Vishnu Sahasranamam Stotram

Vishnu Sahasranamam Stotram Lyrics - 1000 Names of Vishnu

Shuklam Baradaram Vishnum, Sasi Varnam Chatur Bhujam,

Prasanna Vadanan Dyayet, Sarva Vignoba Sandaye

Vyasam Vasishtanaptharam, Sakthe Poutramakalmasham,

Parasarathma- jam vande, Shukathatham Taponidhim.

Vyasa Vishnu Roopaya, Vyasa Roopaya Vishnave,

Namo Vai Brahma Vidaya, Vasishtaya Namo Nama.

Avikaraya Shuddhaya, Nityaya Paramatmane,

Sadaika Roopa Roopaya, Vishnave Sarva Jishnave.

Yasya Smarana Mathrena, Janma Samsara Bandhanath.

Vimuchayate Nama Tasmai, Vishnave Prabha Vishnave

OM Namo Vishnave Prabha Vishnave

Shri Vaisampayana Uvacha

Shrutva Dharmaneshena, Pavanani Cha Sarvasha,

Yudishtra Santhanavam Puneravabhya Bhashata

Yudishtra Uvacha

Kimekam Daivatham Loke, Kim Vapyegam Parayanam,

Sthuvantha Kam Kamarchanda Prapnyur Manava Shubham,

Ko Dharma sarva Dharmanam Paramo Matha

Kim Japanmuchyathe Jandur Janma Samsara Bhandanat

Sri Bheeshma Uvacha

Jagat Prabhum Devadevam Anantham Purushottamam,

Stuvan Nama Sahasrena, Purusha Sathathothida,

Tameva Charchayan Nityam, Bhaktya Purushamavyayam,

Dhyayan Sthuvan Namasyancha Yajamanasthameva Cha,

Anadi Nidhanam Vishnum Sarva Loka Maheswaram

Lokadyaksham Stuvannityam Sarva Dukkhago Bhaved,

Brahmanyam Sarva Dharmagnam Lokanam Keerthi Vardhanam,

Lokanatham Mahadbhootham Sarva Bhootha Bhavodbhavam

Aeshame Sarva Dharmanam Dharmadhika Tamo Matha,

Yad Bhaktyo Pundarikaksham Stuvyr-Archanayr-Nara Sada,

Paramam Yo Mahatteja, Paramam Yo Mahattapa

Paramam Yo Mahad Brahma Paramam Ya Parayanam

Pavithranam Pavithram Yo Mangalanam Cha Mangalam,

Dhaivatham Devathanam Cha Bhootanam Yo Vya Pitha

Yatha Sarvani Bhoothani Bhavandyathi Yugagame

Yasmincha Pralayam Yanthi Punareve Yuga Kshaye

Tasya Loka Pradhanasya Jagannatathasya Bhoopathe

Vishno Nama Sahasram Me Srunu Papa Bhayapaham

Yani Namani Gounani Vikhyatani Mahatmanah

Rishibhih Parigeetani Tani Vakshyami Bhootaye

Rishir Namnam Sahsrasya Veda Vyaso Maha Munih

Chando Aunustup Stada Devo Bhagawan Devaki Sutha

Amruthamsu Bhavo Bhhejam Shakthir Devaki Nandana

Trisama Hridayam Tasya Santhyarthe Viniyujyade

Vishnum Jishnum Mahavishnum Prabha Vishnun Maheswaram

Aneka Roopa Daityantham Namami Purushottamam

Sri Vishnu Sahasranama Stotra

Asya Shriivishhnor-Divyasahasranaam- a Stotra Mahaa Mantrasya

Shri Vedavyaaso Bhagavaan Rishhih

Anushhtuph Chhandah

Shri Mahaavishnuh Paramaatmaa Shriimannaaraayano Devataa

Amritaam Shuudbhavo Bhaanuriti Bieejam

Devakee Nandanah Srashteti Shaktih

Udbhavah Kshobhano Deva Iti Paramo Mantrah

Shankha-Bhrinnandakii Chakriiti Keelakam

Shaarngadhanvaa Gadaadhara Ityastram

Rathaangapaani Rakshobhya Iti Netram

Trisaamaa Saamagah Saameti Kavacham

Aanandam Parabrahmeti Yonih

Rituh Sudarshanah Kaala Iti Digbandhah

Shri Vishvaruupa Iti Dhyaanam

Shri Mahaavishhnu Priityartham Sahasranaama Jape Viniyogah

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ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः। सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चिद्दुःखभाग्भवेत। ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः॥
सभी सुखी होवें, सभी रोगमुक्त रहें, सभी मंगलमय घटनाओं के साक्षी बनें और किसी को भी दुःख का भागी न बनना पड़े। ॐ शांति शांति शांति॥
May all sentient beings be at peace, may no one suffer from illness, May all see what is auspicious, may no one suffer. Om peace, peace, peace.


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