Through the practice of Meditation, we can try to Touch the Silence.

The Master's Voice 24

In olden days, the Indian village hired a night-watchman to keep down crime and accidents. He would go around the streets and lanes with a square metal lantern, open only at the front. The watchman could see, wherever the lantern cast its light. No rays of light fell on him, who carried the lantern. If you wanted to see who the watchman was, you had to ask him to turn the lamp back on his own face. We are like that! 

Our eyes (ears, tongue, etc.) are all facing outward, looking at and feeling the things of the world. The Master's say, "if you want to see The Lord, turn the lamp around; look within and find the Source of all the light."

The Master's say, "Our consciousness is spread wide across the world. It is scattered here and there. Hence, our consciousness is restricted to the initial 3 levels of consciousness. The Dream, Sleep and Wake consciousness."

These consciousness, according to The Saints are within the ambit of Cycle of birth and death. Our life is controlled by the mind through 5 senses. The mind attunes the ego such that we believe we are The Doers. Everything happens as per our wish and desires. Our thoughts are oriented towards I, Me and Myself. 

The Master's say, "The Lord had sent us in this universe as a pure soul, but we made the wrong choices and have got layers of dust covering. As and when we clear the layers of dust away, The Soul can recollect its true identity and try to reconnect with the source, The Lord."

The Master's further say, "Through the practice of Meditation, we can try to Touch the Silence. Touching the SILENCE is the proof of us overpowering the worldly thoughts and focussing on connecting with The Lord. This is the only process to clear the dust layers that we have accumulated over the Soul. Living in the Remembrance of The Lord facilitates us in Touching the SILENCE.

Touching the Silence in Meditation is called as Transcending the state of ego and Realising The Self. This is also called as Self Realisation or opening of the Third Eye."

This can be achieved only by The Master's Grace and by Living in The Master's Will. Self realisation is also the stage when the Soul is awakened state of consciousness and knows its original identity.

The Master's say, "once we Touch the Silence, we revel in Bliss and Peace. Harmony starts to flow and follow. We want to give more time to meditation. This leads us to Being in the State of SILENCE. This is called as Cosmic consciousness or connecting with The Laws of Nature."

The Saints say, "When we start Being in SILENCE, we Realise The Master's presence inside. The Master, who was guiding us from inside till date and was not visible, is visible now. The Soul realises that it has reached thus far because of the Divine Grace and magnetic pull of The Master."

The Master's say, "As we traverse beyond the Cosmic consciousness, we go beyond SILENCE to unravel and hear The Sound inside us. This is the 6th step and is also called as God consciousness."

The Master's Grace and His Presence facilitate to reach this stage. Here, we feel the God and awaken in our Self.

The Master's say, "Further traverse through the practice of Meditation shall enable us to have The Darshan of The Lord and immerse in Him."

Here The Saints say, "The Disciples will SEE that The Lord and The Master are the same."

This is called as Unity Consciousness. Here, The Soul, The Master and The Lord are unified, ONE.

The result derived from Living in The Master's Will and practicing Meditation is incomprehensible. Let us meditate and Live in The Remembrance of The Lord. Our Master will surely shower His Grace and uplift us. 

Authored by K. Giri

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