You just can't miss the Hollow and Empty Meditations with Gurudev!!!!!!!

Here's one of my dearest stories!
Eversince I heard experiences from people who did an advance course (Advance Meditation Program ('AMP')Art of Silence course at Triveni Ashram in Dec 2019 wherein Gurudev met everyone and conducted some sessions, I had been really very jealous and was super desperate to experience Gurudev's session at AMP.

Soon after this, an AMP got announced at Vasad Ashram, new year special where Gurudev was going to come for a session first week of Jan... Gurudev was going to be in Germany and then in Gujarat...I immediately took the first step of enrolling and little did I know, it was just beginning of enhancing my longing to meet Him. Things weren't working out well at office and I couldn't seek leave for the course and told Gurudev, even if you come, how will I speak to my senior for leave since my senior got an idea of my resignation thoughts. Well, Gurudev extended His stay in Germany and couldn't come to Vasad for the AMP. Neither could I!
But I was not very happy about it since I couldn't meet Him.

Few days later, I got to know that Rishi Vidhyadharji would be coming back to India and would be conducting AMP in March...this gave me relief. At least this AMP if not Gurudev special AMP...I finally convinced my mind to be happy regardless, after all, Each course wherever it happens on this planet, it's Gurudev's course. But the registration details weren't out for a long time even after the message reached me and I couldn't register!
Again I was desponded.
I kept complaining, I have taken one step, when will 99 steps follow :p
Again, some good news after a month, I got to know that Bawa and Dinesh Bhaiyya would be conducting an AMP in Rishikesh and this one had a lot of fun activities around the course and ofcourse Holi! But my exam schedule didn't allow me to register for this one either! The course was from March 11-15 and I had an exam on March 17 for which some educational visits to the Court and jail were necessary in March first and second week. I really gave up the idea of doing AMP!

And few days later, finally got to know about Rishiji's course in Vasad and Pune... without a second thought I registered again :p

Well, this time again, due Coronvirus related lockdown, my exam on March 17 got postponed (I could have done AMP in Rishikesh had I taken a leap of faith and registered) and few days later, got to know that Mumbai would be locked down until March 31. Still I was hopeful because Rishiji's course was scheduled in April first week.
No prize for guessing!
Again I gave up hopes when a nation wide lockdown got announced and all courses got canned until April 14.

Till this time, that is March 24, I was so full of stress due to work and so many other things at home, I really needed AMP! I asked Gurudev, is there some way you can help me be free and head is overloaded with all the possible negative emotions and I need intense Meditation techniques really very badly...some online course pls? I really can't brook anymore...I literally wanted to leave my house but due to the lockdown, I had no option :p
And Gurudev announced during some free Meditation in the afternoon about online silence course...I couldn't find the details so thought, this one might be for teachers! And in a day's time, the course registration details were out.
My Happiness knew no bounds... finally, not only 99 steps, He made Himself available for everyone and that too so many miles away!

I already felt so light and started doing seva for AMP on call. I made a long list and started calling people. Just after 2-3 calls I realized I'm not able to do justice in terms of explaining what AMP is all about. I told of one my friends about space element and couldn't explain well enough. This inability demotivated me and I told Gurudev, if I am not able to articulate what the course is about, what space element is and what it means to be hollow and empty, I can't just bluff. I stopped calling.
And AMP started. I was expecting Gurudev would take at least one session but Gurudev is unpredictable. You can't know until it happens. I wanted to do AMP (especially Hollow and empty Meditation) with Him since Dec 2019 and see how He takes care of these little desires. He explained everything that I wanted to know about space element. Gurudev answered all the questions that had popped up in my mind while doing seva on call for AMP. I have always preferred getting answers from Gurudev Himself through videos/quotes/meeting in person. And indeed, He took care of this little need yet again!
While I expected only one session, He conducted so many sessions during the course besides the 2 daily sessions for everyone! Needless to say, the Experiences have been mind blowing, literally.

Also, there is one more story about an advance course follow up in Mumbai in Dec 2019. The follow up had two sessions. I got late for the second session and missed few points that the teacher explained relating to Chakras and different forms of energy associated with different Chakras. I was really upset with myself for being late and missing knowledge. Gurudev helped again. While I forgot about it, Gurudev nicely explained it during one of the free online meditations in the afternoon.

And yes, I thoroughly enjoyed all the other sessions conducted by all the teachers during the online course.

For those, who may be comparing an online course with some experience at Ashram AMP, I tell you, not a single course can be compared for all courses are uniquely tailored by Gurudev for us!

One more online course has been announced from April 3 to April 5, 2020
You just can't miss the Hollow and Empty Meditations with Gurudev!!!!!!!
It's class apart!!!!
After all, when the Master Himself makes us Experience that lightness, how can you not love it!
I would advise you to manage everything else and just do it.
People travel across continents to meet Gurudev and do courses with Him. We are so lucky to have the opportunity of doing it at home. He is taking so much care. You just can't miss this opportunity for anything!

And what a beginning! Yes, indeed!
Gurudev explained that it's just the beginning of the course...and you have to do the next one to understand how!

Also, I had been longing for a Satsang since so long and this one got fulfilled too. A beautiful video got me on my toes wherein Gurudev Himself sang such lovely Bhajans and shared some tips to feel hollow and empty every day.
And yeah, wonderful Guru stories, Ashram stories coupled with amazing facts during Meditations and morning exercise sessions by Dinesh Bhaiyya helped me get deeper in devotion, faith and discipline!

(One of the key takeaways for me that now finds place in my prayers every night [something that Dinesh Bhaiyya had shared and it really helps me sleep peacefully and with total sense of security - not word for word but this is what I remember]
Sleep at the feet of the divine and put on your blanket of grace)

And stay super excited for the next Online AMP!!

Jai Gurudev :)
Antevasi Krishna

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