Ayurvedic Treatment for Hypertension

Hypertension is  the ‘Silent Killer Disease’ that affects about 15-37 percent of the global adult population, is extremely alarming because, if not diagnosed and treated in time, it can ‘silently’ lead to graver complications in the form of hypertensive heart disease, stroke and kidney failure. 
Hypertension is rampant across the world and has put several lives in danger. Awareness regarding hypertension is the first step towards preventing it.
Hypertension - or elevated blood pressure :-- is a serious medical condition that significantly increases the risks of heart, brain, kidney and other diseases.
What is Hypertension :- 
Blood pressure is the force exerted by circulating blood against the walls of the body’s arteries, the major blood vessels in the body. Hypertension is when blood pressure is too high.
Blood pressure is written as two numbers. The first (systolic) number represents the pressure in blood vessels when the heart contracts or beats. The second (diastolic) number represents the pressure in the vessels when the heart rests between beats.
A normal blood pressure is considered less than 120 systolic pressure and less than 80 diastolic (120/80 mmHg). 
Prehypertension is considered in the ranges of 120-139 systolic pressure and 80-90 diastolic pressure.
Hypertension in state one systolic pressure between 140-159 and diastolic pressure 90-99
Hypertension in state two is considered a systolic blood pressure greater or equal to 160 and a diastolic blood pressure greater or equal to 100.
Hypertensive emergency it is a considerable increase in blood pressure with a diastolic blood pressure greater than 120. Within this category we can find accelerated hypertension which is defined as a systolic pressure greater than 120 and a diastolic pressure greater than 130.
The main causes of hypertension are :- 
 sedentary lifestyle and improper diet.  a diet of packaged food with preservatives and chemicals, which have high fat content result in digestive problems. 
This eventually leads to ama (toxins) accumulation, giving way to high blood pressure.physical inactivity, consumption of tobacco and alcohol, and being overweight or obese.
A family history of hypertension, age over 65 years and co-existing diseases such as diabetes or kidney disease.
Inability to handle mental stress and disconnect with the basic principles of natural living gives rise to hypertension.
Ayurvedic  Treatment for Hypertension :- 
Hypertension is the condition in which an individual has elevated blood pressure.
Ayurveda gives the best remedies to control your elevated blood pressure. Hypertension is caused by Vata vitiation. Occasionally there is the involvement of Kapha as well as pitta. In some cases, there is an obstruction in body channels which in turn causes a Vata imbalance.
Role of Doshas in hypertension.
Excessive alcohol & salt intake :- Pitta, Raktha vitiation
Anger, stress, anxiety :- Vata imbalance
Excessive oily foods, sedentary lifestyle :- Kapha imbalance.
By all these causes the blood or raktha gets accumulated with toxins. The vitiated doshas will negatively influence the quality of blood. The blood flow is influenced by Vata. And the quality of blood is affected by vitiated Kapha as well as pitta dosha. So there is high-pressure exertion on the walls of the blood vessels.
Ayurveda way to treat Hypertension : - 
1) Management of primary hypertension- hypertension not due to any other underlying disease :- 
The vitiated doshas are treated respectively. If the dosha vitiation is extreme, shodhana chikitsa is followed.
Basti is done for Vata, Virechana for Pitta, and Vamana for Kapha dosha. By these purificatory therapies, doshas attain a balance, then shaman therapy is done. This includes consuming kashaya, tablets, medicated water, etc. Blood purifying herbs like ginger, garlic, cinnamon, Basil, etc. are highly effective in preventing hypertension.
