Shiva Sutras | Your very nature is contentment. In order to realise that, you should exert your full effort.

*Chapter 2 - Energy Centres*

*Day 9*

The whole of life is a struggle to find contentment. You will never find contentment in any object or any situation. 

Your very nature is contentment. In order to realise that, you should exert your full effort. Do you know what happens to your body when rajas, or restlessness, increases? 

It does not allow you to sit quietly, at ease. Instead, you fidget, rustle about, squirm, move your legs and tap the table. Sitting in the lawn you pluck the grass and pull leaves from bushes - playing like a monkey.

This happens because of rajas, unsatisfied physical and mental powers. So to satisfy them we must do some activity. Some people think that just by sitting quietly, meditation will happen, but it is not the case. 

Only the person who works well can sit to meditate. There is a misconception that it is the idle people who meditate, pray and sing to God. 

An idle person can never meditate. In fact, the person who works hard can meditate better. This does not apply to those who over-work themselves. 

Some people work all day and night like mad-men. They end up over-sleeping or falling asleep even when they sit to meditate. A person who works well, in moderation, can meditate well.

If you have lots of ambition and dynamism, but do not utilise it correctly or in the right direction, then that energy becomes rajasic. If we are tired or disturbed, then that rajas becomes worry, unless we utilise it in some activity. 

Good sleep and work increase our sattvic nature, and when sattva increases we can meditate better. Sattva rises when tamas, laziness and boredom, vanish. 

So to make the mind cheerful and peaceful, we need to balance tamas and rajas. Rajas gets subdued when you use 100% of your energy in any effort. 

Rajas drives you to activity, and once that activity is finished, the mind changes to its sattvic nature. Tamas also gets subdued by this use of energy. 

Say that on a day off, you decide to work less and to sleep a couple of hours extra or that after a delicious lunch you take a nap. 

Later, when you wake up, your body feels heavy. The more you sleep, the more you gain weight and feel lazy and the more rajas increases. 

That is the reason one should sleep moderately. Sometimes when you wake up, the mind is pure. At that time, sattva is dominant and one easily meditate. 

To raise the level of sattva, put in 100% efforts. Bhairava fills up our incompleteness or lack. When we invest 100 percent of our energy in any action, there will be no regrets, and when there are no regrets there is no fear or anxiety. 

The mind is complete, awake and in the present moment. In this state of awakened consciousness, you again return to the mind turns inward, becomes peaceful and surrenders. 

The surrendered mind finds sri, strength, peace, cheerfulness and success. Happiness spreads around us We reach our goal and have no need for the Shiva Sutras. 

Never say, "It will happen if God wishes." This is not the correct way. The good ideas that you have, come from God, so put them into action. 

We generally run away from effort. Wealth and prosperity is due only to those who put in their full efforts. Lazy people do not find wealth. God has given everyone hands, and it is up to you as to how you use them. 

If you want to play sitar, then you have to practice, or if you want to type on a computer you have to learn how. Practice or study is required for anything you want to do.

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सभी सुखी होवें, सभी रोगमुक्त रहें, सभी मंगलमय घटनाओं के साक्षी बनें और किसी को भी दुःख का भागी न बनना पड़े। ॐ शांति शांति शांति॥
May all sentient beings be at peace, may no one suffer from illness, May all see what is auspicious, may no one suffer. Om peace, peace, peace.


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