Showing posts with label Spiritual Leader. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spiritual Leader. Show all posts

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ~ *The rising incidents* of mass shooting *in America* are of great concern

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ~ *The rising incidents* of mass shooting *in America* are of great concern. The recent shooting tragedies are unfortunate additions to the growing list. Unfortunately, no concrete steps seem in sight to address the problem. We need to take a larger view of it and work on all sides of the issue.

1️⃣ *Disconnect in Education*
A common trait among people who are involved in mass shootings is that they are loners without an active social life. We have to identify _what is missing in the education which is making a person so disconnected from society_. A hostile environment at school or at home such as bullying can cause emotional scars that lead to destructive tendencies. It is *vital to give children an inclusive and supportive environment* at school and teachers have a big role to play in the holistic development of students.

_Education is incomplete_ if it does not fill one with enthusiasm and if it does not inculcate an appreciation of life. A broad-based and value education is needed to instill a broader vision in the future generation. Instilling values and habits, making new friends will help them open up and attain a sense of security. The education must have an element that frees our future generations from mindless prejudices.
2️⃣ *Teach them mind management*
When the mind it stressed, children are often driven to destructive tendencies. The *information explosion* is resulting in children being exposed to huge volumes of information most of which they are not able to process. This can lead to restlessness and irritation. Such tendencies, if not attended, can harden into destructive behavior.
Yoga, meditation and similar life-skills are needed to equip our children with *tools to wash away any emotional stress* long before it becomes harmful to themselves or others.

3️⃣ *Too many guns*
When the Second Amendment was written in the eighteenth century, at the time people had to be armed to hunt for food and to protect themselves from attacks as a militia. Though that is not the situation today, _the freedom to bear arms is glorified as a legacy of early American history_. While everybody supports responsible gun ownership, it is not easy to enforce and as a result, guns are readily available to unstable people too. Too _many firearms are certainly a contributing factor to mass shootings_, and these incidents further drive people to buy more guns out of fear. This is *the vicious loop that America is caught in*, that the gun lobby is unwilling to acknowledge because it suits their business.

4️⃣ *Trust deficit*
Just as cells have an individual existence and, at the same time, are part of a larger organism, so also people and communities. When there is discord at the cellular level, the organism is crippled with disease. When _people start thinking that anyone can attack them any time_, when a government which is meant to be ‘of the people, by the people, for the people’ can go against the people, _there is nobody left to trust_. Such an untrusting social atmosphere is potentially self-destructive.
*What holds a society together is faith in the goodness of people.* When this faith dwindles, the social structure can begin to crumble due to paranoia. Higher values cannot flourish in society when such fear and distrust prevail. _While laws can impose penalties,_ they cannot remove distrust among people.

5️⃣ *Bullets of non-violence*
There is a sense of pride that has become attached to violence. We need to change this. We need to show our future generations that there is *enormous strength in non-violence*. When children are exposed to so much violence through video-games and movies, they begin to see it as normal in real life too. There is a *need for a collective and holistic action to tackle* this. Change is needed at both levels, in legislation as well as in the mindset. The policymakers, intellectuals and faith-based leaders have to work together to educate people and *build public opinion against violent games.*

6️⃣ *Times are changin’*

Traditions and social customs need to be revived and updated with time. While crime is common to all countries, traditional attachment to gun culture and the issues arising out of it are unique to America. *Personal rights and freedom are certainly important* but weighing them _against the greater good is the sign of a progressive culture_. With guns, people might gain an individual sense of safety, but perhaps they do not realize what they collectively lose as a society.

What is the most important knowledge that one should remember when going through difficult times?

what is the most important knowledge that one should remember when going through difficult times?

Question: Guruji, what is the most important knowledge that one should remember when going through difficult times?

