Uthra Ranganathar Temple, Pallikonda, Vellore

Uthra Ranganathar Temple, Pallikonda, Vellore

Uthra Ranganathar Temple is a Hindu Temple dedicated to Lord Vishnu located at Pallikonda Village in Vellore District of Tamilnadu. The Temple is situated on the banks of Palar river. Presiding Deity is called as Rangantha Swamy and Mother is called as Ranganayaki Thayar. The first of the three temples where Lord Narayana presented himself in a Sayana Kolam to block the floods intended to disrupt Brahma’s Yagna.


This temple is situated in the village called Pallikondaan or Pallikonda on the banks of River Palar. As Lord is in his reclining form as in the milk ocean (Sheera Sagara or Par Kadal), the river is named as Palar which means “River of Milk" and the place is called Pallikondaan which means "The Reclining God". 
Place for Salvation:
According to Brahmanda Purana, staying in this temple for a night and worshipping Perumal ensure salvation to the soul. It is considered that if you stay for 3 nights at Kanchi, you get salvation but here if you stay just one night, you get salvation.
Chotta Ranganathar:
During foreign invasions, original Ranganathaswamy was hidden and replaced with a small idol of Sri Ranganathar known as Kasthuri Ranganathar or Chotta Ranganathar. Even today Pujas are performed to this Chotta Ranganathar.
Indira got relieved of Brahmaharthi Dosham here:
Once Indira got Brahmaharthi Dosham, then as per Kashyapa Rishi's advice Indira took sacred bath in this temple pond "Vyasa Pushkarani" for one year and got rid of the Dosha.
Lord took reclining form on Brahma’s request:
Mothers Mahalakshmi and Maha Saraswathi once had a debate about the supremacy of the one over the other. They approached Lord Brahma who said Mahalakshmi is superior. So, Devi Saraswathi got angry and left Brahma, came to Nandhi Durga hills and began penance to attain supremacy. Meantime, Lord Brahma organized a Yagna dedicating to Lord Vishnu. As a rule, such rituals should be performed along with wife by the side. Brahma invited Saraswathi to join him the Yagna but She refused. Brahma created Savitri with the attributes of Maha Saraswathi, married her and began the Yagna which further infuriated Mother Saraswathi.
To destroy the Yagna, Saraswathi took the form of a river, Sheera Nadhi or Palar River and began to flood furiously. Brahma prayed to Lord Vishnu to stop the flood and save the Yagna. On Brahma request, Lord Sri Vishnu took Reclining Form on Adhiseshan at three sacred places in front of the flood and stopped it and the Yagna also got completed successfully. The first place where Lord took reclining Form is Pallikonda which is also known as Vada Arangam, the second place is Thiruparkadal near Kaveripakkam and the third is Tiruvekkaa or Yathothkari Perumal (Sonna Vannam Seitha Perumal) Temple in Kanchipuram.
Marriage Parihara Sthalam:
Also in this sthalam, Lord Vishnu married Shenbagavalli Thayar on Panguni Uthiram day as per Sage Sampathi's request and prayer. As Lord himself got married in this sthalam, many weddings are conducted in this temple and it is believed that the couple will live together happily with long life.
As per Sthala Purana it is believed that after Lord Brahmma successfully performed the Yagna which is dedicated to Lord Vishnu, Sriman Narayana appeared from the Yagna Kundam as Sri Varadharaja Swamy and Brahma performed ten days Urchavam to this Sri Varadharaja Swamy in this sthalam and this Urchavam was first referred as Brahmotsavam. Though nowadays Brahmotsavam is celebrated in almost all Vishnu temples it was first celebrated in this Pallikonda temple and it was first performed by Lord Brahma.
Amba Raja got darshan of Lord Vishnu here:
According to the Sthala History, there lived a king called Amba Raja who was ruling this part of the country called Thiruvedhimangalam (today’s Pallikonda). He has been highly victorious and was enjoying all the worldly pleasures as a king. Having fed up with materialistic life, he one day realized that the purpose of his birth is only to get the Dharshan of Sri Maha Vishnu. He started worshipping Maha Vishnu for years together and was eagerly waiting to have his Dharshan.
Years rolled by. But there was no sign of God appearing to him. He got frustrated and attempted suicide. While he was trying to commit suicide, a heavenly voice from the sky told him to be patient and to continue his prayers so that he will soon get the Dharshan of God. The king became happy and continued his worships. After stopping Saraswathi from disturbing Brahma’s Yagam, Lord Vishnu came back to Pallikonda and gave Dharshan to Amba Raja. The king asked for a boon that the God should settle here and give Dharshan to everyone visiting this place.