2) Management of secondary hypertension :- 
If hypertension occurs secondary to a disease, then disease-specific treatment has to be followed. In short, if you are diabetic, then treat diabetes first, automatically your blood pressure will be normalized.
The Ayurvedic line of Hypertension treatment is aimed at identifying the root cause of the condition and then administering herbs that can eradicate the problem from its roots. Ayurveda has an integrated approach of yoga, meditation & diet control to tackle Hypertension.
Take care of your mental health and keep burnout, anxiety and depression at bay 
Home Remedies to reduce hypertension :- 
Home remedies of herbs constitute garlic as an easy form of hypertension controller. Garlic produces sulphur allicin as its compound to lower the blood-pressure levels in the stream and supports the cardiovascular system of the heart as an antioxidant and mildly antihypertensive capabilities.
Here are some Herbs that can help to relax  mind and body, and relieve stress which is helpful to maintain blood pressure normal :- 
Navahridaya Kalpa
For hypertension
1) Ashwagandha :-  effectively decreases Systolic and Diastolic blood pressure. Ashwagandha  recommended the treatment of stress oriented hypertension.This herb has been known to be a very good cure for insomnia. Ashwagandha also promotes restorative sleep. A daily dose of 1-2 tsp of the dried ashwagandha root powder helps to balance energies in the body and reduce stress and anxiety. 
2) Nelumbo nucifera (Kamala) :-  regulates normal Blood Pressure and this is best known as a vasodilator; as it relaxes blood vessels, promotes blood flow, and alleviates the strain on the heart.
3) Aegle marmelos (Bilva) :- )  exhibits excellent hypolipidemic and hypoglycemic potential in metabolic Syndrome patients.Research has found that Bilva  is effective in lowering the systolic blood pressure. Such an effect is attributed to the presence of potassium that causes widening of the blood vessels and ensures smooth blood flow. Furthermore, it  has low sodium content and thus, it keeps constriction of blood vessels at bay. Its high antioxidant content reduces oxidative stress in kidney and blood vessels and thus helps in keeping the blood pressure within normal range. 
4)  Arjuna :-  500 mg of Arjuna herb every eight hours can reduce angina or chest pain. It also increases exercise capacity in patients with cardiovascular diseases. In fact, it may be as effective isosorbide  mononitrate, the most common drug used to treat angina. is useful in improving cardiovascular endurance and in lowering Systolic BP in normal healthy subjects.
Some of the important precautions and preventive measures to maintain blood pressure normal are as follows :-
1) Exercise regularly.
2)  Walking is an excellent form of exercise for hypertension.
3) Eat fruits and vegetables.
4) Aware  the hectic, stressful, anxiety and strain lifestyle 
5) Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, tobacco, excess tea, coffee, etc.
6) Take less  salt and fat intake.
7) Avoid Incompatible and irregular food habits, excessive oil, spicy ghee, butter, pickles, Papad.
8) Blood pressure should be checked regularly.
9) It is helpful to take One meal consisting of raw foods and the second one should be of cooked foods.
10) Take your meal slowly and in a relaxed atmosphere.
11) Late dinner should be avoided.
12) Bicycling, swimming and jogging are  good.
13) Hobby ,Arts & Rest keep mental calm and free.
14) Yoga lowers the blood pressure naturally by inducing deep Relaxation in the body.
15) Pranayam is  beneficial study says conscious breathing quickly 
Lowers the blood pressure.
16 Meditation :- Study concluded that practicing transcendental meditation may have the potential to reduce systolic and diastolic blood pressure by approximately 4.7 and 3.2 mm Hg, respectively.

