The Lord created the human beings and sent them in this world with full potential

The Master's Voice 63

The Master's say, "The Lord created the human beings and sent them in this world with full potential. The Lord has given similar powers to one and all.

In human beings, there is none superior, none inferior. All the beings shall be alive, till The Lord will be present in them in The Naama form.

This is the Same Naama with which The Lord has created this Universe. In this field of all possibilities, The Lord has sent His particles, The Soul into the creation with mind as its companion. To manifest the full potential one needs to follow The Lord's Will.

The Soul being The Naama form is The True Master. But, The Lord's Will is that The Soul start from base level of consciousness and work on its way to reach The Supreme Consciousness.

Even in a cricket match, when a new match starts, The batsman who comes to the crease starts from Zero. Similarly, Our Soul needs to tread the path righteously to go back to The Lord's abode and unite with The Lord. If they get out in between, they will stay put in this creation.

The Righteous Path in this creation is The Master's Path. The Lord has sent The Master on a single point agenda. And that is, to Enlighten the human beings with regard to the True purpose of their life, Show them the True Prayer of The Lord, and take those who reach The Supreme Consciousness, to The Lord's abode.

The Master has already experienced The Truth. He has Realised The Lord within His Self. The Master is here just to Enlighten us, with the knowledge of The Truth.

The Saints have always said that we can experience The Lord, within the body. Not outside in a temple, mosque or a church.

The Lord is not in the man made creation, because everything created by us, is artificial and breakable. The Lord in the temple is the manifestation of The Saints who had experienced The Lord in a particular Form. 

But the Truth is, The Lord is omnipresent and Formless. He can not be limited to, within the four boundaries of The Temple or Mosque. The Lord has charted His own path to reach Him. We can reach Him only through The True Prayer, Naama Bhakti. It is only The Antar Simran and Antar Dhyaan of The Naama, that pleases The Lord and works as the key to open the lock of The Lord's abode.

All other prayers shall limit our achievement in The Field of All Possibilities to within this creation.

It is only a Living Master, neither past Masters nor The Saints who had Lived before our times, who can help us. The Living Master shares His Naama, The Spiritual Energy to us during our Initiation.

Like, a mother gives the children Energy drink like Horlicks both in the morning and evening, so that the children's energy level does not drop down. Similarly, The Master gives The Naama to rejuvenate and energise our Soul, It is the Naama that acts as the SpaceJet to ferry us across the ocean, to The Lord's abode, our True Home."

The Master's path is the easiest Path to reach The Lord's abode. The Path of Karma and Intelligence is difficult to Master, with mind as companion. Let us Surrender ourselves to The Master and Live in His Will. The Master has shown us the right path and given us The Naama.

Let us keep doing Simran of The Naama and Dhyaan of The Master. One day, our Naama Bhakti will please The Master and by His Grace, we shall unite with The Lord. 

The Master's mandate is very clear. He says, "We do not know how long our human life is. So, it is for our betterment that we do as much Naama Bhakti as possible. All our worldly possessions shall be left back in this creation, we cannot even a small needle. The only thing which can And Will go with us is The Naama. Rather it is on uniting our Soul with The Naama, The Naama takes us back to The origin. awakened Soul shall always be in The Lord's prayer through Naama Bhakti. 

Authored by K. Giri

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