Barringtonia asiatica or Barringtonia speciosa, commonly known as fish poison tree or box fruit tree or Putat laut

Barringtonia asiatica or Barringtonia speciosa, commonly known as fish poison tree or box fruit tree or Putat laut (amongst locals) is a critically endangered tropical tree, up to 30 m tall, with a round crown of shiny, large, dark green leaves.
It belongs to the Lecythidaceae family.
The unbuttressed trunk has pinkish-grey bark.
Foliage Its spirally arranged, stalkless leaves possess leathery leaf blades that are shiny dark green, drop-shaped, and 15–52 by 7–21 cm. Its fresh leaves are pinkish-olive with distinct pink veins, and wither yellow to pale orange.
 Its flowering shoots are up to 31 cm long, found at the ends of branches, and more or less upright, unlike the hanging ones, typical of other Barringtonia species. Its stalked flowers are bisexual, 15-cm wide, and appear fluffy because of the presence of numerous, white, pink-tipped stamens. Its strongly fragrant flowers open around sunset in readiness for the nocturnal animal pollinators and fall off by morning, seldom withering on the branch itself.

Fruits are 1–2-seeded, 7–10 cm wide, with a broad square base tapering to two rounded sepals, giving it a box like appearance, and hence the name box fruit tree.
 The fruits mature from green to brown. They hang from branches, and have a tough, corky-fibrous husk that aids in their dispersal by water. The fruits are water resistant and easily float on water.
Its seeds are oblong, and 4–5 cm long.
It grows along sandy coasts and seashores. 
It is the food plant for moth larvae of Dasychira spp. and Thyas honesta. Fruit bats and night-flying moths are attracted to its flowers and act as pollinators.
It can be propagated by seed.
The plant is named after Daines Barrington (1727–1800), English naturalist; and the specific name asiatica, refers to the asian distribution of the plant.

The cooked fruits (to remove the saponins) are edible.
Backaches and sore joints can be treated using the bark, leaves, and fruits. Rheumatism can be treated using the fresh leaves, while their juices are used to treat diarrhoea. Intestinal worms can also be expelled by ingesting the seeds.
The wood is used to construct boats and huts. 

There is currently one individual of Barringtonia asiatica listed as Heritage Tree in Singapore. It can be found at Singapore Botanic Gardens.

Oil extracts from the seeds are used as an illuminant. The fruits and seeds are used as fish poisons as they contain toxic saponins.
It is grown for its ornamental flowers, and as shady roadside tree or in thematic landscaping.

Can tolerate waterlogged , saline soils / salt spray. Prefers full sun, moderate water and can be propagated by stem cutting or seeds.

Risk involved: Fruits may cause injury or damage when they drop. Do not plant tree at car parks and areas with pedestrain traffic.


Plants of Singapore

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