Showing posts with label Spider plant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Spider plant. Show all posts

Did you know that Spider plant (Chlorophytum Comosum), a member of the large lily family (Liliaceae) is one of popular hanging plants, and a joy to grow if it produces the spiderlike “ babies ” that give it its name?

Spider plant (Chlorophytum Comosum)

Did you know that Spider plant (Chlorophytum Comosum), a member of the large lily family (Liliaceae) is one of popular hanging plants, and a joy to grow if it produces the spiderlike “ babies ” that give it its name?

The spider plant with the botanical name Chlorophytum comosum, also known as airplane plant or ribbon plant, spider ivy, and hen and chickens, a member of the large lily family (Liliaceae), is native to tropical and southern Africa and naturalized in other parts of the world. It is easily grown as a house plant, and its variegated forms are the most popular. Its most popular two variegated cultivars are 
Chlorophytum comosum 'Vittatum' and Chlorophytum comosum 'Variegatum'. The Indian Spider Plant is known in Hindi as Biskandri, Safed Musli, Sans Musali, Sweta-musli in Sanskrit, and is distributed in Eastern Himalaya, Assam, and Bihar. It is not known how the spider plant got its common name but perhaps the mulitple shoot it puts out reminded people of a spiders; many legs. It could be so called beacuse as it grows it produces the spiderlike “babies”. 

The ribbonnlike leaves of the spider plant grow in clusters, arching out gracefully from above the plant's fleshly roots. The plant grows to about 60 cm (24 in) tall. It has fleshy, tuberous roots, each about 5–10 cm (2–4 in) long. The slim tapering leaves are usually at least 12 inches long and up to 1/4 inch wide (2cm). In particular, the cultivar 'Vittatum' has mid-green leaves with a broad central white stripe which is best seen as hanging baskets descending many feet, displaying the plantlets. The long stems are white. There is also a "curly" version with this type of striping and a compact size. the second popular cultivar 'Variegatum' has darker green leaves with white margins. It is generally smaller than the previous cultivar. The long stems are green. Its long , graceful , variegated leaves resemble a miniature weeping willow tree. It reproduces from a leaf cluster and the sends out flower stalks up to 2 feet long bearing tiny white or greenish white flowers (flowers during March – April and soem species in September-October) along their length, as well as one or more young plantlets that develop at or near the tip of the stalk. The inflorescences carry plantlets at the tips of their branches, which eventually droop and touch the soil, developing adventitious roots.

The Spider plant, an ornamental house plant, keeps the air indoors cleaner and healthier to breathe; a perennial, ornamental plant which absorbs carbon dioxide from the air during photosymetheis the process the plant makes its own food. It is simple to grow and maintain and not expesnive. The easiest way to grow is to get a planlet from some one who already has one. The freash plantelet is simply placed on potting soil, which should be kept moist and not wet. As the plant grows and leaves arch over the pot , the plant should be positioned in a window that gets filtered light but not direct sun. Eventually, the plant will produce a cascade of leaves and plantlets. Some can also be grown from offsets, roots , bulbs , or tubers. Spider plants are non-toxic to humans and pets, and are considered edible

Spider plant's tuberous roots are used in folk medicine as a tonic and sedative. It is also said that it improve the breathing habitat for humans.

- Narasipur Char

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