Brahmi Enhance Brain and Energy

                     Brahmi - Bacopa monnieri 
 Is the best brain tonic known in Ayurveda. 
It is considered to be a sacred plant due to having many health benefits. 
The herb acts as a memory booster, general tonic and aphrodisiac, used in conditions like stress, epilepsy, psychosomatic disorders, liver disorders, fever, cough and diabetes. 
                                            Brahmi Plant
                                                                        Brahmi with Flower
The small creeping herb grows wildly in marshy places throughout the hotter parts of India. Scientifically known as Bacopa monnieri and jalneem in Hindi, the whole of the Brahmi plant is endowed with medicinal properties. 
Brahmi has been used for centuries as an Ayurvedic medicinal herb. Numerous references have suggested that Brahmi promoting Medhya (intellect), Prajnasaktivardhana (intellectual power), Hrdaya (Heart), Majjadhaty Rasayana (nervous system rejuvenation), Balya (strength, especially mind), and Nidrajanana (sleep).
Brahmi or Bacopa has been used since time immemorial as a tonic for improving memory. In the gurukuls of ancient India there was the practice to regularly administer Brahmi to young students to help them learn sacred hymns. It is the foremost brain tonic herb of the Ayurvedic healing system used primarily as a nerve tonic, to treat insomnia and nervous tension.
Brahmi is especially suitable for students as it enhances the mind's ability to learn and to focus. It has an interesting ability to be able to calm the mind while at the same time to invigorate the thinking capacity in a centered, peaceful way. Brahmi may be useful for people who want to improve mental function and concentration particularly under pressure or in stressful conditions. Brahmi has become especially popular with students and others who need to maintain performance at work or home and has also been recommended for people from middle age on who find their memory is not always as sharp as they would like it to be.
Therefore, whilst benefits of this herb on learning and mental performance are of prime importance, Brahmi may also help to relieve the stress of a learning or study environment.
Health benefit of Brahmi are as follows :- 
1) Anti - Anxiety :- 
Brahmi enhances the mind’s ability to learn and concentrate. As it simultaneously calms and invigorates the mind, it is a very good medicine for reducing the effects of stress and nervous anxiety.
2) Brain Repair :- 
Brahmi is known as an effective "brain food" as it nourishes the brain and improves intelligence and memory. It is traditionally used as an Ayurvedic rejuvenative or rasayana which helps to decrease the signs of aging, particularly in the mind as it increases mental clarity and brain functioning.
3) Cognition Enhancer :-  
Ayurvedic tests describe Brahmi as medhya, a medicine that braces the mind to carry cognitive functions and intellectual pursuits.  Although people in India, especially ayurvedic physicians, knew about Brahmi’s benefits thousands of years ago, modern research on it was conducted recently by the central Drug Research Institute, Lucknow. The trails have resulted in establishing that this long treasured herb, besides possessing antioxidant properties, also has the amazing ability to facilitate learning and enhance memory and Mental Alertness.
4) Wound Healing :- 
 Asiatic Acid is the extract of brahmi leaves increases the peptidic  hydroxyproline and helps in remodeling of collagen synthesis in wounds.
5) Anti - Epileptic :- 
 Brahmi is beneficial in all types of epilepsy.
6) Anti - Cancer :-  
Bacosides, the active class of compounds in Bacopa monnieri, have been shown to kill aggressive brain tumor cells and inhibit the growth of breast and colon cancer cells in test-tube studies.
                                        Brahmi Tablets
Brahmi enhances the mind’s ability to learn and concentrate. As it simultaneously calms and invigorates the mind, it is a very good medicine for reducing the effects of stress and nervous anxiety. It also helps maintain the clarity of thought and has proved effective in treating ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder) in hyperactive children, and age-related mental disorders in old persons. 

Enhance your brain and energy with Brahmi !

Ashwagandha improves health and quality of life

Withania somnifera, commonly known as Ashwagandha  means “horse like smell” in Sanskrit. 
Ashwagandha has been used for upwards of 6,000 years in Ayurvedic medicine, especially for its tonic and adaptogenic abilities. 
According to  Ayurvedic texts  was believed to give you the strength and virility of a horse.
 The medicinal benefits of Ashwagandha are amazing! With so many of us leading hectic lifestyles, this is the perfect answer to helping to fight against  chronic stress , the demands of work and life.
                                      Ashwagandha Plant
                               Ashwagandha Flower
                                 Ashwagandha Root
Common Name: Ashwagandha (Indian Winter Cherry, Indian Ginseng) 
Latin Name: Withania somnifera L.
Family: Solanaceae
Areas of Origin: India, northern Africa and the Middle East
Botanical Description: A small woody shrub/herb which grows to about 2’. Dull green leaves with yellow-green flowers that surround a reddish-orange berry.
Parts Used: Roots,Leaves
Uses: Good for the immune system, chronic stress, fatigue, lower back pain and sciatica; helpful for rheumatoid arthritis
Actions: Sedative, Antiviral, Anti-inflammatory, Diuretic, Immuno modulater, Adaptogenic, Tonic, Antispasmodic, Hepatic, Neuroprotective,Anti- anxiety,
and Anti-depressant properties
Preparations: Tea (infusions), extract, capsules,Tablets, Food
Taste: Sharp, bitter, earthy, slightly sweet
Safety: Avoid during pregnancy.
Contraindications (Plant-Medication Combinations): May potentially increase the effects of pentobarbital and barbiturates. Avoid with dioxin medications.
In Ayurveda. Ashwagandha is  regarded as a hypnotic and sedative throughout its entire range of distribution.  It has also been scientifically proven to help protect brain cells caused by stress similar to Ginseng.
In India Ashwagandha is used as a pre meditation herb because it calms the body and clarifies the mind, it  has been traditionally used for libido, fatigue, mental problems, concentration, memory, general debility, nervous and sexual debility, headaches, rejuvenation and recovery from prolonged illness. 
Now, research suggests that the Ayurvedic herb can be an effective therapeutic and preventive drug against COVID-19 caused by the novel coronavirus.
1) Boost immunity :-Ashwagandha is well-known for its ability to reduce stress and anxiety. Ashwagandha is an adaptogen that allows your body to cope with physical and mental stress more easily. This can improve the immune system and ensure overall health. It is also used in tranquilizers and antidepressants drugs.
2) Anti-inflammatory : - Ashwagandha contains anti-inflammatory properties, which helps to  reduce inflammation. Ashwagandha  promotes the activity of natural killer cells - immune cells that defend your body against infection or injury, helping you stay healthy.
3) Anti-bacterial :- Kills harmful and disease-causing microorganisms:
Since herbs have antibacterial properties, this can improve the ability of the macrophage cells to destroy or kill harmful and disease-causing microorganisms.
4) Protect Lungs :- Ashwagandha can  protect the lungs from inflammation, which is one of the main side effects of COVID-19 infection. Inflammation of the lungs causes excessive production of cytokines and proteins that activate immune cells. Ayurvedic experts claim that this herb has anti-inflammatory properties that can inhibit this process.

