The Soul is Free and unbound

The Master's Voice 32

The Master's say, "That we Sow, so shall we reap. We can reap the harvest of the seed that we have sown. The genetics cannot be changed."

The Saints say, "Similarly, if our nature and habit has been to be in love with the elders and others, then following The Master's Will shall not be difficult.

The Master has come to show us what to do in order to advance spiritually. The Master's Will is the same as The Lord's Will. Since, we cannot see The Lord, The Master has come to show the path that we need to tread to be in His Will."

The Master's advice,
"Adopt a lacto-vegetarian diet; 
Avoid drugs, alcohol and tobacco; 
Lead an honest life; and
Practise at least two and a half hours meditation every day. 

The practice of the first three advices shall cultivate our Nature and habit to be a good human, Helpful to all. It enables us to protect our mind from getting polluted. The mind in control is always ready to Live in The Remembrance of The Lord. Whereas, a wavering mind has more distractions and is immersed in worldly affairs."

Thus, it is very important that we be obedient and follow the basics earnestly.

The Master's say, "Our obedience shall be reflected directly proportionate in our meditation." 

The Saints say, "If we have not been obedient, then our meditation will work as purifier of the mind, and bring it thinking and Living in The Master's Will. Once purified, The Master shall ensure advancement in the Spiritual path by removing us from the realm of the physical."

This is why, The Master constantly advocates Meditation as the most important habit to be cultivated.

The Master's say, "Acceptance of what the life has bestowed on us, is another important Nature or habit. One who accepts the situation unfolding and lives happily will be content with what he has. He will not run for more. He will not ask, Why me?

He will simply express his gratitude, Thanks Lord for everything that you have showered on me.

We should remember, The Lord is our Father. He is very well aware of all our needs, He knows what is good for us. Hence, He bestows only that much as He deems is best for us."

The Saints say, "Living in The Master's Will is the only way to recognise the fact that we are not a separate entity from The Lord or The Master. We are One, the particles of The Lord. The mind which was creating a separate identity for us, starts to recede and Accept The Soul as its Master. The Ego vanishes and The Soul is Free and unbound."

The Master's say, "Nature of Free Soul is always oriented towards The Lord. It wants to go back to The Lord, its True Love. The Longing to immerse in The Lord can be felt in it's Living in The Remembrance of The Lord."

The path is simple and easy for those who have oriented towards The Lord and The Master, from childhood. But if we have allowed the mind to dictate us, it will be difficult but not impossible. Now is the time, to once again re affirm our commitment to The Master. It is the time to Live in The Master's Will. It is the time to reap the benefits and Live in The Remembrance of The Lord. Let us meditate and meditate, The Master's Grace will lead us towards our True Home. 

Authored by K. Giri

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