Shiva Sutras | When you get angry, the area between the two eyebrows ignites, when you become unhappy, the throat starts to choke, when you feel hatred, a sensation happens in the heart region.

*Chapter 2 - Energy Centres*

*Day 13*

Look at a child five or six years old or a toddler of three to six months. They are filled with enthusiasm. It overflows from every cell of their body. 

Compare children with grown-ups and see if enthusiasm increases or decreases with age. Are we really living when we lose enthusiasm?

From the age of 20, we started to slowly die. Today, this starts at 15. Dying starts as soon as you lose enthusiasm, and life is over by the time we reach the age of 50. 

Although there is no enthusiasm left in life, still we call it life. Today, college students have no enthusiasm. They have already grown old, and have lost their enjoyment of life. 

After the television age started in India, people began maturing
very quickly and now life passes very fast. The people of the last two or three generations were so enthusiastic even at 60-70 of age. 

They are not totally gone, but if you observe the majority of people in schools, colleges and towns, very few of them have cheerful expressions. 

Instead, they rush about with long faces, frowning. Why lead such a life? Or look at the people who visit temples. Some of them are so fearful that they tremble while others walk with scrunched eyebrows. 

People with cheerful faces are rarely seen. This has happened because of our "Vishva" - we have made such a world. Now to drop this, should you run away from society to some cave in the Himalayas? 

You will not find happiness just by entering a cave. The world originates in your mind. Only you have created it, and only you can drop it. The solution is in your own body.

There are different types of centers in your body. Bring your attention to these centers, observe them and the world of worries and thoughts that trouble your mind will disappear. 

There will be peace. This is a very important sutra. When we feel anger, emotion or excitement, then different parts of our body experience various sensations. 

When you get angry, the area between the two eyebrows ignites, when you become unhappy, the throat starts to choke, when you feel hatred, a sensation happens in the heart region. 

What happens when you feel jealous? The stomach churns. Goodwill is also generated in the stomach. For example, we say, "I had a hearty laugh," and when one feels very happy the area around the navel experiences some sensations. 

Similarly, when we feel jealousy or love, there is a sensation around the heart. Likewise, when you are sad there is a feeling in the throat and also when you want to express gratitude. 

You cannot express it in words, and we often say that the throat chokes. All together in our body there are 7 chakras, or energy centers, and all 27,000 subtle nerves in our body are connected to these 7 centers.

The first center is maladhara chakra. Here, the energy is either dormant or active. Bring your attention to this center. All through our lives, though we have a body we do not place our attention on it or even observe it. 

Our body is a wonder. Do you know our body is like a city with millions of living organisms inside? Some are our friends, and some are our enemies. 

Your intestines holds 50,000 different types of bacteria, which are all helpful. We call the body ‘purusha’ meaning whose who live in a city, because the body is like a city.

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सभी सुखी होवें, सभी रोगमुक्त रहें, सभी मंगलमय घटनाओं के साक्षी बनें और किसी को भी दुःख का भागी न बनना पड़े। ॐ शांति शांति शांति॥
May all sentient beings be at peace, may no one suffer from illness, May all see what is auspicious, may no one suffer. Om peace, peace, peace.


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