5) Balance Blood sugar level :-Ashwagandha can lower blood sugar levels as it help to improve insulin sensitivity and increase insulin secretion.
6) Improve Heart health:-Ashwagandha helps to lower cholesterol and high blood pressure, which  improve heart health.
7) Improves Sexual function and fertility :- Ashwagandha is used to restore male libido, cure impotence and increase male fertility. It is widely used in southern Asia as a male sexuality tonic.
8) For better sleep : - Ashwagandha have a mild sedative effect on the central nervous system and in animal studies it has been shown to be a muscle relaxant. If you are stressed or cannot sleep well, then ashwagandha is the herb for you. It’s a muscle relaxant and also has a mild sedative effect on the central nervous system. It helps fight stress and allows for a better sleep too. The ability of this herb to stabilize moods and encourage adrenal recovery is highly valued by many herbalists. 
Ashwagandha Tablets
9) Improves Thyroid Function :- Ashwagandha has been shown to regulate thyroid and adrenal hormones toward healthy levels. With regard to thyroid hormones, Ashwagandha has demonstrated a remarkable potential to counteract the effects of both over-active AND under-active thyroid glands (Panda and Kar, 1999).
10) Relives Adrenal Fatigue :-  Ashwagandha restore adrenal hormone levels to a healthy range, 

11) Anti-aging:- Premature aging is theorized to be the result of oxidative stress related to chronic nervous tension. Ashwagandha has been demonstrated to possess incredibly powerful anti-oxidant properties, as shown by a reduction in measures of oxidative stress after consumption of Ashwagandha. It thus seems plausible that Ashwagandha acts as a factor which promotes longevity by combating the effects of aging, environmental toxins, and poor nutrition.

12)  Neuro-protective:- Ashwagandha extract has been experimentally demonstrated to promote healthy brain function and prevent deterioration. Studies have shown that consumption of Ashwagandha promotes the healing of damaged neural synapses (the junctions between nerve cells which are essential to healthy brain function). Ashwagandha has been suggested as a potential treatment for neuro-degenerative diseases such as Alzheimer's.
13) Helps to fight Cancer :- Ashwagandha  helps in the prevention of certain types of cancer - such as breast, colon, lung, brain and ovarian cancer. The  withaferin, a bioactive compound in ashwagandha, has been shown to stop tumour cell growth in animals and  in test-tube studies.
14)Reduces Brain cell Degeneration and improve memory :-  Ashwagandha  improves brain function, memory and the ability to perform tasks.
15)  Anti-Oxidant :- Ashwagandha also have antioxidant properties and play a role in anti-aging and help treat Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease.
Ashwagandha is considered safe and well-tolerated in small to medium doses for most people. However, pregnant women should avoid using Ashwagandha as there’s evidence that the herb might cause miscarriages.
Ashwagandha  is used most of the time to increase vitality and boost energy, especially after recovering from chronic illnesses. Many researchers have  shown that it might be a promising prevention for cancer, and also an alternative treatment to certain types of bone cancers. Other studies claim to slow down tumor growth. It boosts the immune system and increases white blood cell counts in several studies.