As the God settled here during his act of uniting Brahma and Saraswathi, the king prayed that He should grant boon for unmarried people and the separated couples visiting here. Lord Ranganathar agreed to it and granted his wish. Even today, it is said that unmarried men or women who worship Lord Ranganathar here, get married soon. Also, the couples, who have quarrels or separation in married life, get united upon worshipping Lord Ranganathar here.

The Temple

The Temple is situated inside a fort like structure. Presiding Deity is called as Uthra Ranganatha Swamy with Sridevi Thayar and Bhoodevi Thayar. He is in Anantha Sayana Thirukolam ((Reclining posture) on Adhiseshan facing East. Sridevi and Bhoodevi Thaayars are sitting next to the Lord and with Lord Brahma in Nabi Kamalam (Navel). The idol of the Lord is made of Salagrama stone. 

Utsavar (Festival Deity) is Ranganatha Swamy with Sridevi and Bhoodevi Thaayars. Another Utsavar Idol called Kasthuri Ranganathar or Chotta Ranganathar can be seen in the sanctum. Mother is called as Ranganayaki Thayar. She is housed in separate shrine and she is in sitting posture. There are shrines of Rama, Navaneetha Krishna, Andal, Anjaneya, Udayavar, Manavala Mamunigal, Kulasekhara Azhwar, Nammazhwar and Garudazhwar in the Temple premises. Theertham associated with this temple is Vyasa Pushkarani.

There are several inscriptions inside the temple, both in the inner prakara as well as on the walls of the outer prakara dating back to the Chozha period. Vikrama Chozha I, the son of Kulothunga Chozha I has donated several pieces of land for the upkeep and maintenance of the temple. The temple’s history can also be seen from ancient granite structure of the inner and outer prakara. Later Krishna Deva Raya has contributed significantly to the temple including building the big outer walls.

According to the inscriptions in this temple, there were many kings, who took part in renovating, maintaining and establishing this temple. Some of them are Vikrama Cholan of 1118 - 1136 A.D, Kulasekara Samburvarayar king who has donated large land area for the welfare of the temple, and Krishnadevaraya who has constructed compound wall and did many other facilities to this temple.  

Temple Opening Time

The Temple remains open from 08.00 am to 12.00 noon and 04.00 pm to 08.00 pm.


Brahmotsavam in April-May and Vaikunda Ekadasi are celebrated in this temple with much fanfare.


People getting married at this temple will get all the 16 types of wealth. Devotees pray and perform Archana to Lord and Mother in this temple for happy settlement of wedding proposals, for happy married life, for reunion of separated couple and for any financial problems. Devotees perform Thirumanjanam to Lord and Mother as Prarthana.


Uthira Ranganatha Swamy Temple, 
Pallikonda – 635 809, 
Vellore District
Phone: +91 4171 240234
Mobile: +91 94433 09572


The Temple is located at about 500 meters from Pallikonda Chavadi Bus Stop, 9 Kms from Gudiyatham, 4 Kms from Gudiyatham Railway Station, 24 Kms from Vellore, 159 Kms from Chennai and 150 Kms from Chennai Airport. The Temple is situated on the Vellore to Krishnagiri route.
By bus, take the Krishnagiri/Hosur/Bangalore bound bus from Vellore and get down on the Highway at Pallikonda. From here, the temple is about 500 meters. Get down at Gudiyatham Railway Station (between Katpadi and Ambur). The temple is 4 Kms from the railway station. An auto from the station will cost Rs. 50.

