Showing posts with label Art of living. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Art of living. Show all posts

Embrace the science-backed path to integrate fasting into your life

Join our workshop  
🥗 ‘ Fasting: The Scientific Way ’ where we provide science backed, concise and comprehensive way to incorporate fasting in your life! 

Learn to optimise your fasting with Circadian Fasting hacks.
 Understand the value of not just what you eat but how to eat and when to eat!

🛒🛍 Workshop Take aways 

🍎Access authentic scientific fasting methods
🍎Customize fasting to fit your lifestyle
🍎Improve gut function
🍎Reduce inflammation
🍎Enhance brain health

 Dates : 4th July & 5th July 2023
 Time : 8 pm to 9.30 pm

 Don't miss out! Register Now :

Know More about our other workshops @


Third Eye, Concentration, and Focus Are all interlinked?

Did you know that there is an energy center in your body that can enhance your focus, concentration, and also bring up intuitive abilities? You must have heard many spiritual people talk about their third eye and their experiences with it.

If a person is very focused on their work, then they could experience some form of third eye activation. For example, when a cricketer is very focused on their practice, when they are constantly thinking about the game and how it can be improved, they develop an intuitive sense of where the next ball is going to come. A top cricket player wouldn’t need an analyst to tell them things, they intuitively know what’s going to happen next.

Even a businessman who is extremely focused on their work, somehow knows how their client will react to a certain proposal or situation. The enhanced alpha wave emissions help them intuit what may happen in their near future, related to the field they are extremely focused on.

#How brain waves are linked to our third eye.

The third eye, to understand from a spiritual perspective, is the agya chakra. There are seven energy centers in our body where nerve points meet. The agya chakra is the energy center located in the middle of our eyebrows. This point is associated with the ability to perceive things beyond the five senses, also called intuition.

The agya chakra is connected to the body’s pituitary and hypothalamus glands. Our brain emits different waves when it is experiencing different things: 

1. Beta waves are emitted when you experience sadness, loss, stress or anguish. 

2. Alpha waves are emitted when we experience calmness, relaxation, and deep joy. Alpha waves have calmer vibrations and act as a sonar. Dolphins are known to possess a high level of alpha wave function in their brains and this helps them to navigate in the sea. Their sonar works similarly to a submarine. Physically, the tenderness of the pituitary and hypothalamus glands allow the alpha waves to spread.

Did you know? 

In children, the pituitary and hypothalamus glands are quite tender which makes it possible for them to be more perceptive and intuitive. As we get older, the glands get stiff and some calculus gets deposited around them, the strength and frequency of the alpha wave emission diminish.

3. Gamma waves are the most powerful and can only be experienced in a deep meditative state, also known as samadhi.

Our brain emits alpha waves when the body is aligned with nature. When one is in sync with nature through their actions and thoughts, their whole being feels that it is a part of the cosmos. Because of this, nature reveals certain things to a person who is experiencing high alpha wave activity. Commonly, this is called intuition.

The experience of gamma wave emission happens in our subtle body and only when we experience regular alpha wave emissions. Gamma ray emissions activate the agya chakra. When the third eye activates, we experience a sense of lightness in our minds.

#How can we experience third eye activation?
Meditation is one of the routes. Do we experience third eye activation outside of meditation? Yes!

Whenever a person is extremely focused, and if they are doing their task with utmost dedication and concentration, then their third eye activates, specifically for that aspect of their life. It also works in reverse. If a person is meditating or doing other practices to activate their third eye, they are seen to experience increased focus and concentration in the tasks that they are dedicated to.

#Is there a way to open the third eye?

The spiritual practices that help activate the third eye are:

-Sudarshan Kriya taught in Art of Living’s Happiness Program
-Alternate nostril breathing
-Padma sadhana

These practices relax our mind and help it get aligned with nature. As the mind calms down, the brain function improves and the alpha waves start emitting. Due to this, we experience more focus and awareness on the tasks we are doing. This continuous awareness activates the third eye.

According to Gurudev, “Too much eating, too much sleep, and too much activity is counterproductive to increase in our intuitive ability.”

People who regularly experience third eye activation feel a change in the way their breath flows. Usually, it is seen that the pace of our breathing is haphazard and it either flows from the left or right nostril. People who experience third eye activation feel that their breath is very deep and centered.

This happens quite gradually and if you feel third eye activation then you will feel that your breath is flowing very centrally.

Team leaders and people who exhibit authority experience sensations in the middle of their eyebrows. This is also associated with the agya chakra.

#What are the positive experiences of third eye activation?

Alpha wave emissions lead to the mind becoming calmer and more focused. Whether one is a student, businessman, artist, or a spiritual seeker, they can experience a positive change in their life with activities that lead to third eye activation and when it activates. Some of those experiences include:

* Better attention span, which has vastly improved from before. Their attention to detail and focus also increases significantly.

* They also feel that their senses become very sharp, giving them a heightened awareness of what happens in their surroundings. The sense of sight, hearing, and taste are seen to become sharper.

