Showing posts with label Spiritual Leader. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spiritual Leader. Show all posts

Our society has awakened and had started accepting yoga and meditation

In our country we have more of indifference than intolerance. There was a talk that India has become intolerant. I would say that we have become indifferent not intolerant.
         This indifference is eating our society. We have this profound knowledge with us and still we are indifferent towards it. The whole world is longing for this knowledge.
       We have this saying. Ghar ki murgi dal barabar. (A hindi proverb roughly translated : Homemade chicken is equivalent to plain cooked lentils) .We stay like that. 
       Now our society has awakened and had started accepting yoga and meditation. This interest should increase.

- Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji 

When doubt starts to overtake the mind, the consciousness starts to go down. Doubt is one thing that can eat and destroy you

The Story of Garuda and Lord Rama

~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji

There is a story in the Ramayana: Lord Rama needed the help of Garuda, one of his devotees, at a time when Rama was under the spell of a poison arrow. Garuda saved him from that. After he did this, a doubt came in his mind. “I thought Rama was my savior all these years. I thought he was going to help me, but today if I did not save him, he would have died. Today he needed my help and I saved him. How can I depend on him? I seem to be more powerful than he is. He seems to be ordinary, for without me he would have died. Both he and his brother would have died in the war.”

When this doubt came in Garuda, it kept eating at him. When doubt starts to overtake the mind, the consciousness starts to go down. Doubt is one thing that can eat and destroy you. When doubt enters the soul, they say that the person will have neither success in this world or the next world, the inner world. Such was the doubt of Garuda. He was in such dismay because all his trust had been shaken. What could he do now? He could not tell Rama that he doubted whether he could continue to be his devotee because he now perceived Rama to be weaker than himself. He could not dare to go and ask him. So he quietly went and asked Narada, another teacher who was the exponent of divine love, and the author of the Bhakti Sutras.

Narada told Garuda to go and ask a particular crow in the Himalayas. He told him to go and sit at the feet of the crow and he would learn. This was very humiliating for Garuda because Garuda was known as the king of birds and now had to go to the lowest of the birds to seek advice. The point of the story is that Garuda had to go and give up his total ego and sit at the feet of a crow to clear his doubts. The crow then tells Garuda, “Oh, you fool, the master has uplifted you so much by giving you the chance to serve him in that manner. Couldn’t you see this? It is so obvious. His love for you was so great that he put himself down and put you up so that you could feel better in serving him by saying that you saved him. What could save Lord Rama? He is the savior of the whole creation.” The crow gives him a good lecture.
With this knowledge, his doubt and his ego vanished. He went back to the master and started serving the master. Humility came back to Garuda. Humility is the perfection of the soul, of the being.

Our sins are not deep down inside us. They are superficial. They are not even skin deep. That is why in ancient India there is a saying, “If you have done something wrong, go to the Ganges and take a dip. Like soap washes away the dirt from you, sin is so superficial it will get washed away.”

One heartfelt, sincere prayer can relieve you of your sins.
However the past has been, whatever mistake has happened, in the present, do not consider yourself to be a sinner or maker of that mistake, because in the present moment you are again new, pure, and clear.
Mistakes of the past are past. When knowledge dawns, that moment you are perfect again.

