks - Online
     2 Weeks - Self study
     8 days - Residential (Bangalore ashram)

*Certification* : 200H Yoga Alliance & Ministry of AYUSH recognition 📜

*Contact* - 9886011231 📲
*Mail ID* - 📧
*Apply Now* -

Inner Healing Therapy


✅This is a psychological therapy to help - *Release the accumulated emotional pain, Identify & overcome fears* 

✅Improving emotional intelligence through *ACT - acceptance & commitment therapy*

✅Profound healing at *genetic level* including *ancestral healing*. Techniques for relationship healing

✅Learning techniques for improving *Emotional Quotient (EQ)* 

_Techniques to overcome mood swings, anger, irritation, anxiety, feelings of intolerance_

✅ *Removing behavioural obstacles* to unleash full potential & boost *confidence & self esteem*

*Day 1*

What is the inner self?
How to listen to the inner self

*Day 2*

Technique for healthy thought circulation

*Day 3*

Seed Concept
Therapeutic healing of emotional pain & guilt

*Day 4*

Concept of inter-being
Healing at the genetic (DNA) level 

*Day 5*

Understanding the basic human fear & desire
Acceptance & Commitment therapy (ACT)

*Day 6*

The 5 remembrances to help the inner self
Recognising & calming painful feelings

*Day 7*

Guided Meditation for the inner self
Boosting confidence & self esteem

*Day 8*

Conflict resolution techniques
Strengthening relationships empathetically

*Day 9*

Easy to do 3 level healing practises
(Practical) healing at the physical body level

*Day 10*

(Practical) healing at the emotional level
(Practical) healing at the mind level

*Day 11*

Guided meditation for healing your heart

*Day 12*

5 earth touching practises for grounding & anchoring
Connecting with our ancestors

*Day 13*

Powerful techniques for overcoming anger
Invoking joy & happiness

*Day 14*

Acknowledging & healing the suffering

Connecting with the higher self of consciousness

*Day 15*

Parenting inner self
Creating a protective shield around the inner child

*Day 16*

What is manas
6 characteristics of manas

*Day 17*

The wisdom of non-discrimination 

*Day 18*

Understanding & practising the serenity prayer

Connecting with your higher self

Karmic Chord Cutting Workshop

*Karmic Chord Cutting Workshop*

This workshop is designed to help you understand the theory of karma, karmic relations & karmic chord cutting to uplift your life energy. 

This is important so you don't feel stuck in life. Karmic chord cutting uplifts your life energy & makes sure you grow & evolve in all areas of life. 

After doing this workshop, you will understand:

1. *Karma* - it's effect on your life, power of present karma, how to do karmic cleaning. 

2. *Chord cutting* - you will learn how to cut chords with things, people & memories that no longer serve your highest good. 

This will bring lots of peace, happiness & healing in your life. 

*Daywise details of the workshop* 👇🏻

*Day 1*

What is karmic chord cutting?