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji - If you have a problem in life, do not blame others. Because it is your karma that brings you these bad experiences. A good seeker or student understands this and does not complain.If the situation you are in is inevitable, tolerate. If it's avoidable, get out of there. If you feel like you can expand your skills, smile. Every uncomfortable situation increases your comfort zone. Every awkward situation is a test of how deep you are in knowledge. Love something of an awkward situation. This will increase your comfort zone. When your comfort zone increases, nobody will be able to press your buttons and you will become so focused and unbreakable.Every pain is trying to shake you, to see if you are strong or not. Test Your Strength. It is to make you stronger. What happened, had to happen, do not sit down and think that you could have done this or that, it is useless. Move on.Remember that in life when we face challenges, our inner abilities and talents ignite, making us more innovative and creative. The proof of your peace is only when there are obstacles. Appreciate the obstacles. Leave all the complaints and thank all those bitter days because they have given you strength.Whatever is yours will come to you, it will stay with you! You cannot go without receiving it. Even if Lord Indra comes, he cannot take it away from him; what is yours, you will get it for sure.Don't be in a hurry to get rid of storms, be with them. If you are peaceful, everything around you becomes peaceful. You are the center of this universe. Most important of all, not all storms come to interrupt your life, some come to clear your way.
Whoever walks the path of wisdom does not lack anything. Difficulties come but there is always care, protection and divine grace.

How To Meditate Into Higher States Of Consciousness

How To Meditate Into Higher States Of Consciousness

We live most of our life through three states of consciousness: waking, dreaming and sleeping.

In the waking state of consciousness, we experience the world through the five senses. We seek elevation and joy from these senses. If any one of the senses is missing, the entire dimension of that sense is lost. One who cannot hear is bereft of the whole arena of sound. Similarly, he who cannot see is deprived of all the beautiful sights and colors. So, the sense is more important and much bigger than the object of the sense.

The mind is higher than the senses. The mind is infinite, its desires are many, but the capacity of the senses to enjoy is limited. Greed is wanting more and more of sensory objects. Even though one can only enjoy a limited amount during a lifetime, one wants all the wealth in the world.

Giving too much importance to sensory objects leads to greed; giving too much importance to the senses leads to lust; and giving too much importance to the mind and its desires leads to delusion.

We hold on to the concepts of the mind and want things to happen in a certain way. Thus, the concepts in our mind impede us from perceiving the infinite consciousness that is a part of us. This is not to say that the senses or the mind are bad. But we must learn to discriminate between things and be aware of what is happening at all times; that is when clarity dawns on us. This is the first step toward the higher state of consciousness.

In the waking state, one is constantly engaged in looking, eating, working, etc. The other extreme is the sleeping state where one is completely cut off and dull. The dullness and heaviness linger even after waking. The more one sleeps, the duller one feels since a lot of energy is expended in sleep. Then there is the dreaming state where one is neither asleep nor awake. Here, you neither feel at rest nor are aware of your surroundings.


The higher state of consciousness is somewhere in between the waking, sleeping and dreaming states. Here, we know we “are” but we don’t know “where” we are. This knowledge that I “am,” but I don’t know “where” I am or “what” I am, is called Shiva. This state gives the deepest possible rest that one can experience. And one can achieve this through meditation.

Meditation helps in two ways — it prevents stress from entering the system and simultaneously releases accumulated stress. With the assimilation of meditation into daily life, a higher state of consciousness called cosmic consciousness dawns within us. Cosmic consciousness perceives the whole universe as part of oneself. When we perceive the world as a part of us, love flows strongly between the world and us. This love empowers us to overcome the opposing forces and the disturbances in life. Anger and disappointments become fleeting emotions that occur momentarily and then vanish.
A higher state of consciousness will not simply happen one fine morning. The sapling of consciousness is within you — it needs to be nurtured through spiritual practices like meditation. Some coconut trees yield in three years, and some in 10 years. And those that are not nurtured never yield, they simply exist.

Attaining higher states of consciousness does not require any complicated strategy; one just needs to learn the art of letting go. 
The confluence of knowledge, understanding and practice makes life complete. When you grow into higher states of consciousness, you find that you are no longer thrown off-balance by different situations and disturbances. You become strong yet soft — a delicate and beautiful individual capable of accommodating different values in life without any conditions. As your consciousness opens and the whole system gets physically, mentally and spiritually elevated, your life truly becomes worth living.