Curiosity is the mother of science and wonder is the mother of spirituality

 Fear is like salt

Fear is the cause of's like keeps oneself alert in present moment. What is unpleasant about is that it tears the body apart...creates lots of toxins. ...loose our body that is the Fear, which brings us into present moment...associated with body. It develops in child as ego starts developing....if there is no fear, you will hurt your's necessary protection for our body but little more like spoils food. Who insults others ? is happy pr the other is unhappy....insensitive person may hurt someone...gods have quality of aabhayaaa....balance that Fear...both these qualities are within you...Fear about body...what people will can categorize....even after enlightenment or knowing yourself, if you Fear...don't negate enlightenment....whether it is lost, Fear etc but they are like passing clouds....don't be deluded...they are fleeting moments...same is for desire. Present is not enough....craving for future moment...Sex is ...mind and body come to present moment. If desire passes through such experience you can wonder about it is one absorbs what other is same way what is happening in one's own body...that's how he sees events and is not perturbed by them.
What is difference between wonder and curiosity ? 
Curiosity is the beginning of mind and wonder is end of it !Child is curious about everything...answer them...another question they will have....after certain period curiosity stops and inertia develops..curiosity is the mother of science and wonder is the mother of spirituality. If you do just courses, nothing you time goes..curiosity dies. After while one takes even miracle is taken for leaves have this color pattern...this is wonder. This entire Universe is measured by our senses. Without eye you cannot feel how bright light is ! That's why Universe is called's can be measured....example sugar n coffee. So, under stand means something within us or under the threshold....we can hear something outside.. similarly eyes has certain degree of you can see..what you can't what owl can see ! If curiosity is absent, then you are dead. If you are curious and pass through and reach wonder.. that is spiritual growth...all prophets had scientific minds...maturity of science comes natural way...More you know atoms..nebulous...etc and infinity everywhere. Just being curious is not enough, but you will not understand it as Maya...but have to see it beyond curiosity...monkeys don't wonder but they look so many times. It will break every pearl and taste it.Looking to the come and passes...even death cannot shake an enlightened one. Death is like shedding clothes and walking away. What is that you are worried about ? There is no comparison with one has established oneself in's most unpredictable or unimaginable. It appears like story and you can only wonder about it...keen on big and small things..enjoy toffee or magnanimous of universe...desiring for the betterment of entire Universe. Total fearlessness but concern...found in natural way.

Stop all conflicts 

Two things of knowing known to minds...concepts...Krishna says shabdajal..inside there is seed in world that is not known to me....Sometimes words you heard were just a sound but the meaning is revealed after sometime...swabhava gnyana...example UP stand...everything is set...stand and start...janaka was amid reader since childhood but few minutes with Janaka...seed started sprouting...words touched deep in his heart.
We have heard nose is hollow and empty but experience is different but by very nature when we know that everything is hollow and empty...Child has come from nothing...what is there in mother ? knowledge is never's new everyday....such a brave will not ask I want this ..I want that...everything is hollow and empty. You can leave everything from outside but to leave everything inside as hollow and empty is difficult ... as good...bad , qualities of mind creating conflict inside you... mind dropping all conflicts and taking all that has come without any complain...people who love or don't love...botheration happen...detach yourself. There are people who detach with good who has made hollow and empty...none of worldly things like hankering..pleasure ur unpleasant. They take things as they come...see divinity in all. 

We have to make the discipline free and the freedom disciplined

*Balance and discipline*

People who are free, regret that they don't have discipline. They keep promising that they will become disciplined. People who are disciplined look for the end. (Discipline is not an end in itself, it is a means.)

Look at the people who have no discipline; they are miserable. Freedom without discipline is absolute misery. Discipline without freedom is suffocating.

Orderliness is monotonous and chaos is stressful.

We have to make the discipline free and the freedom disciplined.

People who are in company all the time, they look for the comforts of solitude. People who are in solitude, feel so lonely and want to be in company.

People who are in a cold place want to be in a warm place. People who are in a warm place love something cool.

This is the dilemma of life: Everyone is looking for perfect balance. Perfect balance is like a razor's edge. It can only be found in the self.

There is no road to this town and there are no steps to this house.

How do you get in? Figure it all out.

Knowledge should bring bliss, makes you light, frees you. Keep moving forward, not stuck in past, taking life in totality,

02.06.2022 - Session 2 - Letting Go of Desire (Part 2) - Notes

If we can detach your sense of peace/happiness from desire, you remain unwavered when desire come and fall. Nothing can disturb the state of happiness. It is not impossible to achieve this with help of meditation/pranayama. Witness your desires, stop labelling them as good or bad. it all depends on the state of mind at that moment. See every wish as pure energy, and your happiness shouldn't be identified with fulfillment of desires. That is the strength.

The power of knowledge

Desire is the first power.Second power is knowledge. Knowledge is not just information. Information is just tiny part of knowledge. Information is there in computer/book , do they have the power of awareness? it is awakening which we call knowledge

In sanskrit there are two words - learning the skills - involves information/experience
2.diksha - that which removes ignorance/that which frees you from impurity

There are 3 levels of impurity.

1.physical level impurity /malla- imbalance in body. For knowledge to manifest we must have healthy system. can be done away with healthy food/proper exercise/yoga
2.Vikshepa - mental agony - imaginary difficulties in mind - can be done away by wisdom/looking at the cause of disturbance. 
3.Avarna - certain veil on your consciousness/being - happens only through grace/blessings/good company.

Diksha happens at 3 levels

1. just in presence/vibrations
2 mantra - sahaj samadhi
3. that sense of deep connectivity to the divinity. you feel total oneness. 