* Initially, agya chakra activation can cause irritability and anger issues. But this experience is similar to cleaning the carpet, where the accumulated dirt comes out all at once. Once these subside, you will find that you feel at peace and anger doesn’t affect you as it did before. Continuous experiences of third eye activation lead to a sense of deep calmness in the mind.

* One of the surest signs of third eye activation is the feeling of devotion. Usually, people say that devotion is an experience of the heart and focus is the ability of the brain. However, third eye activation leads to the experience of real devotion. It could be directed towards an art form, a subject, or a practice but usually, it is towards divinity.

Dhyan Mandir, a monumental meditation hall at the Art of Living International Center Bangalore

This Akshaya Tritiya let’s be part of Dhyan Mandir, a monumental meditation hall at the Art of Living International Center Bangalore, that can hold 20,000 seekers at a time, bringing together people from all corners of the world to experience inner peace on a scale never seen before. 

This isn't just another building; it's a symbol of hope, peace, and unity for all of humanity. 

By donating to Dhyan Mandir, you are taking a stand for a brighter future and becoming a part of a global community of peace-makers.

The world needs us now more than ever. Let's come together and create a world where inner peace is accessible to all. 

Let’s make history, and let's build a brighter future for generations to come.

For support: +91 (80) 67612344

Shobhakrita means the shining actions or the glorious actions

This new year is called 'Shobhakrita'. Shobhakrita means the shining actions or the glorious actions - that which bring you glory! - Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

A Resolution to Take This New Year
Happy Gudi Padwa, Ugadi, Chaitra Navratri 
(Transcription of a Old Talk  - *The Pearls of wisdom by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravishankarji* )

This New Year, take a resolution to forgive all those you are/were upset with or angry at in the past year, and start a new chapter with enthusiasm and naturalness.

Time is like the wind, which nobody can stop. Time is like the Sun, around which the Earth revolves. Time is like our mind – ancient yet very fresh and very new.

The celebration of the New Year is to honor time. Honoring time means honoring the mind, and honoring the mind means honoring yourself. And the way to honor yourself is to know that you are neither the culprit nor the victim.

What stops you from honoring yourself? One of the reasons is when you think you are a culprit and you have done something wrong. If you are a sinner, you can never be at peace with yourself. Only when you get out of the culprit consciousness, there is peace and a spiritual light within you. You should know that you are the light, and you are a spark of Universal Love.

Every individual wants to experience Universal Love, and that can only happen when we are out of the culprit consciousness.

The other side of the coin is victim consciousness, which is just as debilitating. If you feel you are a victim, you can never express the truth of life. The purpose of being here is to express all facets of life; that is, love, joy, and wisdom. And to be able to fully express this is true celebration. But if you feel that you are a victim of situations, of time, and of other people, you can never do that.

How to get over victim consciousness? Know that all the unpleasant experiences you have been through have given you depth and thank them. And the pleasant experiences have given you an opportunity to serve more, and thank them too.

Life is a mixture of pleasant and unpleasant. We must thank the unpleasant days because nothing gets us more centered than unpleasant situations. Unpleasant things take you out of the external and puts you within yourself, which gives you depth and adds to your personality.
So, drop all the complaints and thank all those bitter days because they have given you strength. And also, thank the pleasant days that made you realize your true potential and helped you express the joy that you are! By thanking the pleasant and the unpleasant, we get over victim consciousness.

Let’s welcome the coming New Year with a resolution to do something excellent and to be of use to others. Let’s resolve to be happy and spread happiness.

Taking these few pearls of wisdom and treasuring it is essential to make life a celebration. These are the decorations for celebrating life."
Today is the New Year, celebrated as Ugadi, Cheti Chand & Gudi Padwa across the nation, we pray for auspicious beginnings.

Hearty wishes for happy festivities from all of us here at The Art of Living International Center, Bengaluru.

Maharashtra visit 2023 glimpse

Maharashtra visit 2023 glimpse

Gurudev announced 4th World Cultural Festival at Washington DC from 29th September 2023 to 1st October 2023

Gurudev announced 4th World Cultural Festival at Washington DC from 29th September 2023 to 1st October 2023 

महाराष्ट्र में उठी भक्ति की लहर - एक ऐतिहासिक घटना!

*महाराष्ट्र में उठी भक्ति की लहर - एक ऐतिहासिक घटना!*

The magic of ancient wisdom with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in Surat!

the magic of ancient wisdom with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in Surat! An exquisite opportunity to enrich yourself with the knowledge of Vigyan Bhairav, which talks about over 111 meditation techniques to discover self and experience bliss! Limited seats available! Book your spot now! #GurudevInSurat

Date : 12th March 2023
Time- 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM & 5:00 PM to 8:00PM
Venue : Pandit Dindayal Upadhyay Indoor Stadium, Surat, Gujarat.

☎️ Contact Us: 7990683323.
To Book passes online - Visit
 Email : 

Facebook :

Vigyan Bhairav with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in Surat!

