Showing posts with label Bel patra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bel patra. Show all posts

Bel patra: Uses & benefits

Bel patra plant, shiv belpatra (बेलपत्र)  (grow from seed)

Bel patra: Uses, benefits, & Vastu significance

“No worship is complete without offering something to the deity. Lord Shiva is very simple and innocent, and doesn’t expect much; hence, he is called Bholenath. One just needs to offer ‘bel-patra’ to him. Bel-patra offering signifies the surrender of all three aspects of one’s nature—tamas, rajas, and sattva. You have to surrender the positives and negatives of your life to Lord Shiva and become free.”
- Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, global humanitarian and peace ambassador


Bel patra is a plant also known as bilva patra in Sanskrit. The word ‘bilva’ means the bel tree and ‘patra’ means leaf. The plant, bel patra, also includes the bel fruit, which comes with a hard shell and tastes a little tangy. There are various names and pronunciations of bel patra depending on the region you belong to in India. The plant has a cultural, social, and therapeutic value.


When we worship Lord Shiva, bel patra is one of the most important items offered. It is said that the leaves of bel patra are Lord Shiva’s favorite. The three-leaf bel patra symbolizes the Trinity: Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh (Shiva). According to the scriptures, the three leaves of bel patra also represent the three eyes of Lord Shiva.

भोलेनाथ की पूजा में बेलपत्र यानी बेलपत्र का विशेष महत्व है। महादेव एक बेलपत्र अर्पण करने से भी प्रसन्न हो जाते है, इसलिए उन्हें ‘आशुतोष’ भी कहा जाता है। बेलपत्र में एक साथ तीन पत्तियां जुड़ी रहती हैं। इसे ब्रह्मा, विष्णु और महेश का प्रतीक माना जाता है। वैसे तो बेलपत्र की महिमा का वर्णन कई पुराणों में मिलता है। लेकिन शिवपुराण में इसकी महिमा विस्‍तार से बताई गयी है। शिवपुराण में कहा गया है कि बेलपत्र भगवान शिव का प्रतीक है। भगवान स्वयं इसकी महिमा स्वीकारते हैं। मान्यता है कि जो भी बेल वृक्ष की जड़ के पास शिवलिंग रखकर भोले की पूजा करते हैं। वे हमेशा सुखी रहते हैं। उनके पर‍िवार पर कभी कोई कष्‍ट नहीं आता।

Jains also consider bel patra auspicious. It is believed that the 23rd Tirthankara, Parshavantha, attained nirvana under this tree.


It might also interest you to know about the diverse uses of bel patra - as a medicine, a face pack for curing skin problems, or as a refreshment consumed during summers.

1) Medicinal importance of bel patra:

a) Bel patra has very unique medicinal benefits. Its fruit is a rich source of vitamins and minerals that includes Vitamin C, Vitamin A, riboflavin, calcium, potassium, fiber, Vitamin B1, B6, and B12 - that is required for the overall growth and development of the body.

b) According to Ayurveda, there are three doshas - Vatta, Pitta and Kapha, and the consumption of bel patra helps in balancing all the three doshas.

c) Bel fruit contains antioxidants and has laxative properties that help cure stomach-related diseases like diarrhea, dysentery, vomiting; it also strengthens the digestive system.

d) Consumption of bel patra helps control lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, heart problems, and cholesterol.

2) Bel patra benefits for skin:

a) If you suffer from odor troubles due to excess perspiration or rashes on the skin, then applying the mixture of bel patra for a few days will help reduce body odor.

b) Eating or drinking the juice of bel patra can help solve the problem of hair fall and smoothen rough and dry hair.

c) The mixture of bel patra helps remove white spots on the skin that may develop as a side effect of medicine.

Ayurveda and Treatment

“Ayurveda” is being recognized as a holistic system of medicine, Which holds that the body is the foundation of all Wisdom and Source of all Supreme Objectives of life.Ayurveda” have effective treatment for, Asthma, Mental Tension , Spinal Disorders , High blood pressure , Mental Stress, Spondylosis , High Cholesterol , Fatigue , Obesity , Headaches , Respiratory Problems , Heart Diseases , Migraine , Gastric Complaints , Chest Pain , Arthritis , Weight Loss , Osteoarthritis , Body Purification , Gynecological Disorders , Rheumatism , Anti-ageing , Chronic Constipation , Speech Disorders , Piles , Back Pain , Nervous Disorders , Hair Loss , Gout , Premature Graying , Skin Diseases , Psoriasis , Insomnia , Memory Loss , Pain , Gastric Problems , Immunity Problems , Anemia , Acne , Anorexia , Anxiety , Acidity , Bronchitis, Diabetes , Dyspepsia , Dysentery , Dandruff , Depression , Diarrhea , Dengue , Chikungunya , Indigestion , Urinary bladder disorder , Fungal infection , Nasal Congestion , Gum and Tooth diseases , Vitiation of blood , Burning Sensation , Oedema , Emaciation , Impotency , Inflammation , Ulcer , Thirst , Chloasma of face , Tastelessness , Pleurodria , Intercostal neuralgia , Pthisis , Vitiation of semen , Sciatica , Filariasis , Tumour , Intermittent fever , Lassitude , Hoarseness of voice , Mole , Conjunctivitis , Glaucoma , Myopia , Repeated Abortion , Duodenal ulcer , Malabsorption syndrome , Eczema , Flatulence , Fever , General Debility , Irregular Menstrual Cycle , Jaundice , Hepatitis , joint Pain , Kidney stone , Leucorrhea , Leukoderma , Liver Disorder , Menopause , Premenstrual Tension , Pyorrhea , Peptic Ulcer , Palpitation , Rheumatism , Ringworm , Stress Management , Sinusitis , Sore Throat , Skin Allergy , Sciatica , Sleeplessness ,Toothache , weight , Urinary Diseases , Vertigo , infection , Restlessness , Hypertension , Malarial Fever , Cough , Cold , Pimples , Black Heads , Appetite problem , Vomit , Eye problems , Abdominal fever , Abdominal lump , Swelling , Fibroid , Cyst , Bleeding , Infertility in men and women , Pneumonia , Curing Dryness , wounds, cuts, & burns . Consult a certified Doctor for more details on Ayurvedic Treatment.

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सभी सुखी होवें, सभी रोगमुक्त रहें, सभी मंगलमय घटनाओं के साक्षी बनें और किसी को भी दुःख का भागी न बनना पड़े। ॐ शांति शांति शांति॥
May all sentient beings be at peace, may no one suffer from illness, May all see what is auspicious, may no one suffer. Om peace, peace, peace.


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