Only when we have both shiksha and diksha, the two aspects knowledge is complete. Such knowledge is power.Knowledge is level of awareness/quality of consciousness not just information.

Knowing that you don't know is also knowledge. When you realize the ignorance/that i don't know that is also knowledge.That brings humility in your consiousness.Life needs conviction of knowing and at the same it needs awareness of knowing i don't know. we need to simultaneously develop these 2 aspects that is the power of knowledge.

There are certain things which you don't know and you know that you don't know those things. There are certain things which you really don't know, you don't even know that you don't know it. Its very subtle.Our consciousness is very interesting field to explore as u dont know yourself.

Your 3 powers

Lord kartikeya is depicted with 6 heads - which is related to 5 senses and then 6th head is 6th phase - inner awareness. Peacock is associated with Kartikeya,which signified beauty.

Knowledge and wisdom brings beauty in one. When desires are sattvic , towards good for everyone, free from greed is beautiful.Peacock seldom open its feathers, similarly if you have wisdom it whenever opens up and shows it glory occasionally.

Saraswati is depicted with book in a hand (left brain) and has a musical instrument (right brain) and then rosary in other hand. Rosary depicts meditations. In life you need to have music, logic and meditation

Knowledge should bring bliss, makes you light, frees you. Keep moving forward, not stuck in past, taking life in totality, that is what is required.This can be achieved with knowledge. It can keep joy alive in you. If someone is miserable that means they are not utilizing knowledge power.

Just wake up and see everything is changing, you don't need to hold on to anything, something that remain unchanged , unblemished, ever shining ,eternal that is what you are.
Just drop all the words, even the words mentioned here, notice the stillness that stillness gives birth to wisdom, that is the container of the knowledge, that is the power.

Become aware about the strength the confirmed knowledge brings to you and at the same time become aware of your things you don't know (innocent blossoming of the consciousness). You don't know what will happen. This will free you from depression/anxiety. Confirmed knowledge and knowing what you don't know , both brings strength. 

each one of us is wonderful within - we are beautiful, caring, and loving. But we need to know how to spread the fragrance.

Spreading the Fragrance

During satsang, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar opened a small, nicely-wrapped present - a tiny bottle of jasmine perfume. He twisted off the cap and sniffed the lovely fragrance. He poured a small amount of it on some paper and waved it in the air, wafting the scent to all corners of the hall. Everyone could then enjoy it.

Gurudev explained that it is not enough simply to have the fragrance. We have to know how to spread it. Flowers have fragrance, but it is the wind that spreads it. In the same way, each one of us is wonderful within - we are beautiful, caring, and loving. But we need to know how to spread the fragrance.

Satsang is that wind that spreads this fragrance to everyone. 

The Art of Living to Revive 75 Rivers, Plant 75 Lakh Trees, Solar Electrify 75 Schools in Border Villages, Set up 75 Skill Development Centres, and 75 Digital Literacy Centres in Prisons, as Part of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav Celebrations

The Art of Living to Revive 75 Rivers, Plant 75 Lakh Trees, Solar Electrify 75 Schools in Border Villages, Set up 75 Skill Development Centres, and 75 Digital Literacy Centres in Prisons, as Part of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav Celebrationsg

75 Rivers | 75L Trees | 75 Skill Centres | 75 Schools in border villlage

Whether you want or not, God is all over. God is in the stone. God is in the flowers. God is in the garbage can. God is all over.


There is a very nice story. Once God decided to go to a temple, which He rarely does. So He gave a dream to the priest. He said, “I’m coming into the temple tomorrow.” So the priest, for a change, started cleaning the temple. 

If it’s a Hindu temple, it is a little messier than other temples. They throw water everywhere, prashad everywhere, here, there, and flowers will be lying down here and there and some dried flowers will be found. So he said, “Okay.” He kept cleaning. And he told all the people, “Today God is going to come to the temple.” Even the people who come to the temple did not believe. Say, “Oh, what has happened to the priest?” They felt sorry for him. “He may need a psychiatrist. Today he’s saying something very weird, like ‘God is going to come to the temple.'” They also had no faith. 

