Surrender your Self to The Master

The Master's Voice 40

The Master's say, "According to The Saints, even before the creation, The Lord was there. The Lord, in His whole manifestation and glory, was, is and will be The Supreme Consciousness or The Unity Consciousness. Even The Saints and The Masters who have attained Samaadhi or elevated their Consciousness to The Unity Consciousness, can not describe The Lord's magnificence. One who treads The Master's Path can only experience The Lord inside them."

Can someone who has studied only upto Class XII teach the Ph. D students or Post Graduation students. No. Similarly, The Lord is way beyond the comprehension of we mortals. 

The Saints say, "The Unity Consciousness is a state, where there is no time or space. The Lord is the origin of all, and He created three more phases of His own being in a complete and Perfect form - Agam - The Inaccessible and Unfathomable, Alakh - Beyond Perception, and Satnam - True Name (Naam or Naamam) of The Lord. The Lord created this UniVerse through ONE Naamam. Uni means One, Verse means Naamam or The Word.

The Simran of The Word given by The Master at the time of Initiation, and The Dhyaan of The Master lead us towards The Naama. The Naama has Sound and Light in it, that which emanates from The Lord's True Home. As we connect with The Naama with the help of the sound, Our Antar Simran or Ajapaa of The Naama begins inside. By further contemplating on The Naama, our Antar Dhyaan becomes perfect, propelling us towards experiencing the highest level of consciousness, The Unity Consciousness. Once we reach there, our Soul, The ever glowing Light merges into The Naama, the eternal Light. Then, We Realise The Naama, is The Lord as well as Our True Master."

The Master explains the Sanctity and power of The Naama through the teachings of Saint Namdev Ji. 

"1. The Naama permeates densely the sky and the lowest regions and the entire universe. It is spread to the depths in the nether regions and to heights in the heavens it extends. Those who have not tasted The Naama live in the 84 lakh Cycle of Birth and death, not knowing the essence of things. The Naama is present in the smaller than the smallest, as well as, in larger than the largest. Saint Namdev Ji says The Naama is immortal. Forms are innumerable, but the Naama is in all of that.

2. The Naama itself is Form. There is no distinction between Naama and Form. The Lord became manifest, and assumed Naama and Form. 

Saint Namdev Ji warns, there is no mantra beyond The Naama. Those who say otherwise lack proper understanding of The Lord. Saint Namdev Ji says the Naama is Keshava (The Lord) Himself. This can be realised only by the loving devotees of the Lord, the lucky Souls, who have elevated their Consciousness to Unity Consciousness. 

3. The all-pervading nature of the Naama can only be understood when one recognises one's own Self. If one's own Naama is not recognised, it is impossible to get the all-pervading Naama. Once He knows his own self, then He will find The Naama everywhere. 

4. No one can realize the Naama by practice of knowledge, meditation or austerity. Surrender yourself first at the feet of 
The Master and learn to know that Self, our Soul is that Naama. After finding the source of that Self, merge your individuality in that Oneness which is self-existent and devoid of all duality. That which pervades beyond dvaita [duality] and dvaitatita [that which is beyond duality], that Naama has come into the three worlds. The Naama is The Lord Himself, here, there is no action arising out of duality."

Here, The Master has explained in simplest form, the technique to achieve The Unity Consciousness or The Samaadhi. Our path is further more simplified by The Saints, "Live in The Master's Will; Surrender your Self to The Master; Rest He, The True Naama Form, will take care." 

Authored by K. Giri

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