The Three Mind

Kosa means “layer of mind.” There are five layers of the human mind, in addition to the physical body, which – although technically not a kosa itself – is given the name Arnamaya (“food”) Kosa. Its natural means of development is through diet and physical exercise. In Ananda Marga practice it is also developed through asanas, Tandava and Kaoshikii.

1.The Crude Mind is called the Kamamaya Kosa. Kama means “ desire.” It is this most superficial layer of mind that is responsible for attraction and aversion to sensory stimuli, and the physical reactions to those stimuli. It is developed naturally through physical clash, and for sadhakas (spiritual practitioners) by following Yama and Niyama.

2.The Subtle Mind is called the Manomaya Kosa. Man means “to think”, and it is this layer of mind which gives the experience of pleasure and pain through thought, memory and dreams. This kosa is developed naturally through physical clash, and in Ananda Marga sadhana by pranayama with cosmic ideation.

The next three deeper layers of mind are collectively known as the Causal Mind. Causal signifies that these layers are in the most direct contact with the Causal Consciousness from which the mind has evolved and within which it exists.

3. The first layer of the Causal Mind is the Atimanasa Kosa – the Supramental Mind. This is the intuitive layer, which gives the capacity for such phenomena as intuitive dreams, clairvoyance, telepathy and creative insight. Its natural means of development is through psychic clash, and in Ananda Marga sadhana by methods of pratyahara(withdrawal) such as shuddhis and Guru Puja.

4. The second layer of the Causal Mind is the Vijinanamaya Kosa, or Subliminal Mind. Vijinanameans “special knowledge,” and includes many higher qualities of mind such as viveka (conscience, or discrimination – the ability to determine right from wrong) and vaeragya (non-attachment – the realization that it is unwise to be attached to any limited entity). The natural development of this kosa is through psychic clash, and its development is accelerated by the process of dharana.

5. The most subtle layer of the Causal Mind is the Hiranyamaya (“golden”) Kosa, the Subtle Causal Mind. Here the awareness of mind is very close to the direct experience of Supreme Consciousness. There is only the separation of a thin veil of ignorance. Its natural development is through attraction for the Great, and dhyana accelerates this process for sadhakas.

The fourth state of Consciousness: We are not aware of the differences between the waking state, dreaming state and sleeping state. When we get up in the morning, our eyes look drowsy. After having breakfast, we go out to work with sleepy eyes, and in that very condition all work gets done. If someone has a masala dosa or some other heavy food for breakfast before going to class, you can understand his condition. We find 75 percent of students are asleep or dreaming, especially if the subject is history or geography. They are all imagining that they are competing in the Olympics or sitting in some cinema or somewhere else. 

Jagrat svapna susupti - If we understand the differences between these three states, then we will be able to experience the fourth state of consciousness. We can realise the fourth state of consciousness in between waking and dreaming or in between deep sleep and waking. It is called “the fourth state”, they have not named it. It is the state where the mind is awake though the body is resting, and you know you are present, but do not know where you are. This is meditation : I know Iam meditating, and I am not dreaming or doing something else. It is not the waking state, dream state or even the state of deep sleep. If you start to enter that state where you are not dreaming or sleeping, you start to enter the state of samadhi, where you will be free from worries and have a sense of innocence. So where should you search for Shiva tattva? Search for it in between the states of waking and dreaming, not far away in Mount Kailash. 

In the moments right after you wake up, but are not yet fully awake, close your eyes and start to meditate. At that time, the mind is free from worries and the thought process. You will begin to experience the fourth state of consciousness, which lies in between the other three. The consciousness and enthusiasm expressed in a new-born baby are missing in a very learned person. The atma, self, is nothing but consciousness. This quality of consciousness gradually reduces with education. Our smile has disappeared, and we lead a mechanical existence. It is said that a child laughs 400 times a day, a youth just seventeen times and an adult does not even laugh. Professors not only do not laugh, but they make laughter an offence.

What is a sign of consciousness? It is our enthusiasm, joy and creativity. Even if you cause some problems for others or make mischief, it does not matter. Keep doing something. Mischief is also a sign of consciousness. Where there is consciousness, there is no laziness. Do not sit around moping. That indicates a lack of consciousness. The knowledge of the external world is available only in the waking state. The definition of the waking state is given in this sutra. Many of us do not wake up in order to experience the world. Although the eyes are open and the ears listening, the mind is somewhere else. Such a state is not the waking state...

Authored by Dr Anadi Sahoo

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