Some people had compassion for him. Some people phoned a psychiatrist but somehow the priest made all the arrangements. He brought flowers. He arranged the temple. And then he waited, waited, waited, waited. After evening, five o’clock, six o’clock, seven o’clock…. There was another co-priest. He said, “Oh, you are crazy.” He started discouraging him. “What? What do you think? Has something gone wrong with you?” The first few moments people have some hope and then as time went by, everyone, even those one or two other crazy people who could accept his idea, also started discouraging him. And since everybody was so discouraging, he thought, “Maybe.” He started doubting himself. “Maybe I had a hallucination or an illusion. It’s not true.” 

So he waited up till eleven o’clock. Somehow tried hard to keep awake, drank some Indian tea. So he kept awake up ’til twelve o’clock, then he fell asleep. And then in the middle of the night, he heard somebody knock on the door. 

God is also afraid to come in the daytime. Somebody may arrest Him and punish Him, court-martial Him. “Why did You do this thing to me? Why did You do this thing to me?” A number of questions. So He preferred to come in the middle of the night. He heard a knock on the door. And then the priest wanted to get up and say,

“See, I hear a knock. Maybe God has come.” The co-priest who was with him there, sleeping in the same room, he just scolded him and made him go to bed again. Sleepy he said, “Just drop these funny ideas and go to sleep. If not, I’m going to call the mental hospital now. This is too much.” 

So hearing this, the man slept. And in the morning when he opens the door of the temple, he finds the footprint and finds the wheel of the chariot. He was so sorry. God had really come and had really knocked and here he had missed. 

He felt so sorry, so miserable. This is a nice story. That is what happens. 

God is calling you every moment. He’s singing through you. He’s waking you up through those sounds of the birds, through that little, little animal, creature, its voice, see how beautiful, “Coo, coo,” something it says. It fills the whole atmosphere. If you listen to it, your heart starts glowing. Something happens in you. You start becoming more alive.

 Love flows in your life. In the morning, have you heard the birds singing? He is singing in the voice of birds to you. He’s waking you up every morning. But we miss Him. We have missed in this crowd, in our mind, in our concepts, in our ideas. 

We want God to fit into our costumes. Say, “You should come with such-and-such a costume.” Fit into our concepts, our ideas, what God should be doing. We are not ready to accept what is. In the very presence of a devotee…. See, God is omnipresent, but a devotee is rare. 

Whether you want or not, God is all over. God is in the stone. God is in the flowers. God is in the garbage can. God is all over. But a devotee is not all over. So God runs behind His devotees. To God, devotees are very dear, so dear. 

The ancestors rejoice when a person blossoms fully on this planet in Divine love. All the people who are dead and gone, their souls, their Beings, they are filled with joy and grace and happiness. They enjoy. Every drop of gratitude in you brings great joy to your ancestors. 

Do you think about all those people who have gone? Your grandparents and great-grandparents and great-great-great-grandparents. The whole family tree of yours rejoices when you experience, when you live this love, when you are a devotee. All of them are liberated. It says the seven generations in the past and the seven generations in the future get liberated, if you get liberated, if you become free.

- Gurudev Sri Sri Ravishankarji

*What binds us?* A: Our 5 senses | Sight | Smell | Hear | Taste | Touch


 Sage Ashtavakra said if king Janaka desired liberation and freedom that can only be achieved after certain degree of awakening. When one gets tired of their habits.


  Billions of lives on this planet do not have this blessing. They exist, die and dissolve.

  Even if we are bored, we get bored about something very small and a little change in the situation can make us comfortable again.
  🌸 E.g: If I am bored after staying at one place I will go onto vacation or if I am bored of eating home made food, I will order something from outside. But THERE ARE VERY FEW WHO ARE ACTUALLY BORED OF THEIR HABITS/PATTERNS. *BLESSED ARE THOSE WHO GETS BORED* .
  🌷 *Activity:* List out the patterns which we are actually bored of? (e.g.: some of us have tendency to take up one work and then without finishing that one we take another one and so on because sometimes we feel bored with the previous one and want something new. )

 Among billions of lives on this planet, it is very rare and precious to have human birth. Then it is more valuable if we get bored by our habits/patterns/routine and want to be free. Then getting company of Ashtavakra who can help us in getting rid of these patterns is even more difficult. (WE SHOULD APPLAUD THAT WE HAVE ALL 3 🤩).

 Q: *What binds us?*
 A: Our 5 senses
  🌸 Sight
  🌸 Smell
  🌸 Hear
  🌸 Taste
  🌸 Touch

  Even if *we are in favor of something or against it, we are stuck in both ways* . Because that thing will occupy our mind no matter what and we won't have freedom from it.

