There is no path safer and smoother than that of Surrendering to The Lord

The Master's Voice 45

The Master's say, "The human life is an opportunity to show our unequivocal love for The Lord. The True Love is to Live in The Remembrance of The Lord. The True Remembrance of The Lord is through the Naama Bhakti. Naama Bhakti is Antar Simran of The Naama and Antar Dhyaan of The Naama. We will be able to Connect with The Naama only through a Living Master, who is immersed in The Naama and has become The Naama. The Master gives The Word while Initiating, laced with His Spiritual Energy. The Simran of this Word and The Dhyaan of The Master's form help us orient our mind in Bhakti Maarg. Once Mind is in Bhakti Maarg, our scattered consciousness can be collected at the eye center.

Each and every act is happening within The Lord, nothing beyond Him. The Lord's Will is that we Surrender our Lives before Him and Live in His Remembrance.

One who can resign himself to the will of The Lord with simple faith and guileless love realises the Lord very quickly. 

To live in the world or to leave it depends upon the Will of The Lord. Therefore the best policy will be to leave everything to Him and direct our mind towards Naama Bhakti, the true purpose of this life.

A shallow pool of water in an open field will soon dry up, even when no one has used the water. Similarly, one who Lives in The Remembrance of The Lord and Naama Bhakti is purified by simply resigning himself totally and absolutely to the mercy and grace of The Lord."

A Disciple asked The Master, " Then, What are we supposed to do in this world? 

The Master says, "Give up everything to Him, resign yourself to Him, and there will be no more trouble for you. Then you will come to know that everything is happening because it is The Lord's will. 

There is no path safer and smoother than that of Surrendering to The Lord, that is, Resigning oneself to The Lord's Will and having no feeling that anything is one's own. Our shackles of illusionary worldly attachments get broken. There remains no past or future. We will Live in The Remembrance of The Lord and immerse ourselves in Naama Bhakti.

A young monkey clings to its mother tightly when she moves about. The kitten on the other hand does not do so but mews piteously, and the mother grasps it by the neck. 

When the young monkey lets go its hold of the mother, it falls down and gets hurt. This is because it relies upon its own Strength. But the kitten runs no such risk, as the mother herself carries it about from one place to place. 

Such is the difference between self-reliance and entire resignation to The Lord's Will. 

A father was once passing through a field with his two little sons. He was carrying one of them in his arms while the other was walking along with him holding his hand. They saw a kite flying, and one of the two boys, gave up the hold of his father, and began to clap with joy, crying, "Behold, papa, there is a kite!" 

But immediately he stumbled down and got hurt. The boy who was carried by the father was also enjoying. He did not fall, as his father was holding him. The first boy represents self-help in spiritual matters, and the second self-Surrender.

Thus, it is clear, One who surrenders and Lives in The Lord's Will will be taken care by The Lord. One who Lives in this world believing to be the doer, has to work on himself to Realise The Truth."

The Saints, "In this Maaya filled world, The Master is our Savior, sent by The Lord. The Master has come to liberate us and enable us to Live in The Remembrance of The Lord and do Naama Bhakti. To understand the Invisible Lord's Will, we need the help of The Master, who is in physical form, like us. 

Thus to begin with, we need to Live in The Master's Will and once we will elevate our consciousness, we will realise that there is no difference between The Lord's Will and The Master's Will. Both are the same, Naama Bhakti and Living in The Remembrance of The Lord."

Let us capitalise on the opportunity bestowed upon us, this human life. Let us Live in The Master's Will and be in The Remembrance of The Lord. Let us keep doing as much Naama Bhakti as possible, One day By The Master's Grace, we shall reach our True Home, The Lord's Abode. 

Authored by K. Giri

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