Our Master is Living proof of magnanimity and patience

The Master's Voice 46

Once Master had Kheer prepared for all the Disciples in The Ashram. When The Kheer was served and kept in front of The Disciples, The Master came and said,

"Please wait for ten minutes before you eat the Kheer." The Master walked out of the mess after passing on the instruction.

There was absolute silence in the mess for a few moments. All the Disciples were looking at the Kheer in front of them and it was very difficult to stop themselves with each passing moment. After Ten minutes, The Master came back and reviewed. Seven Disciples had not touched the Kheer and rest of the Disciples were busy in eating the Kheer and commenting on its color and taste. 

The Master noted the names of the seven Disciples and then asked all the Disciples to relish the Kheer. After a few years, The Master took out the note in which he had noted the names of seven Disciples, and wanted to find out their present status.

The Master sent a call for all the Disciples to meet him. All the Disciples, who on attaining knowledge from The Master and had left the Ashram for their livelihood, were very happy to see fellow Disciples.

The Master was observing each Disciple and trying to analyse their progress. Guru Ji found that the Disciples had segregated into two divisions. One, the chit chatting group, who were talking about the struggles of life, the pains and hardships they had to face in the world.

The second group was calm, composed and Cheerful. The Master asked them how come you SEVEN are not chit chatting like all others?

One of the Seven Disciples replied, "We have come eagerly to hear from you, learn from you. If we will be engrossed in chit chatting, we could lose some valuable lesson you are trying to teach us."

The Master knew that these SEVEN Disciples have achieved many successes in their lives and are the most successful among their own field people. Still, they were grounded and eager to learn more.

The Master also reviewed the rest of the Disciples and it was found that most of them were leading a normal life, while there were some who were faced with strict economic and social conditions.

The Master then said, "A true Disciple always Lives in The Master's Will. He is obedient and listen's to the each word, like The Lord's word, most precious. He follows the dictum with out applying his mind, in any form. He has full faith in The Master and does not worry about the consequences of Living in The Master's Will. He lives in Acceptance, Whatever be the result, he is content and happy. He has Patience, Perseverance, Dedication and Devotion. He does not have his own will, but Lives in The Master's Will.

Whereas all the other Disciples, did not have the base quality, Patience. They could not hold back their senses for 10 minutes. When we lack in Patience, we expect results immediately. We lack in concentration, we cannot persevere, we become disinterested. Lack of interest leads to lack of dedication. We always worry about what will happen and not focused on what we need to.

The seven Disciples devotion towards Their Master was such that they were doing Naama Bhakti regularly and had elevated their Consciousness level. Success is assured both in your Spiritual and personal life, when the consciousness rises.

The Success does not mean worldly name, fame, money and material riches. True success is Living in Naama Bhakti. Naama Bhakti will endow us with contentment. Contentment is Acceptance in Totality. Acceptance has Patience, Perseverance and Dedication written all over.

So, be patient. Do not be judgemental. Lord has blessed and is Blessing us with all that is good for us and is necessity for our lives. It is our desires that raise doubts, queries and impatience.

One who cannot be patient for ten minutes can never move forward in life."

Our Master is Living proof of magnanimity and patience. The Master gives us ample opportunities to mend our ways and Live in The Master's Will. We also need to show our Patience, by sitting in meditation and Allowing our Simran to tackle the worldly thoughts. As we patiently sit and persevere, Simran will encompass our thoughts. Once our mind is dedicated towards The Naama, our Naama Bhakti will also evolve. With Patience, By The Master's Grace, we can. 

Authored by K. Giri

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