  Don’t even be against wrong. This is a revolutionary idea but this doesn’t mean one should advocate wrong.(What I understood from this is for example if one doesn’t support corruption they should take every possible measure to eradicate it and be the part of solution rather than becoming feverish about it and just grumbling, Usually we talk and don’t take any action.)
  🌷 *Activity:* Find out at least a single thing that we are against and then try to figure out how can we be the part of solution. (Feel free to message me on this for more discussion 😇)

 Of all the objects of the senses whichever is pulling us back, giving momentary joy is like a poison. Just drop them.
               🌷 *Activity:* List out at least 3 things that are giving us momentary joy (e.g. binge watching, listening to music day and night etc.) and then relate them to their corresponding 5 senses. *VOILA!! Now we know which sense is actually pulling us back.*
....Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji

*निष्ठा तुम्हारी सम्पदा है* निष्ठा तुम्हें तुरन्त ही बल देती है। निष्ठा तुममें स्थिरता, केन्द्रितता, प्रशांति और प्रेम लाती है। निष्ठा तुम्हारे लिए आशीर्वाद है।

 *निष्ठा तुम्हारी सम्पदा है* 

यदि तुम सोचते हो कि ईश्वर में तुम्हारी निष्ठा ईश्वर का कुछ हित कर रही है, तो यह तुम्हारी भूल है। ईश्वर या गुरु में तुम्हारी निष्ठा ईश्वर या गुरु का कुछ नहीं करती। निष्ठा तुम्हारी सम्पदा है। निष्ठा तुम्हें तुरन्त ही बल देती है। निष्ठा तुममें स्थिरता, केन्द्रितता, प्रशांति और प्रेम लाती है। निष्ठा तुम्हारे लिए आशीर्वाद है।

यदि तुममें निष्ठा का अभाव है, तुम्हें निष्ठा के लिए प्रार्थना करनी होगी। परन्तु प्रार्थना के लिए निष्ठा की आवश्यकता है। यह विरोधाभासी है। (हँसी) लोग संसार में निष्ठा रखते हैं परन्तु यह पूरा संसार सिर्फ साबुन का बुलबुला है। लोगों को स्वयं में निष्ठा है परन्तु वे जानते नहीं कि वे स्वयं कौन हैं। लोग सोचते है कि ईश्वर में उनकी निष्ठा है परन्तु वे सचमुच नहीं जानते ईश्वर कौन हैं।
निष्ठा तीन प्रकार की होती है:

1 स्वयं में निष्ठा: स्वयं में निष्ठा के बिना तुम सोचते हो- मैं यह नहीं कर सकता, यह मेरे लिए नहीं; मैं कभी इस जिंदगी में मुक्त नहीं हो पाऊँगा।
2 संसार में निष्ठा: संसार में तुम्हें निष्ठा रखनी ही होगी वरना तुम एक इन्च भी नहीं बढ़ सकते। तुम बैंक में रुपये जमा करते हो इस निष्ठा के साथ कि वह तुम्हें वापस मिलेंगे। यदि तुम सब-कुछ पर शक करोगे, तब तुम्हारे लिए कुछ नहीं हो सकता।
3 ईश्वर में निष्ठा: ईश्वर में निष्ठा रखो, तभी तुम्हारा विकास होगा। ये सभी निष्ठाएं आपस में जुड़ी हैं; प्रत्येक का मजबूत होने के लिए तुममें तीनों ही होनी चाहिए। यदि तुम एक पर भी शक करोगे, तुम सब पर शक करना आरम्भ कर दोगे।

प्रश्न: नास्तिक स्वयं में और संसार में विश्वास रखते हैं, पर ईश्वर में नहीं।

श्री श्री: तब उनमें स्वयं के प्रति सम्पूर्ण निष्ठा नहीं। और संसार के प्रति उनकी निष्ठा स्थाई नहीं हो सकती क्योंकि परिवर्तन हमेशा होता रहता है।

ईश्वर, संसार और स्वयं के प्रति निष्ठा का अभाव भय लाता है।

निष्ठा तुम्हें पूर्ण बनाती है- सम्पूर्ण।
प्रश्न: निष्ठा और विश्वास में क्या फर्क है?