It's impact & benefits in our life

*Day 2*

Theory of Karma & Karmic relations

*Day 3*

Connection between chords & memories

*Day 4*

Karmic chords & aura

Effect of chords on our aura 

*Day 5*

Signs that show you need to cut Karmic chords

*Day 6*

Stepwise methodology of chord cutting 

Visualisation meditation 

*Day 7*

Angel therapy for karmic chords

*Day 8*

Switchwords - introduction & it's application in chord cutting

*Day 9*

How chords affect our chakras

Healing the heart chakra

*Day 10*

Learn to use reiki for karmic chord cutting

*Day 11*

Zibu symbols to cut chords with toxic memories, things & people

*Day 12*

Crystal healing for cutting chords with things which no longer serve us

*Day 13*

Guided meditation for soul contracts & karmic agreements

*Day 14*

Practising Ho'oponopono for repair work & healing

*Day 15*

Water charging technique for karmic connections

*Day 16*

Vastu shastra for strong, healthy & peaceful relationships

*Day 17*

Mojo bag for improving love, trust & understanding in a relationship

*Day 18*

Zen mantras for karmic cleaning & protection

Anger Management


Anger Management is for *Children, Adults and Elderly.*
✅Anger management is the process of learning to recognize signs that you're becoming angry, and taking action to calm down and deal with the situation in a productive way. Anger management doesn't try to keep you from feeling anger or encourage you to hold it in. Anger is a normal, healthy emotion when you know how to express it appropriately.
✅Anger triggers the basic flight-or-fight response. Primarily, it causes an increase in heart rate, blood pressure, and stress levels. The breathing rate increases too. When anger is ‘recurrent and unmanaged’, metabolic changes are set in motion that inevitably affect not just health, but also the overall quality of life.
✅Controlling your anger will help you feel more in control and able to deal with various situations you face. You will learn how to deal with your feelings better and more effectively. In addition, you should experience improvements in relationships such as less fighting and better communication. You should feel better physically, feeling less stress and fewer physiological symptoms associated with anger. Feeling better and using your anger constructively will also allow you to focus your energies on things that are important to you, giving you a greater sense of accomplishment and purpose.
✅Believe it or not, this works for people of all ages. Of course, when you become an adult, ten may not seem like enough. After all, adults have much larger problems than a small child. However, there are some adults that react to situations in the same manner they did as young children. The only difference being that a large person throwing a tantrum can create more problems at home, with friendships, and in the workplace. There are 20 millions adults in India who has intermittent explosive disorder or explosive anger disorder. 

👉🏼Understanding Anger
👉🏼Effects of Anger
👉🏼Benefits of Anger
👉🏼myths and facts about Anger
👉🏼Types of Anger- It can help you get it under control and express it in a healthy way.
👉🏼Emotional Intelligence Toolkit and how does it work. 
👉🏼Effective Methods and Techniques for Anger and How to control your anger to prevent it from controlling you.
👉🏼How to overcome Destructive Anger
👉🏼Mindfulness Meditation 
👉🏼What is Self Compassion
👉🏼Self Compassion Excercises 
👉🏼Yoga for anger Management 
👉🏼Powerful Mudras for Anger and how to use them
👉🏼How Food affects your mood
👉🏼Best ways to teach your child anger management skills
👉🏼How to use a Token Economy system to improve your child’s Behaviour
👉🏼Behaviour Management Contracts for kids
👉🏼Discipline strategies for kids with ADHD

 👉Anger Management helps you develop empathy for others, which in turn helps you to better understand the other party. Many times, anger builds up because the parties involved do not care to see the situation from the other person’s point of view. When you start developing empathy for the other person, and try to see life from their perspective, you will find there is no room for conflict. 
👉Many individuals, who have serious anger issues, begin to avoid those they love most when they realize they are hurting them with their anger. Since those we love most are closest to us, they are often the first victims of our out of control anger. 
👉Anger Management affords you an opportunity to learn more about your anger, its root cause and triggers. The way you feel and express yourself in your day to day life can most often be connected to feelings and emotions that you have experienced in your past. When this connection is explored, you will begin to gain new insight which will help you be more aware of your feelings and learn to better understand the nature of your anger and its origin. 
👉Left uncontrolled, anger leads to poor decision making. In workshop you will learn to skills to help you to better manage your anger, which will allow you to use better judgement and have more control over your impulses.
👉The ability to better manage stress will be an immediate benefit of anger management. Experiencing less stress, you will discover that it becomes more easy to avoid situations that otherwise would become stressful. 
👉Most times anger and angry situations may have been avoided if the parties involved knew how to communicate better. Most problems can be solved when those involved know how to properly communicate assertively. If you do not know how to properly assert yourself, angry behaviour is often used in its place. We will help you will learn to communicate better by replacing aggression with assertion. 
👉In anger management you will to develop an ability to recognize what you are responsible for in how you think of anger, such as when you are the cause of a problem and when you are innocent. When you recognize you are not at fault, you know how to keep a situation calm, yet assign blame to where it rightly should be.


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ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः। सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चिद्दुःखभाग्भवेत। ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः॥
सभी सुखी होवें, सभी रोगमुक्त रहें, सभी मंगलमय घटनाओं के साक्षी बनें और किसी को भी दुःख का भागी न बनना पड़े। ॐ शांति शांति शांति॥
May all sentient beings be at peace, may no one suffer from illness, May all see what is auspicious, may no one suffer. Om peace, peace, peace.


The information at any place in this website is just an informative basis as well as pure intention to create Awareness about Ayurveda , Yoga and Meditation to encourage people to adopt Ayurveda , Yoga and Meditation in their day to day lifestyle for Natural health. All the content is purely educational in nature and should not be considered medical advice. Please use the content only consultation with appropriate certified Doctor or medical or healthcare professional. This site contains External Links to third party websites ,These links are being provided as a convenience and for informational purposes only; they do not constitute an endorsement or an approval and no responsibility for the accuracy, legality or content of the external site or for that of subsequent links. Contact the external site for answers to questions regarding its content.

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