Only Ecstasy and Bliss

The Master's Voice 61

The Master's say, "It is only The Chosen One, who can show us The Spiritual Path. There are few Chosen One, who are blessed with The Capabilities to explain the Inner Experience in words, that we can understand. 

Mira Bai was one of the great Saint's of the country, who through her Guru Bhakti Realised The Lord. She has shared Her experiences of Realising The Truth, through which she has inspired many into the Spiritual path, even though she did not initiate anyone personally."

पायो जी मैंने राम रतन धन पायो 

In the poem "Paayo ji Maine Raam Ratan Dhan Paayo", Mira Bai ji is sharing her ecstasy after having had The Darshan of The Lord. 

Mira Bai ji says, "I am now in the possession of most precious treasure, The Treasure of Raam, The Supreme Consciousness. Indeed, I am fortunate to have had The Darshan of The Raam."

In our lives, we always see the women in our house cherish and treasure a Diamond Necklace as the most precious gift of their lifetime. They wear it only on special occasion like weddings or a big family function, so that others could have a glimpse of it and enjoy. All the other times, it is kept in a locker. It is something on which they pride upon.

The Master's say, "Here, Mira Bai ji is exhibiting before the world, the most precious jewellery one can ever wear in Human life. She is showing The Raam Ratan, The Naama Jewellery to us, without any fear or inhibition, rather with great pride and joy."

वस्तु अमोलिक दी मेरे सतगुरु
कृपा कर अपनायो

Mira Bai ji says, "It is The Master, who has given me The Most precious jewellery. The Master took me under His wings and blessed me with His Naama, that which is filled with His Spiritual energy. As I did Simran and Dhyaan of The Master's Naama, by The Master's Grace, I became Him, because He made me so. It is In The Master's Company, that I had The Darshan of Raam, The Lord. He has elevated my consciousness to The Supreme Consciousness, Highest possible level."

The Master's say, "Even at home, our women remember the person who had given the diamond necklace, whether he is near or far away. Whenever The talk about the jewellery comes, we remember the person who gifted the necklace, automatically."

Similarly, Mira Bai ji says, "As soon as I start Simran of The Naama, I find my Dhyaan being totally on The Master."

जन्म जन्म की पूंजी पाई
जग में सबी खुमायो

Mira Bai ji goes on to further explain, "Now I Realise what I have been missing from the time of this birth. And thanks to The Master, I have regained my original treasure, Raam Ratan, that with which I had lost while getting separated from The Lord, My Father. By regaining The Supreme Consciousness, I have become free, no worldly thoughts and attachments. Only Ecstasy and Bliss."

The Master's say, "Let us take an example, When our Water Tank is filled with filth, the easiest way to clean it up is by adding pure water into it. As the tank fills, water starts to overflow, it is the filth which gets cleared first. After which, the tank shall contain only pure water. Same shall be the case of our consciousness, as we fill it with The Naama, all the filth will automatically get cleared."

Mira Bai ji continues, "The Raam Ratan that is now in my possession is something that no one can steal from me. Neither can I misplace it. As I do Naama Bhakti, the treasure is actually increasing, as the day passes by." 

सत की नाव खेवटिया सतगुरु
सत की नाव खेवटिया सतगुरु
भवसागर तऱयायो

Mira Bai now shares her experience of the journey, "Today, I am in hold of the ticket, which is most difficult ticket to get. The ticket for the greatest of all the journeys, The journey of The Truth. The journey of The Truth shall be piloted by The Master, The Captain who has the experience of The journey of The Truth and the most trustworthy. With Him in Command, I just surrendered. The Master ferried me across the deadly ocean of the world with such ease. No jerks, no troubles, no pain."

Everyone who has travelled on an aeroplane would have experienced turbulence in the sky and jerks at the time of take off and landing. But in this journey of The Truth, Everything was in control, as The Master was in command.

मीरा के प्रभु गिरिधर नागर
हर्क हर्क जस गायो

Mira Bai ji says, "The ecstasy and bliss that I am sharing now is only one millionth of what I am experiencing. I am sharing the joy of being in The Company of The benign Lord, with one and all to the best of my ability. Do Naama Bhakti, unite with The Raam, you shall also enjoy The unexplainable Bliss and Joy."

The Master's say, "It is once in a century that Saint like Mira Bai is born. But through Her life, The Lord has shown us the path to achieve the highest pinnacle, by Living in The Master's Will; Doing Antar Simran and Antar Dhyaan of The Naama; Becoming One with The Master; By His Grace, having The Darshan of The Lord and unite with Him."

We are lucky that we already are in The Company of The Master. And The Master has blessed us with His Naama, that which is filled with His Spiritual energy. We have seen from the experiences of Mira Bai and other Saints, that one who had full faith in The Master and His Naama reaped rich rewards. The Reward for such Surrender to The Master is Right in front of us, The Company of The Lord. Do we need any further inspiration or motivation?

Let us Meditate, do Naama Bhakti as much as possible and leave the rest in The Master's hand. The benevolent and Gracious Master shall surely take care of us. 

Authored by K. Giri

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