Ashwagandha may also have antioxidant properties and may play a role in anti-aging and help treat Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease.

Amruth - Giloy - Tinospora Cordifolia - Natural immunity booster

Giloy - Amruth - Guduchi - Tinospora Cordifolia

                                      Giloy Leaves

                                                    Giloy Plant
“Amruth is botanically known as Tinospora Cordifolia, is an Ayurvedic herb that has been used  in Indian medicine for centuries ”.
In Sanskrit, Giloy is known as ‘Amrita', which literally translates to ‘the root of immortality', because of its abundant medicinal properties in the entire range of medicinal plants.
It is believed that if you take Amruth regularly it increases  the longevity of life.
Amruth  is rich in antioxidants, alkaloids and has an incredible antibiotic
as well as immunity enhancing properties.
Amruth is considered as a Medhya Rasayana (intelligence booster) and is very useful in chronic fevers, liver disorders, diabetes, cholesterol, Cancer etc.
Amruth or Giloy  is an anti-inflammatory (that reduces inflammation) and antipyretic (that reduces fever) herb.
Amruth is very helpful in building up the immune system and the body's defense against infecting organisms.
The stem of Giloy is used in conditions like general weakness, dyspepsia, fevers of unknown origin, swine flu and many urinary tract infections.
The bitter properties present in the drug show anti-periodic (Preventing regular recurrence of the symptoms of a disease, as in malaria) and antispasmodic properties which is again helpful in preventing infectious diseases like dengue, swine flu, malaria etc.
Giloy Juice increases platelet count so it used in Dengue treatment.
Amruth or Giloy raises  the efficiency of protective WBC (white blood cells) and builds up the body's own protection mechanism known as the immune system.
It is used as an immunity booster in  jaundice, hepatic fibrosis and seasonal fevers.
Amruth or Giloy  has proved very effective in preventing fibrous changes and promoting regeneration of the liver. It is a very good and helpful diuretic agent that helps remove renal stones and reduce urea from the blood.
Giloy has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic, and anti-allergic actions.
Amruth Tablets.
Health Benefit of Amruth - Giloy - Tinospora Cordifolia are as follows : -
1 ) Amruth increases the immunity of the body. It fights against infecting organisms. It enhances natural immunity in the human body.
2) Amruth has been used to treat general weakness, fever, dyspepsia, dysentery, gonorrhea, secondary syphilis, urinary diseases, impotency, gout, viral hepatitis, skin diseases, and anemia.
3) Along with other combinations  Amruth  is used  to treat jaundice, rheumatoid arthritis, and diabetes. Amruth Tablets
4) Amruth is  used for the treatment of fever due to infection.
5) Amruth  purifies blood and maintains blood pressure normal.
6) Amruth  is a remedy for diabetes.It brings down the high blood sugar.
7) Amruth is anti-inflammatory.It is used to cure rheumatic pain.
8) The leaves of the Amruth plant  cure psychological disorders And are also used for swine flu treatment.
9) Traditionally  the leaves of Amruth  are used to cure urine infection , stomach ulcer , to cure bowel problems and mixed with cow milk Amruth leaves are used to cure leucorrhoea. The leaf extract is used to cure jaundice and anaemia.
10) Amruth increases memory power.It removes the toxins from the brain.
11) The Amruth plant oil is used to cure skin diseases and promote healthy skin.
12) Amruth cures asthma and clears the respiratory tract.
13) Amruth helps to bring down bleeding during menstruation.
14) The juice of the leaf, root and stem helps in digestion. The juice is also used in the treatment of the cardiac disorder.
15) Amruth adds strength and vigour to the body and removes the weakness.
16) Amruth is  used in the treatment of cancer.
17)  Amruth is  very very useful in Dengue because it helps to increase the count of platelets.
Amruth - Giloy - Tinospora cordifolia  is known as queen of all herbs.
Amruth is  the nectar of god Indra, that’s why it is considered Amrita (pious liquid or nectar).
So it is true that in 
Sanskrit, Giloy is known as ‘Amrita', which literally translates to ‘the root of immortality', because of its abundant medicinal properties in the entire range of medicinal plants.

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