Cornflower Cultivation

All About Cornflower
Cornflower is a common wildflower that has been cultivated as a garden flower for centuries. Originally a native of the near East, cornflower now grows wild over much of Europe and the temperate regions of North America. The cornflower gets its formal name from a minor goddess, Cyanus, and its genus name from a mythical Centaur whose name was Chiron.

Common name: Cornflower, bachelor’s button, bluebottle, hurt sickle or cyanic flower.
Botanical name: Centaurea cyanus

Varieties: Popular varieties of Cineraria are Gold Center, Hansa Dwarf, Stellata Single, Nana Compacta, Early Favourite , Master, Maxima Grandiflora, Maxima Nana, Nana Multiflora and Copaenhagen Market
Design ideas: Borders, cut flowers etc.
Height: 24-36 inches
Flowering season: They generally bloom in the late Spring and early summer.
Flower: The flowers are most commonly an intense blue colour, produced in flower heads, 1.5-3 cm diameter, with a ring of a few large, spreading ray florets surrounding a central cluster of disc florets. The blue pigment is protocyanin, which in roses is red.
Foliage: Cornflower has clearly narrower leaves.

Sunlight: Full sun around 6-8 hours of direct sunlight.
Water: Regularly whenever topsoil turns dry. Keep the soil moist but not soggy, to avoid rot and fungal diseases due to overwatering.
Sowing season: So cornflowers from early to mid spring for early summer bloom. Also sowing fall in climates with mild winters.
Sowing method: Plant seeds in soil or in containers about 2 inches apart and 1-1/2 inch deep. Thin to 8 inches apart in all directions
Pests: Aphids and powdery mildew can be a problem attimes. Remove aphids manually with a hard spray of water. Powdery mildew is identified by a white coating on the leaves and wilted, brown foliage. Remove infected plants and burn them to prevent the disease from spreading.
Harvesting: Cornflower make good cut flowers. Pull up the plants in mid to late summer when they no longer look attractive.
Propagation: The best way to propagate cornflower is to sow the seeds directly into your garden or lawn during fall or as soon as the weather allows for spring germination.

1.Cornflower seeds need complete darkness for germination to occur.

2.Allow the soil to dry out slightly between watering. Do not allow the soil to become too dry, or the plants may flop over. However, cornflower is drought tolerant and will easily spring back from under watering.

3.Feed cornflowers once per month during the spring and summer months using a balanced flower fertilizer. Refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for proper dosage, and apply half the recommended dose. Cornflower can be invasive if the soil is too fertile, so avoid over-fertilizing.

4.Remove spent flowers as they fade to encourage the growth of new flowers, prolong the blooming period of the cornflower plants and decrease the number of self-sown seedlings.

1.Dried flowers are used to make medicine.

2. You can make cornflower tea to treat fever, constipation and chest congestion.

3. Women can take it to treat menstrual disorders.

4. Cornflower can also act as a tonic for puffy eyes.


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