श्री श्री: निष्ठा आरम्भ है। विश्वास परिणाम है। स्वयं के प्रति निष्ठा स्वतंत्रता लाती है। संसार में निष्ठा तुम्हें मन की शांति देती है। ईश्वर में निष्ठा तुममें प्रेम जागृत करती है। ईश्वर में निष्ठा के बिना संसार के प्रति निष्ठा होने से भी पूर्ण शान्ति नहीं मिलती। लेकिन यदि तुममें प्रेम है तो स्वत: ही तुममें शांति और स्वतंत्रता होगी। अत्यधिक अशान्त व्यक्तियों को केवल ईश्वर में निष्ठा रखनी चाहिए

A yogi works 100 percent without desires or attachments. This is Karma Yoga.

Work doesn’t tire as much as desires and attachments. A yogi works 100 percent without desires or attachments. This is Karma Yoga.

~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji

Some great joy? What great joy can come to you? You are joy!

What is that you are looking for or holding on to? Some great joy? What great joy can come to you? You are joy! 

~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

What are the qualities that the master wants to see in an ideal devotee?

Question - Gurudev, what are the qualities that the master wants to see in an ideal devotee?

Gurudev Sri Sri - None. If I name a quality , you will all try to emulate that quality. Just be your natural self. Be honest. Even if you miss a meditation one day, don’t feel guilty about it. Time is carrying you. All the good qualities you aspire for, you have them anyway. You are here and you are doing the right thing.

Intimate Note to Sincere Seeker -Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji

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Reduce the quantity of grains and cereals in your meals

Reduce the quantity of grains and cereals in your meals. Food should get well digested. We eat so much and then it does not get digested well because of which you experience cramps and aches in the body. So once every few days, do not have any grains or cereals in your meals at all, just have raw or boiled vegetables.

~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji 

Give everything and take nothing Love is taking nothing and giving more

 Give everything and take nothing 

Janaka has said how business man drowns in this less and giving more. Business means taking more and giving less. Love is taking nothing and giving more. Soul is doing business. Limited mind is wanting more and giving less. In any relation....I did everything but everyone must be loving....doing something to get recognition, privileges, love etc is business. In the name of devotion soul also wants material or some spiritual gain too. In this process, business man drowns himself. The limited individual becoming infinite in it's true nature....small desires etc dissolve in me.  
Ashtavakra smiles on Janaka as a gardener sees it's garden bloom. As a king he recognized it. 
Janaka is an emperor...has to govern entire country...crops,welfare...anyone not having welfare....if he isn't looking after look after everything....prosperity of everything...he had to be concerned...Ashtavakra smiles. Having known entire Universe as one self as one aatmaa you could find joy in process of accumulating wealth. So some country sell arms, nature, etc to other country to make themselves wealthy. Ashtavakra smiles and knows that he hasn't any interest but it is happening...when business becomes it's eats up. On the other hand, if business is in periphery, then it welfare's strange and unique. Budha wear saffron............left everything. Janaka had kingdom had responsibilities more than any common world and politics is not an impediment but is difficult. 
Mother of pearl gives you false impression of silver. 
You have limitation of experiences...anything that you give pleasure also after sometime gives you pain too. Everything is burning down and you are left with ashes but why our mind is always attracted. It's because you are ignorant about being or self. You get joy in Sex or alcohol is actually joy in self...where inner pool of sensation of pool overwhelms of cells are's state of light,love and joy. We all are living with current but it's not energized...sadhanas removes become more and more alive. What is meant by silence...that is life...the source is blocked.
Where the knowledge of silver in mother of waves in ocean...the entire Universe is springing from me will you...what is it that you are running after....semi conscious mind is source of desire. I am not preaching on anything...if desires are have to be more and more have heard are still you find yourself sinner because it's not getting registered. It's sort of why one is stuck in small things...just hearing doesn't more morning you should feel infinite are wonderful.
Remembering our true are floating. Little irritation happen ...cockroach are singing...some X y z will irritate.. I am not saying you shouldn't get are fed up with what...illusion in the mind is called about fleeting events of life. If you aren't irritated I the events of life..then you will be stuck forever.
....Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji

That which cannot be seen is the basis of everything, and that which we can see is actually nothing!

That which cannot be seen is the basis of everything, and that which we can see is actually nothing!

