Let us do our Meditation and by The Master's Grace become aware and awakened.

The Master's Voice 42

Once Two person came to The Master, One pretending to be the guru and the other, the disciple. They came to the hall where The Master interacted with the Disciples.

The disciple spread a huge seat for guru and made him sit on it. After seeking The Master's blessings, he came back to sit in front of guru. After sometime, he went to The Master, and asked him to teach the path of salvation in order to achieve liberation. The Master kept silent. The disciple felt hurt as it was nearing evening and they had to leave on the night train. “O Master, please instruct us,” he begged. “It is getting late.” A few minutes later, he again reminded The Master. Finally, exasperated, he asked, “O Master, at least tell us something. All people speak of ignorance. What is ignorance?” The Master turned to the Ashram secretary and compassionately said, “Ask him to Enquire within who is ignorant?” The Secretary turned towards them and replied, “Now you can go for your initiation is over.” Both left, disappointed. 

Later, The Master remarked about this incident: “Spirituality is being Natural. Here artificiality does not work. Everyone wants everything in a platter. Everything in a hurry, immediately, just then and there. Everybody has some train or plane to catch. They visit The Master in a rush and want to carry away a parcel of liberation and salvation. They read something here and there and they think they are learned and ready for liberation. But we need to question, Who wants salvation? To whom is the liberation?

Instead of giving time to themselves by simply turning within and being in the SILENCE within the Heart, they roam about outside and remain agitated without peace. The answers are already within us.” 

The Self Realisation or Aatma Gyaan does not have a short cut. To attain Self Realisation, one needs to practice and cultivate Patience, Perseverance, Dedication and Devotion as their core virtues. Because The Simran of The Word given by The Master is the starter which leads us towards finding what our Ignorance is. 

Then a disciple asked The Master, "What is our Ignorance? The Saints say, "We cannot solve the riddle of creation until one becomes independent, The Soul needs to be liberated to find The Truth." Can you Please explain. 

 The Master said, " Yes. It is True that one has to Become independent and solve the riddle on own. It is for us to do it. It is for us to experience.

Just ask yourself, where are you now when you are asking this question? 
Are you in the world, or is the world within you? 
We need to understand that we do not perceive the world in our sleep, but we are very much alive. The world once again appears as soon as we wake up. So where is the world? 

Clearly, the world is in our thought. Thoughts are our projections. The Mind first of all creates an individual identity, a Separate identity from The Lord, for us and then creates the world. The world is created by the Identity which in its turn rises up from the Soul. The riddle of the creation of the world is thus solved if you solve the creation of the Identity. That is the reason, we are asked to find our Self. Who am I?

Simran and Dhyaan of The Master will facilitate and answer all the questions. We just need to have patience; We need to persevere with dedication and devotion. As The Simran fills our mind, we slowly start to lose track of The World. The world and its existence becomes inconsequential. We absolve the I or Identity. This is liberation of mind from the world and We Realise that the world is nothing but the creation of mind. 

As we continue our Spiritual journey through Antar Simran and Antar Dhyaan, immerse ourselves in The Naama, we Realise that
There is no creation in the state of Realisation. 
When one sees the world, He does not see His True self. 
When one sees The True Self, the world is not Visible. So, we need to see the Self and realize that there has been no creation.

Then, the only Truth that will remain before us is The Naama. The Naama is The Lord; The Naama is The Master; The Naama is The Soul. Till we taste This Sweet Truth, we live in illusion, we believe the world to be true, the relations to be true, our occupation to be true, our pains and pleasures to be true. This is our IGNORANCE."

The Lord has not written sufferings on us, it is again a mind's creation. Let us live in The Eternal Bliss by Living in The Master's Will. Let us Live in The Remembrance of The Lord and do as much Naama Bhakti as possible. It is only The Naama which can connect us with The Lord and ensure salvation. Let us do our Meditation and by The Master's Grace we shall become aware and awakened. 

Authored by K. Giri

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