Showing posts with label Samadhi. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Samadhi. Show all posts

How to attain Samadhi in Meditation?

Question: How to attain Samadhi in Meditation?

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ji:
The human nervous system is so designed that it can exhibit the totality of consciousness. Living in a finite body, and expressing infinity, is the possibility of human life!

What is the highest state of the blossoming of consciousness?
The highest state of the blossoming of consciousness is that the consciousness, which is neither in the past, nor in the future, nor in the present but a witness to all three; or you can say that consciousness, which contains the infinite past, the infinite future and is totally available in the present moment.

It is like a kaleidoscope or a telescope. Let’s take the example of a telescope. A telescope can catch and bring into your vision, something that the naked eye cannot perceive! Through a telescope, you can see the faraway stars, the planets, and their movements, so much more clearly. Now, what does a telescope do? Well, it just magnifies the rays that are coming in anyway, and makes you aware of them; you can comprehend them.

In the same way, though the infinite Divine consciousness is present everywhere, its telescopic vision is an altered state of consciousness and that is what’s called samadhi.

The final blossoming of the consciousness is samadhi.
Experience the highest blossoming of the consciousness today with the New Shiva Guided Meditation.

What is samadhi? Does it only happen with eyes closed?

What is samadhi? Does it only happen with eyes closed? 

Sri Sri : First it is good to start with eyes closed, then it can also happen with eyes open. A devotee has sung such a beautiful verse in Kannada. He has said, 'When my breath is so fragrant, why would I need any flowers?'
See, when your mind is in a very heightened or pleasant state, your breath is like a flower, very soft. When there is pain or heaviness in the mind, your breath is also heavy. When there is love for everyone, the breath has fragrance. So when there is fragrance in the breath, why would one need flowers.

Then he says, 'When there is Kshama(forgiveness), daya (compassion), shanti (peace), sairnne (endurance) in me, why would I need to go and sit in samadhi?'
What is the need of samadhi where there is total forgiveness, total compassion, total peace and total endurance to welcome the opposites? When I can handle the pleasant and the unpleasant equally, because every pain and every unpleasant thing also gives depth to your life. They are also an instrument for you to progress in life. Not just pleasant situations but unpleasant situations are also stepping stones for you to become strong and stronger. So when all these four exist in me, what is the need of samadhi?
Now what are the four things?
1. Kshama which means forgiveness. The Earth is called kshama. Do you know why? Earth is most forgiving. Even though you dig the Earth and you are straining and sweating, in return, it nurtures you and it gives you water to quench your thirst. You till the soil and it gives you grains. So it is most forgiving
2. Daya which means compassion
3. Shanti which means peace. Peace is total relaxation. Feeling relaxed physically, mentally and emotionally
4. Sairnne which means forbearance or endurance

The next one is even more interesting. He says, 'When I have become the whole world and I see the whole universe as myself, what is the point in solitude? Where will I go and hide? This is not necessary'.
And then the devotee asks God, 'Are you listening? This is my opinion. You better listen'.

Samadhi is the mother of all talents, strengths and virtues.

 *Deep Rest and Bliss*

Deep rest is bliss, and bliss is the understanding that only God exists. Knowing that only God exists is the deepest rest possible. This conviction or experience that "only God exists" is Samadhi. Samadhi is the mother of all talents, strengths and virtues. Samadhi is needed even for the most materialistic person because a materialistic person looks to gain strength and virtues. To be in Samadhi you do not need any effort or talents, strengths or virtues.

Withdrawing from all types of physical and mental activity is rest. That is in-built in our system as sleep, and sleep is the best friend of activity. Samadhi is a conscious rest. Samadhi is the best friend of life. To be alive in your full potential, Samadhi is indispensable.

That wealth is meditation. Now you have a lot of money, now you do not need any more money. Now dig into your inner mine, which is above all."