The Tigers Pause

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji now at the devotee’s place. #Gurudev gave them the last copy of 'The Tigers Pause' and said it’s a thriller, but it’s a real story. A few people who had read it were raving about it and He was soo happy to hear that ЁЯШК

Have you read it yet? ЁЯША

As the fourth phase of the twenty-six-year-long civil war in Sri Lanka was about to begin, Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, founder of the Art of Living, visited the island nation with a singular aim: to bring peace to its citizens while trying to mediate between Prabhakaran, leader of the *Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)*, and the government. The Tiger’s Pause chronicles Gurudev’s time in a highly strung country and also offers an exclusive look into the final chapters of Sri Lanka’s deadly conflict.

Swami Virupaksha, who spent nine years in the country expounding the Art of Living courses and organizing Gurudev’s visits, expertly charts the enormous hope of the Tamil and Sinhalese people against overwhelming misery. In prose that is both concise and empathetic, Swami Virupaksha gives readers a sweeping view of Gurudev’s endeavours towards a ceasefire agreement, and the ups and downs of a country’s quest for peace. 

*Order Online:*

Seva | There are five types of seva | Be grateful for any opportunity to do the seva

There are five types of seva. 

The first type of seva is when you do not even know that you are doing seva. You do not recognize it as seva because it is your very nature - you cannot but do it!
The second type of seva is what you do because it is needed in that situation. You do the third type of seva because it gives you joy.
The fourth type is done out of your desire for merit - you do seva expecting some benefit in the future.
And the fifth type is when you do seva just to show off, to improve your image and to gain social or political recognition. Such seva is simply exhausting, while the first type does not bring any tiredness at all!
To improve the quality of your seva, regardless of where you start, you must move up to higher levels of seva.

Seva blessings.. 
When you do seva don't think you are doing a favor for somebody. You have done the seva and it has rewarded you immediately. Its reward is for sure and is always more than your doing. Your expectation of reward for the seva turns the seva into labor. If you think you have done a lot, you will do very little; if you see you have done a little, then you will do more. Seva is even when you don't see an immediate reward there is no complaint; labor is even after an immediate reward, there will be complaints. Be grateful for any opportunity to do the seva.



When people consider the past as free will they are filled with remorse and regret.

When they consider the future as destiny, lethargy and inertia set in.

A wise person will consider the past as destiny and the future as free will.

When you consider the past as destiny, no more questions are raised and the mind is at ease.

And when you consider the future as free will you are filled with enthusiasm and dynamism.

Of course there will be some uncertainty when you consider the future as free will, and some anxiety, but it can also bring alertness and creativity.

Consider the past as destiny, the future as free will and the present moment as Divinity.

ASTONISHMENT is the preface for Yoga

ASTONISHMENT is the preface for Yoga

Thousands of miles away and your words here get into this cell phone which is not even connected to a wire. Usually when something is connected with a wire we take it for granted because we see that there is a connection, but here there is not even a solid connection. A cell phone is your hand, you speak and that gets transmitted in this empty space and goes and reaches somewhere so far away. If you just put your mind on this phenomenon you will be amazed. We take this for granted and we just speak on the cell phone and don't even notice the mechanism behind it.
If you look into the mechanism you will be in awe. This awe awakens the spirit inside you. That awe takes you to the state of meditation. 'Vismaya Yoga Bhumika': ASTONISHMENT is the preface for Yoga. If you are astonished/stunned, that is when yoga begins, means your spiritual journey begins, meditation begins. So you must be astonished in order to get into yoga or whenever you feel that 'wow', that astonishment in you, know that you are connected with the spirit that you are. You are in that state of spiritual elevation. Isn't it amazing, isn't it beautiful!!
How could someone think that the 'oh wow' could create such an elevation of the spirit. All present day crisis and problems can be solved by this change in the attitude, don't you think so?!

Waiting can lead you to distress, restlessness or it can lead you to meditation.

If a person needs to become intelligent he/she should wait.If a person needs to have sustainable development in business he /she should wait. If you plant a mango tree, mangoes don't come immediately. You will need to wait for the mangoes. For a coconut from a coconut tree you need to wait. The fruit which you get after waiting is an eternal fruit. 
        I am telling again. Waiting can lead you to distress, restlessness or it can lead you to meditation.
        If you wait for worldly things its called Thaap. If you wait for knowledge /guru /divine, its called Thap.

Whosoever we fall in love with , we are falling in love with our Self

Whosoever we fall in love with , we are falling in love with our Self.

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