Miracle to see that the door was as it was

When Gurudev says that I am with you when you sit with eyes closed for meditation, it is so true. 

I was out of station for a holiday. The resort where we were staying had a long balcony attached with every room. We could step out of the room and sit there but the only thing missing was that the door could not be locked from outside. The latch was inside the room and it could be locked only from inside. 

I was out of station for a holiday. The resort where we were staying had a long balcony attached with every room. We could step out of the room and sit there but the only thing missing was that the door could not be locked from outside. The latch was inside the room and it could be locked only from inside.

I had to do my Sudarshan Kriya in the morning so I thought this would be the best place in the resort to do my Sudarshan Kriya, without catching much attention of outsiders and without disturbing my family in the morning. All I had to do was just step out of the room and sit for meditation. 

The next morning I got up a little early while my family was still sleeping. I tip tied outside. I closed the door but couldn’t lock it as there was no facility to lock it from outside. 

I was using a clean towel as a mat to sit for Sudarshan Kriya. As I sat starting with naadi shodhan pranayam I realised it was very windy. So windy that the towel on which I was sitting kept fluttering. The trees facing me were whooshing. And leaves were flying all over. My hair was tied up in a tight pony but it was all over my face due to high pressure of wind.

I continued with my naadi shodhan pranayam. Halfway I heard a loud bang of a door shutting. Someone’s door facing the balcony was left open and due to wind pressure it opened fully and closed with a loud thud. The family staying in that room immediately took the action and closed it from inside. 

My heart started fluttering now. I wanted to complete my sadhna and the wind was making it impossible. What started bothering me more was that the door of my room which I had left ajar could open and close with a bang and may not only cause disturbance to people sleeping inside but also could shatter and break as it was made out of glass. 

I called upon Gurudev asking him to take care of the door while I do my Sudarshan Kriya. The wind was getting wild. The towel was literally not flying away because I was seated on it. And the noise of the wind was making it all sound very strange as though some storm was about to come. 

I continued with my three stage pranayama however. I heard another door bang in a distance again. Again my thoughts went back to my rooms door. Again asking Gurudev to take care I continued with my kriya.
I completed my sadhna followed by sahaj in the windy morning. 

When I finally opened my eyes it was a miracle to see that the door was as it was.. slightly ajar. With the kind of wind blowing it could have opened and closed with a bang but it seemed it did not move an inch. The towel on which I was sitting was all crumbled up due to the wind. The winds made my hair get tangled and spread all over my face. The trees were still swooshing with the wind. It made my believe even more firm that when we sit with eyes close for Sudarshan Kriya then definitely Gurudev is around us like a shield, protecting us. Jai Guru Dev.

- Shristee, Hyderabad

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सभी सुखी होवें, सभी रोगमुक्त रहें, सभी मंगलमय घटनाओं के साक्षी बनें और किसी को भी दुःख का भागी न बनना पड़े। ॐ शांति शांति शांति॥
May all sentient beings be at peace, may no one suffer from illness, May all see what is auspicious, may no one suffer. Om peace, peace, peace.


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