Ilamurugan's blog

Google map-WW6P+WP Pallikonda, Tamil Nadu

ЁЯТРрооோроЯ்роЪроо் роХொроЯுроХ்роХுроо் рокро│்ро│ிроХ்роХொрог்роЯ рокெро░ுрооாро│்ЁЯТР

ро╡ேро▓ூро░் рооாро╡роЯ்роЯрод்родிро▓் роЙро│்ро│ рокро│்ро│ிроХ்роХொрог்роЯாро╡ிро▓் 1000 роЖрог்роЯுроХро│் рокро┤рооைропாрой рокெро░ுрооாро│் роХோро╡ிро▓் роЙро│்ро│родு. 

родாропாро░் ро░роЩ்роХроиாропроХிро╡ுроЯрой் рокро│்ро│ிроХ்роХொрог்роЯா рокெро░ுрооாро│ாроХ роЕро░ுро│்рокாро▓ிроХ்роХிро▒ாро░். 
роЗро╡ро░் роЪாро│роХிро░ாроород்родாро▓் роЖройро╡ро░். 

роЗро╡ро░ை ро╡рогроЩ்роХிройாро▓் родроЯைрокроЯ்роЯ родிро░ுроорогроЩ்роХро│் роЪிро▒рок்рокாроХ роироЯроХ்роХро╡ுроо் рокிро░ிрои்род родроо்рокродிроХро│் роЪேро░ро╡ுроо் роЗроЩ்роХு родிро░ுроорогроо் роЪெроп்родாро▓் роорогроо் роТрод்родு ро╡ாро┤்ро╡ாро░்роХро│் роОрой்рокродு рокроХ்родро░்роХро│ிрой் родீро░ாрод роироо்рокிроХ்роХை. 

рокிро░ாрод்родройை роиிро▒ைро╡ேро▒ிропродுроо் роЪுро╡ாрооிроХ்роХுроо் роЕроо்рокாро│ுроХ்роХுроо் родிро░ுроороЮ்роЪройроо் роЪெроп்родு родுро│роЪிропாро▓் роЕро░்роЪ்роЪройை роЪெроп்роХிрой்ро▒ройро░்.

ЁЯМ╗роЪோроЯ்роЯா ро░роЩ்роХроиாродро░்ЁЯМ╗

роЕрои்роиிропро░் рокроЯை роОроЯுроХ்роХுроо் рокோродு роЗроЩ்роХுро│்ро│ ро░роЩ்роХроиாродро░் рооро▒ைроХ்роХрок்рокроЯ்роЯு роЪிро▒ிроп ро░роЩ்роХроиாродро░் роЪிро▓ை роЪெроп்родு роХோропிро▓ிро▓் рокாродுроХாроХ்роХрок்рокроЯ்роЯродு. 
роЗрой்ро▒ுроо் роХூроЯ роЪிро▒ிроп ро░роЩ்роХроиாродро░ுроХ்роХு рокூроЬைроХро│் роЪெроп்ропрок்рокроЯுроХிро▒родு роЗро╡ро░் роЪோроЯ்роЯா ро░роЩ்роХроиாродро░் роОройрок்рокроЯுроХிро▒ாро░். 