Yogi Nagarjun  who would sit under a tree and  meditate. Every day, he used to watch a woodcutter come there, cut some wood and take it with him. One day he said to him, "Brother, you cut and collect wood all day long, and still it's not enough to earn two meals a day. Why don't you go a little further... There is a sandalwood forest ahead. If you cut wood one day, it will earn you enough for seven days."

The poor woodcutter could not believe it because he thought no one else knew the forest as well as he did. He had spent his whole life chopping wood in the forest. Whereas this mystic kept sitting under the tree, what did he know? At first, he wasn't willing to accept, but then he came to the conclusion that what's the harm in checking? Who knows, he might be right! Then again, why would he even lie? He seemed like a calm and quiet man, happy in his own world. He had never even said anything before. So he decided to go and check for himself. 

So he went ahead. When he returned, he bowed down and fell at the feet of the Yogi Nagarjun saying, "Please forgive me! I had a huge doubt in my mind, as I thought who could know this forest better than me. But I did know how to recognize sandalwood. My father was also a woodcutter; his father was also a wood cutter. But we just kept cutting this firewood, we did not even know about sandalwood, what exactly sandalwood is? Even if we got sandalwood, we would have cut it and sold it in the market just like any other log of wood. You revealed its identity to me, its smell, how to recognise it. How unfortunate am I! I wish I had known earlier." The Yogi Nagarjun  said, "Don't worry, now you have found out."

The woodcutter then began to spend his days with great pleasure. He would come to the forest and cut wood one day, and then he did not need to come for seven-eight, or even ten days. One day, the mystic said to him, "My brother, I used to think you would get some sense. You kept chopping wood here all your life, you never went further ahead. And even now, you never wonder that there could be something more valuable beyond this sandalwood..?"

The woodcutter said, "I didn't even think about it. Is there anything beyond sandalwood?"

He said, "Go ahead from sandalwood, there is a silver mine there. Leave this wood cutting. If you bring this silver once, it will last for two to four months."

Now he trusted the fakir. So he ran at once. No doubts arose in his mind. And he got hold of silver! Life was luxurious now. Now he wouldn't be seen for four to six months. He would come for one day, and then would disappear again. But man's mind is so foolish that even then he didn't realise that there could be something else beyond this.

Again one day the Yogi Nagarjun said to him, "Will you ever wake up or not? Or will I have to awaken you again? There is a gold mine ahead, fool! Do you not have any questions, curiosity, anything from your side that I should look further? Now for six months, you are lying quiet, there is no work at home, you are at leisure. And you never thought let's look ahead in the forest..?"

The woodcutter said, "I am too slow, I did not even think about it! I believed silver was the last thing, what could be there beyond this! Being poor, I've never seen gold, only heard about it." The Yogi Nagarjun  replied, "There is a gold mine further on." And thus the story goes on. And then, there is a diamond mine further. This story went on for many years. And one day the mystic remarked, "you are so ignorant, now you have stopped on diamonds?" Now that woodcutter had also become wealthy, he had palaces of his own. He said arrogantly, "Leave it now, don't bother me. Now what can be there after diamonds?"

The Yogi Nagarjun said, "Beyond diamonds, _I am_ there. Did you never wonder, that this man is sitting here, he knows of the diamond mine, and is still not piling up diamonds.. he must have found something more precious.. he must have gone beyond diamonds.. this question never arose in your mind?"

The man started crying. He slammed his head at the mystic's feet and said, "How stupid am I! I never had this question! It's only when you say, that I think further. For in my lifetime, I could not imagine that you have more riches than diamonds. Please show me the way to get the real wealth that you have!"

The Yogi Nagarjun said, "That wealth is meditation. Now you have a lot of money, now you do not need any more money. Now dig into your inner mine, which is above all."

We must go forward and keep moving forward... until all the experiences have quietened. As long as even the experience of God continues, it implies duality still exists - the seer and the scene are present. When even that experience is gone, then the state of _samadhi_ is attained. Then there is no scene, no seer, nothing at all remains. There is a silence, and in that void, the lamp of understanding burns. That is the ultimate state, that is _samadhi

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