_*Vigyan Bhairav with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in Surat!*_

Experience the magic of ancient wisdom with Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar in Surat! 

An exquisite opportunity to enrich yourself with the knowledge of *Vigyan Bhairav*, which talks about 112 meditation techniques to discover self and experience bliss! 

Date : 12th March 2023 (Sunday)
Time- 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM & 5:00 - 8:00PM
Venue : Pandit Dindayal Upadhyay Indoor Stadium, Surat, Gujarat.

☎️ Contact Us: 7990683323.
To Book passes online - Visit Website:

Presenting “Ananda Vijayotsava”

In The Divine Presence Of Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar Ji 

Presenting “Ananda Vijayotsava” 😇

An Evening filled with Wisdom, Meditation & Mahasatsang 💖

Open To All 🌸

14th February, Tuesday 🗓️

Evening 5:30 PM onwards 🕔

Venue : Dr Puneeth Rajkumar District Ground, Hospet, Vijaynagara 🏟️

Prasadam will be served 🥗

Contact : 9742927927 📞

GREAT NEWS - Student Special Pass for VB 3 is launched now

*GREAT NEWS - Student Special Pass for VB 3 is launched now* 🪄

*Unveiling Infinity- Vigyan Bhairav - 3*
*Gurudev Sri Sri Ravishankar ji*💫

*_NOTE: Individuals with a valid student Id card and in the age group of 18-24 will only be eligible for this pass_*

Use below link to register -

*This offer shall expire on 12th Feb.2023 Limited Seats.*

Join the 6 Day Mahashivratri special Meditation series with Gurudev, starting from 13th until 18th February 2023

🧘 *Join the 6 Day Mahashivratri special Meditation series with Gurudev, starting from 13th until 18th February*

🗓️ *Schedule* 
 ⏰13th to 17th February, 7:30 PM IST
✨18th Feb : Midnight meditation 

📲To be a part of this subscribe to Gurudev's official Meditaition Channel on YouTube and get notified when it’s time to meditate! 

🔔*Click and subscribe* 

PAN India Maha Shivratri Vaidic Celebrations from 17-19 Feb 2023

🔊🇮🇳 *We are glad to announce PAN India Maha Shivratri Vaidic Celebrations from 17-19 Feb!* 🇮🇳🔊

🌐13+ states 
🛕60+ locations
🔱 75+ Rudra Pujas & Homas

Soak in the auspicious Shiva Tattva this Maha Shivratri & experience the bliss within!

🔗 For details of Maha Shivratri Rudra Puja or Rudra Homa near you and to offer Sankalpa, contact your State VDS Coordinator -

- Vaidic Dharma Sansthan

Tomorrow's Vaidic Programs | 9 Feb 2023

*Tomorrow's Vaidic Programs | 9 Feb*

1. Upanayan (9-12 Feb) | 6 am

2. Ganpati Homa | 8 am @ Ganapati Temple

3. Gaja Puja (Online only)

Offer Sankalpa:

📞 9538186844, 6366951581

- Vaidic Dharma Sansthan

Agriculture Teachers Refresher Meet with Gurudev at Vishalakshi Mantap, Bangalore Ashram Today 👨‍🌾

How To MANIFEST Your DESIRES & Get What YOU Really WANT!

*How To MANIFEST Your DESIRES & Get What YOU Really WANT!*

We all want our wishes, dreams and desires to come to life! Many have written and spoken about the secret to manifesting your desires, the law of attraction and much more. But is that how desires actually work. Will you actually "attract" the things you want in life? Will thinking about your desires actually manifest them in your life? Gurudev expounds on this subject revealing the REAL SECRET OF MANIFESTING YOUR DESIRES! The answer will shock you! This is a must watch video!

Watch :

Clear your Mind

*Clear your Mind!*

Our mind is always oscillating between the past and the future. We are either thinking about what has already happened in the past, or what is going to happen in the future. 

We are hardly in the present moment. 

Few minutes of meditation can help clear the clutter and bring the mind to the present, bringing in more clarity.

What Makes Miracles Possible!

*What Makes Miracles Possible!*

We meet many people who we call lucky and sometimes all you can say for them is that miracles are happening in their life. How is it possible and how to manifest such luck in your life? Watch Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar decode the secret

Can Good Things Happen To Bad People?

*Can Good Things Happen To Bad People?*

Former Scandinavian criminals and drug addicts reformed by the Art Of Living, met with Gurudev and had the most moving, transformative and emotionally powerful conversation. This Ask Gurudev Anything is a must watch! Don't miss this AGA!

Watch on

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ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः। सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चिद्दुःखभाग्भवेत। ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः॥
सभी सुखी होवें, सभी रोगमुक्त रहें, सभी मंगलमय घटनाओं के साक्षी बनें और किसी को भी दुःख का भागी न बनना पड़े। ॐ शांति शांति शांति॥
May all sentient beings be at peace, may no one suffer from illness, May all see what is auspicious, may no one suffer. Om peace, peace, peace.


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