Gurudev Ravi Shankarji  speaks on Tattva-jnana (Bhagvad Gita Discourse) 

So Lord Krishna says that out of millions of people, very few will walk the spiritual path, and of those few who follow the spiritual path, fewer still are able to realize Me and know Me completely by my true form (Tattva).
The rest of the people come, just listen and go away without grasping anything. Only a few rare people are actually able to know Me by My true nature (Tattva-jnana: here meaning knowledge of the deepest principle or element).
This is a great secret. And what is the Tattva that He is speaking about here? He explains this in the fourth verse: ‘Bhumir apo 'nalo vayuh kham mano buddhir eva cha. Ahamkara itiyam me bhinna prakrtir ashtadha’. (7.4)

He says, ‘Do you think I am only this physical body? No! I am Earth, I am Water, I am Fire, I am Air and I am Space. I am the Mind, Intellect and the Ego. These are the eight types of energies, that is me, and I call these my Apara-prakruti (eight types of nature or modes of expression of the Divine in the materialistic realm). I am all eight of these. I am present in every particle of this Earth, and in every molecule of water.

Water is present everywhere – in the Earth, in the sky, in the air and in the sea; it is everywhere.
Do you know, 60% of your body is composed of water? So all these people sitting here today are nothing but many litres of water (laughter).
If you weigh 60 kg, then nearly 36 kg of your body weight is nothing but water. So each person is like an earthen pot, filled with water. Similarly, 15% of your body is made up of the air element. Your body also has the earth element and all these are bound together by the fire element, and that is where body heat comes from. So there is heat in the body due to the fire element.

Then, Lord Krishna also says, ‘I am the mind, intellect and the ego’.
Many times people come to me and say, ‘Gurudev, I want to get rid of my ego’.
What is it that you want to get rid of? Ego too is a form of God, so just let it be there. The ego seated deep within you is also a form of the Divinity.

He says, ‘All these eight types of nature are present within you, and they ar
e all nothing but different forms of Me’, this is what Lord Krishna says to Arjuna. You are not your mind. You are not your intellect. You are not your ego. So what remains then?

In the next verse He says: ‘Apareyam itas tva anyam prakrtim viddhi me param. Jiva-bhutam maha-baho yayedam dharyate jagat’. (7.5)

Besides these eight types of nature which are collectively called the Apara-prakruti (Apara means that which is related to the material world), there is another Prakruti (energy) which is much higher, called the Para-prakruti. Everything in creation is upheld by this Para-prakruti.
That which has taken all the form that you see in the world; that which is the cause of all that is happening in the world, the reason behind the Sun shining and the Moon rotating is the Para-prakruti. It is the primary cause behind all that is happening in the material creation.

So Lord Krishna says to Arjuna, ‘In the absence of the which, no living creature or human being, neither the Earth, the Universe nor this entire creation can exist; that Tattva, i.e., the Para-prakruti is me. That which cannot be seen, yet it is, and is the basis of everything that exists, that Para-prakruti is me, and this is what you should know’

The entire creation rests upon this Para-prakruti, which scientists today call the Dark Matter and Dark Energy.
Scientists today say that the Sun is round like a sphere only because there is tremendous amounts of pressure of energy from all sides. And the energy in this empty space around the Sun is much more powerful than the Sun itself. It is just like how you see a bubble inside a bottle of water. Why is the bubble round in shape? It is because the water around it is exerting pressure from all sides.
That is why, any object that appear round in shape, is only because of the pressure of the energy present in the empty space (which is unseen) around the object, and which is a 1000 times more powerful than the object itself.

All this empty space that you see here, is not actually empty. It is full of energy which is called Dark Energy and Dark Matter.
It is said, ‘That which is unseen is true’. This is because all that you can see, is a very small part of what actual is.
All the stars and planets that you see in the sky are very small compared to the invisible energy in the empty space around them, which is much more powerful than the stars themselves. So this is what scientists today have spoken about, and the same thing was told by Lord Krishna.

He says, ‘I am that Para-prakruti that holds the entire creation, and which this creation rests upon’.
So Lord Krishna is that Dark Energy that scientists today refer to. The word Krishna also means dark in colour.

That which cannot be seen is the basis of everything, and that which we can see is actually nothing! (Laughter)
Whatever we can see – the trees, the flowers – are a very small part of what is. It is the manifestation of the Apara-prakruti. But this Apara-prakruti is contained within the Para-prakruti that cannot be seen. So Lord Krishna says both these things.
For example, you cannot see the consciousness that is present within you. But you can perceive the projection of your consciousness in the form of your mind, intellect and the ego. Isn’t it?

So this is what Lord Krishna means when He speaks of Tattva-jnana: (knowing the creation in terms of its underlying principle or Tattva, i.e., the Divinity).

