Our Master, Our protector, Our Lord, Our destination.

The Master's Voice 67

The Master in His Satsang explains as to which aspect of The Lord is higher. That with form or without form.

The Master says, "The Lord is omnipresent. He is here, there, everywhere. The Lord while creating this universe, ensured that He is present in The Naama Form, in every creature. He is in the human; He is in the animals and birds; He is there in the stones and mountains; 

He is present everywhere, but to see The Lord or Hear The Lord or Feel The Lord with our external sense organs, is simply impossible. The biggest proof is we consider our family, friends, knowns and unknowns, and even The Master as a normal Human being. We can not see them as The Lord, that is our mindset. We treat, either like equals or less That is the reason, it is difficult to comprehend Lord in the Form.

Similarly, when we go to a temple and pray to The Lord, there are many who may feel, it is just a stone in the form of deity. But is it not The Truth that The Lord is omnipresent. The Lord is present in The Naama Form even in the stone that has been carved and given shape and life. 

What we need to Realise is that we can reach The Lord only in Human Form. All other means are facilitators to Live in The Remembrance of The Lord. For example, When a stone is rubbed on another stone, a spark is generated. It is not the same with human being. We will get hurt if we rub a stone on us hard. That is the reason, it is explained by various Masters and Saints, The Form of The Lord in the temple and various other religious places is nothing but expression of The Lord's Form by The Masters and Saints. The devotion towards The Lord's worldly form limits us to the creation. But sincere Devotion will inspire us to march towards The True Devotion of The Lord. The Lord pleased with our devotion, will lead us to The Master's door at the right time.

The Master shall bring us first of all on the Spiritual path. Once, we mould ourselves and start Living in The Master's Will, The Master initiates us.

The Master gives a Naama, a word laced with His Spiritual energy. It is the Simran of this Naama that enables us to conquer our mind and its worldly thoughts and attachments. It enables us to ensure wandering nature of our sense organs is controlled. Instead of focusing on outer world, we start to look within.

As the Simran of The Naama fruitions, our Dhyaan fixes itself on The Master's physical Form. This enables us to collect our scattered consciousness and bring to The Eye Center. It is at this point that we Realise that we are The Soul, our True Spiritual journey commences.

As we proceed ahead on our Spiritual journey, our Simran of The Naama gives way to Antar Simran of The Naama, The True Lord's name. Simultaneously, our Dhyaan shifts from The Master's physical Form to Antar Dhyaan of The Naama. Here, we Realise that The Naama is the Spiritual Form of The Master. 

Our continued Naama Bhakti enables us to have The Darshan of The Lord in The Naama form, as Light and Sound. The Light and The Sound are coming directly from The Lord's abode. Taking its assistance,we can reach our True Home.

The Darshan of The Lord or union with The Lord is merging into the Light. This Darshan can not be expressed in words, The Lord can just be felt. We feel The Formless Lord within us. Now, we too are The Lord, like The Master and other Saints. We get liberated from the shackles of this world and reach our True Home.

That is the reason, Formless Lord is considered the Truth. Unless one has The Darshan of The Lord, we will not able to realise all this. For the sake of those who love the Lord, The Lord has manifested Himself in various ways and in various forms."

The Master has come to Enlighten us and show us the right path. Living in The Master's Will and doing Naama Bhakti is the only way, we can Realise The Truth. Once we Realise The Truth, our Sense of Discrimination, Vivek opens up. We tread the righteous path.

It is The Naama Bhakti which will enable us to Realise The Lord within. So, it is the right time to do as much Naama Bhakti as possible. Let us do it now. Naama, Naama and Naama, our Master, our protector, our Lord, our destination. 

Authored by K. Giri

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