They can be removed by the practice of one subject.

 Verse 32

तत्प्रतिषेधार्थमेकतत्त्वाभ्यासः ॥३२॥

tat-pratiṣedha-artham-eka-tattva-abhyāsaḥ ॥32॥

They can be removed by the practice of one subject.
In previous sutra the Maharshi has spoken about all the 9 obstacles on the path of Yoga. The consequent results of these impediments are bad which themselves act as obstructions. This gives rise to four more adverse obstructions, making them 13 in number.

Those four obstructions are:

Mental Agitation
Tremor of limbs
Irregular breathing

Mental Agitation – When a man’s desires are not fulfilled, a kind of distress is born in his mind.
This distress brings in hopelessness, idleness and disinterest in performing yoga sadhana. Therefore, flawless action is the only way to avoid this. 

Tremor of body — Disorganized life style, dietary habits, too much involvement in materialistic things leads to a tremor in body parts which makes it unnatural. This is a huge road block in the path of Yoga.
This kind of tremour in body parts does not let a person move on the path of Yoga.

Irregular Breathing – Irraegular and uncontrolled inhaling and exhaling is also a problem which is the side effect of 9 obstacles. Unstability instead of stability in mind for any reason has a direct impact on our life force/energy and diverts it towards irregular speed. This situation is an obstacle in Yoga as Yoga is attained with single mindedness and no distraction.

Thus these irregularities distract the mind and are obstacles in the path of Yoga.

one element should be practised to remove these deflections.

Now the question here is: Which element and how should it be practised to remove all 9 major obstacles and 4 minor obstacles?

There are many ways and practices to remove these impediments but these obstacles can never be completely removed by using different means. Therefore, the Maharshi has emphasized on the practice of ekatatva/ one element to overcome these obstacles and enjoy benefits of samadhi.

Concentration is achieved by practicing ekatatva which will help you to move forward on the path of Yoga by converting the deranged mind into a focussed one.

According to Sutra samkhya 23, Ishvar pranidhan/surrender to Ishvar is the best and easy way for Samadhi. And according to this sutra, practice of ishta ekatatva is the best way to remove obstacles for concentration of mind.

What is this ekatatva? – Meaningful chanting of Omkara is ekatatva. The meditator achieves concentration of mind with its uninterrupted continuous practice and thus destroys all grief.

Patanjali yoga sutras verse here talks of the four obstacle mental distress irregular breathing pain and limbs.

Unhealthy life habits impact body vasanas tendencies worries create fear in mind as a result irregular breathing happens.

Overcome all these by surrendering to Ishvara. 

Focus your mind on Ishvara. Do not think of anything else you ll attain samadhi if this is practices long time


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