The speciality of Indian spirituality is that it has never dismissed science. In fact science has always been given equal importance in Indian spirituality.

This is why it is said, ‘Tattva-jnana’, first understand this creation as the manifestation of the five elements – Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space. By understanding this knowledge (Apara-prakruti), you can then understand the higher knowledge of the Para-prakruti. This is what Tattva-jnana is.

Even God has been identified as a Tattva or a fundamental principle. That is why Indian spirituality is a combination of spiritual knowledge and scientific principles.

Give your 100% to Everything you do & Sleep Peacefully..!

Give your 100% to Everything you do & Sleep Peacefully..! ✔ 

A Boy and a Girl were Playing Together. 
The Boy had a Collection of Marbles and The Girl had some Sweets with Her !

The Boy told the Girl that; "he will give her all His Marbles in Exchange for Her Sweets.."

The Girl Agreed;
The Boy kept the biggest
and the most Beautiful Marble Aside; and gave the Rest to the Girl ! But The Girl gave Him all Her Sweets as She had Promised.

That Night, the Girl Slept Peacefully, but the Boy couldn't Sleep as He kept Wondering if the Girl had Hidden some Sweets from Him the Way He had Hidden His best Marble.

Moral of the Story:
If you don't give your 100% in a Relationship,
you'll always keep Doubting; if the Other Person has Given His/Her 100% !!

This is Applicable for any Relationship;
Give your 100% to Everything you do & Sleep Peacefully..! ✔ 

..Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji

Everything is God

 Everything is God 

When Janaka discovered that all these days I was not knowing...example hologram side nehru or other side you see Gandhi. Entire Universe is made of God...nothing is beyond foreign to God...divine. It needs skill to see it. Like bubble in water...waves in ocean. You need to skill it. Everything is name and Form. Name doesn't have form in it but the forms don't have name. People are like waves...they arise and disappear in water. They dissolve in between names and forms..They rise and fall. Don't search for God. All that is God ,will be . All life are springing and dissolving in that. I am hollow and empty. I am all forms and all names but you are acting like someone else. Your true nature is joy or what you are perceiving is true. So,a skill is required. Tilt your eyes ..this is God...all universe. Dimension opposites are created...their co existence makes it complete. They all exist within God. Very difficult for people who define him. In one hand he is omnipresent and omnipotent and on the other hand, he exists in sattan. Immune system is destroying's violence. People ask questioning. Why not only one set of people..and they exist for long. When events become becomes bliss. Intensity of events change and superimpose. Existence remains the same. That which is changeless is truth and which is ever-changing is illusion.You have yelled and said this is not me. Once you have experienced silence, then you know it's not me. Skilfully see and realize and rise above duality. See whole world people as bubble above water. Everybody is having their own games and dissolving. With one person, whole type of emotions come...then you say all this is nothing. All arise in mind and fall. Mind is wave in the self. So is moods. None will stay more than a two-quarter of day. Pleasant moments you can't hold but bad moments you keep on holding. So, skill is required. Skill makes it simple. You need to skill to go deep inside. He has not mentioned what skill. You can say it is all love or just projection. Love is behind every action positive or negative. You need skill to know it or experience it. Like threads maje a cloth but if you separate threads, then where is the cloth. Likewise concepts are worn into consciousness. Mind which is ironed very well. We put creases in ironed mind. That's why appears silly. When you see the life like this,problem disappears.
Nothing will happen to you as they are appearing and disappearing.. with your skillful is colorful. I reality there is no compassion..someone is shall give maturity to the person. If someone is not friendly, you can't let go.
He goes on giving examples..sugar is present all over tastes same everywhere....water in ocean is same you are present all over infinity. Sometime you are sitting and child falls.. you also experience same. You imitate surrounding atmosphere too. Middle class go on criticizing...even guru ji is much energy is wasted...we are not skillful in our action, perception. Through some skill, doership is not felt. It's through total devotion and surrender. It shows how deep affection he has for Ashtavakra.His heart and mind were so aligned with nature. Just hankering for unity, knowledge will not help. How close you can go while doing will be drop meditation as nothing happens. We are in much into knowledge...but so what...struggle goes on...that's why are special...don't compare of our devotee got angry, person was hankering, feeling I gave them surprise by visiting him. That person broke down...I thought but faith became alright..if faith is high, body gets healed. 
All is taranga bubudaa. Then only you can smile. Life is so short. 
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji


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