роЗро░ро╡ு родроЩ்роХி рокெро░ுрооாро│ை ро╡ро┤ிрок்рокроЯ்роЯாро▓் рооோроЯ்роЪроо் роХிроЯைроХ்роХுроо்

рокெро░ுрооாро│ுроХ்роХு роЙродро╡ிропாроХ роЗро░ுрои்родு ро╡рои்род роЖродிро╖ேроЪрой் роЗрод்родро▓род்родிро▓் родாрой் рооுродро▓் рооுро▒ைропாроХ роЕро╡ро░ை родрой்ройீро▓் роЪропройிроХ்роХ ро╡ைрод்родாро░் роОрой்роХிро▒родு родро▓ рокுро░ாрогроо். 

рокிрой்ройро░் рокெро░ுрооாро│் рокாро▒்роХроЯро▓ிро▓் рокро│்ро│ி роХொрог்роЯродாро▓். роЗрод்родро▓род்родு роЖро▒ுроХ்роХு рокாро▓ாро▒ு роОрой்ро▒ு рокெропро░் роПро▒்рокроЯ்роЯродு. роЗрод்родро▓род்родிро▓் роТро░ு роиாро│் роЗро░ро╡ு родроЩ்роХி рокெро░ுрооாро│ை ро╡ро┤ிрок்рокроЯ்роЯாро▓் рооோроЯ்роЪроо் роХிроЯைроХ்роХுроо் роОрой рокிро░рооாрог்роЯ рокுро░ாрогроо் роХூро▒ுроХிро▒родு.

ЁЯМ║рокூро▓ோроХрод்родிро▓் ро╡ிро░ுроо்рокி ро╡рои்родு рокро│்ро│ி роХொрог்роЯ роЗроЯроо்ЁЯМ║

роороХாро▓роЯ்роЪுрооிроХ்роХுроо், роЪро░ро╕்ро╡родிроХ்роХுроо் родроЩ்роХро│ிро▓் ропாро░் рокெро░ிропро╡ро░் роОрой்ро▒ роЪро░்роЪ்роЪை роПро▒்рокроЯ்роЯродு. роЗродро▒்роХு родீро░்рок்рокு роХூро▒ுроо்рокроЯி роЗро░ுро╡ро░ுроо் рокிро░роо்рооройிроЯроо் роЪெрой்ро▒ройро░். 

роороХாро▓роЯ்роЪுрооி родாрой் рокெро░ிропро╡ро░் роОрой рокிро░роо்рооா родீро░்рок்рокு роХூро▒ிройாро░். роЗродройாро▓் роЪро░ро╕்ро╡родிроХ்роХு роХோрокроо் роПро▒்рокроЯ்роЯு, рокூро▓ோроХрод்родிро▓ுро│்ро│ роЪாроЪிроп рооро▓ைропிро▓் родройродு роиிро▓ை роЙропро░ ро╡ேрог்роЯி родро╡роо் роЪெроп்ропрод் родொроЯроЩ்роХிройாро│்.

роЗрои்роиிро▓ைропிро▓் рокிро░роо்рооா рокெро░ுрооாро│ுроХ்роХு роЪிро▒рок்рокு роЪெроп்ро╡родро▒்роХாроХ роТро░ு ропாроХроо் родொроЯроЩ்роХிройாро░். роиிропродிрок்рокроЯி ропாроХрод்родை родроо்рокродி роЪрооேродро░ாроХ роироЯрод்род ро╡ேрог்роЯுроо். роЖройாро▓், роЪро░ро╕்ро╡родி ропாроХрод்родிро▒்роХு ро╡ро░ рооро▒ுрод்родாро│்.

роОройро╡ே рокிро░роо்рооா, роЪро░ро╕்ро╡родிропிрой் роЕроо்роЪрооாроХ роТро░ு рокெрог்рогைрок் рокроЯைрод்родு, роЕро╡ро│ுроХ்роХு роЪாро╡ிрод்родிро░ி роОрой рокெропро░் роЪூроЯ்роЯி, роЕро╡ро│ைропே роорогрои்родு ропாроХрод்родை родொроЯроЩ்роХிройாро░். 

