We can never find The Master, it is The Master who finds us.

The Master's Voice 14

Who will be a Seeker of The Lord? How can we find The Master?

The Master's say, "Every Soul that has taken the human form is bestowed with an opportunity to reach The True Home. On each and every path, they are given an opportunity to choose from Right path and wrong path."

For example, a traditional Hindu family spends time on religious activities like visiting temples, prayers and Bhajans. A child has got ample opportunity to stay on the right path and become a seeker. Whereas, if his set of companion and friends distract him and lead him towards outer activities, he may not spend as much time on temples, prayers and Bhajans. He is busy in other activities and forgotten to be in the remembrance of The Lord.

The child who alongwith his parents had been doing prayer and temple visit has created a regular habit. He has earmarked a daily routine of Remembrance of The Lord.

When in Remembrance of The Lord, our natural tendency will be to be a good human being, listen to the elders, be helping hand for people in need. We create a right kind of environment.

The Master's say, "The mind performs our routine and regular acts spontaneously." So, Remembering The Lord becomes spontaneous and natural for us.

Now, this is like a farmer preparing his land for the harvest season. In the pre season, he waters, ploughs and ensures that the land would be cultivable and ready. We have reached a similar state. Now it is time to sow the seed and reap the Harvest.

Since our natural orientation has now turned towards The Lord and an inner awareness arises within, which seeks some questions?

Why am I attracted to The Lord?
Why is our bond so strong?
Why does He solve my problems, when I seek His help?
How can I find?

Now, we need an expert, who can solve us the quest and show the right path. From here, our journey to seek The Master begins.

Through our righteous conduct, Hence The Lord creates an opportunity for us to tread towards The Master. It could be through our parents, family, friends or spiritual gathering, we get to know about The Master and His devotion towards The Lord.

Here too, we can either tread the right path and reach The Master or walk away from him.

If we tread towards The Master, then like a Housefly is always attracted by the smell of Jaggery that it flies against the wind to reach Jaggery. Similarly, now the scent of The Master starts pulling us towards Him. All the obstacles on the path get washed away slowly. 

The Saints say, "We can never find The Master, it is The Master who finds us." We, like the farmer can, by The Grace of The Master, sow the seeds.

Thus, it is of utmost essence to create the right environment at home, to be able to take right decisions at all times. Let us remain in His remembrance always. Let us pray from the Heart and meditate as much as possible. 

Authored by K. Giri

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