The Master's Grace, we shall enjoy eternal bliss one day

The Master's Voice 41

The Master's say, "The Meditation, Antar Simran and Antar Dhyaan, is the most difficult because we are clouded with the worldly thoughts. As we claim up, so we come down. Because coming down, walking down or falling down needs no effort, but staying at higher pedestal needs effort because of our earlier orientation."

The Master started illustrating the point through a story. 

"A man was walking up on spiral stairs. He went on and on. After having spent considerable time on climbing, he looked up to see how much climb is left. He could not guage the distance. Then, he looked down and realised that the spiral stairs he had been climbing has vanished. Now, the only option ahead of him was to go forward and walk up. 

Our life is also similar to the vanishing spiral stairs. The entire journey of life that we lived till date has become past. We can not go back and live there. We can only think of the olden days, golden days. We cannot get back even a minute of life. 

Hence, it would be wise and advisable to take care of present, do Naama Bhakti, so that we can move forward and upward. A Disciple who has been initiated by The Master has received The Lord's True Present or Gift, The Naama. The Naama is our True Present will shall help us reach the goal of bliss. The Naama Bhakti helps us not just in our Present time of life, but also at our death, it becomes our SpaceShip and takes The Soul to The Lord's abode."

The Disciples asked how can we focus on our Present?

The Master said, "A Disciple always used to speak of The Lord, The Master and the greatness of The Naama, whenever he got opportunity to speak. Whenever someone approached towards him, even before they could ask him anything, he would talk of the Highest Truths of life.

Once the other Disciples asked him about this, why does he always speak of The Lord and The Naama. The Disciple said, "You know why I keep speaking about the Supreme Truth and Ultimate Reality when I am surrounded by people? This is because many years ago when I started my Spiritual journey, My Master in one of His Discourses said, 'There is one thing we must follow throughout our life. Whenever people of the world come and sit next to us, before they open their mouth, we should start talking about The Lord, Because, if given one opportunity, they will start talking about the world and then our mind will start wandering into the worldly thoughts. Slowly and steadily, we will be trapped in the world. All the years of Meditation and our habit to Live in The Remembrance of The Lord shall be broken by one opportunity given to people living in worldly thoughts and deeds."

The Master further explained, "It is perfectly alright for the Ashram to be in the world, but the world should not be in the ashram. 

It is perfectly alright for the Disciple to be in the world, live in the society with his family, but the world and worldly thoughts should not be in the Disciple. There can be and should be spirituality in the midst of worldliness, but there shouldn't be worldliness in spirituality."

Our life is a Lord's blessing for us to get The Soul Liberated from The Cycle of Birth and Death. We need to surrender our life to The Master and Live in His Will. The Master has shown us the path to connect with The Naama, our True Life, and Live in The Remembrance of The Lord. Let us meditate and meditate, by The Master's Grace, we shall enjoy eternal bliss one day. 

Authored by K. Giri

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