роЗродройாро▓் рооேро▓ுроо் роХோрокроороЯைрои்род роЪро░ро╕்ро╡родி, рокிро░роо்роорой் роЖро░роо்рокிрод்род роЗрои்род ропாроХрод்родை роЕро┤ிроХ்роХ ро╡ேрог்роЯுроо் роОрой்ро▒ роиோроХ்роХрод்родுроЯрой் ‘роХ்ро╖ீро░роиродி’ роОрой்ро▒ рокெропро░ிро▓் роиродிропாроХ рооாро▒ி, ро╡ெро│்ро│рок்рокெро░ுроХ்роХெроЯுрод்родு ропாроХ роХுрог்роЯрод்родை роЙроЯைроХ்роХுроо் роиோроХ்роХрод்родிро▓் роУроЯிро╡рои்родாро│்.

роЗродройாро▓் рокிро░роо்рооா, рокெро░ுрооாро│ிрой் роЙродро╡ிропை роиாроЯிройாро░். рокெро░ுрооாро│், роЪро░ро╕்ро╡родிропை роЪрооாродாройроо் роЪெроп்родாро░். 

рооுрой்ройродாроХ, роЕро╡ро░் роиродிропிрой் роУроЯ்роЯрод்родை родроЯுроХ்роХ, роЖродிроЪேро╖ройை роиродிропிрой் роХுро▒ுроХ்роХே рокроЯுроХ்роХ ро╡ைрод்родு, роЕродிро▓் роЪропройிрод்родாро░். рокிрой்ройро░், рокிро░роо்рооா ропாроХрод்родை роЪிро▒рок்рокாроХ рооுроЯிрод்родாро░்.

роЪро░ро╕்ро╡родிропுроо் роЪாро╡ிрод்родிро░ிропுроо் роТрой்ро▒ே роОрой்рокродை ро╡ிро│роХ்роХிроп рокெро░ுрооாро│், роЕро╡ро│ை рокிро░роо்рооройுроЯрой் рооீрог்роЯுроо் роЗрогைрод்родு ро╡ைрод்родாро░். 

рокெро░ுрооாро│் рокூро▓ோроХрод்родிро▓் ро╡ிро░ுроо்рокி ро╡рои்родு рокро│்ро│ி роХொрог்роЯ роЗроЯроо் роОрой்рокродாро▓், роЗро╡்ро╡ூро░் ‘рокро│்ро│ி роХொрог்роЯாрой்’ роОройрок்рокроЯ்роЯродு. рокெро░ுрооாро│் ‘роЙрод்родро░ ро░роЩ்роХроиாродро░்’ роОройрок்рокроЯுроХிро▒ாро░்.

роЗрод்родро▓род்родிро▓் роиிро▒ைроп родிро░ுроорогроЩ்роХро│் роироЯроХ்роХிрой்ро▒рой. роЗроЩ்роХு родிро░ுроорогроо் роЪெроп்родு роХொрог்роЯாро▓், родроо்рокродிропро░் рооройрооொрод்родு ро╡ாро┤்ро╡ро░் роОрой்рокродு роироо்рокிроХ்роХை. 

роЕрои்роиிропро░் рокроЯைропெроЯுрок்рокிрой் рокோродு, роЗроЩ்роХுро│்ро│ ро░роЩ்роХроиாродро░் рооро▒ைроХ்роХрок்рокроЯ்роЯு, роЪிро▒ிроп ро░роЩ்роХроиாродро░் роЪிро▓ை роЪெроп்родு, роХோропிро▓் рокாродுроХாроХ்роХрок்рокроЯ்роЯродு. роЗрой்ро▒ுроо் роХூроЯ роЪிро▒ிроп ро░роЩ்роХроиாродро░ுроХ்роХுроо் рокூроЬைроХро│் роЪெроп்ропрок்рокроЯுроХிро▒родு. 

роЗро╡ро░் ‘роЪோроЯ்роЯா ро░роЩ்роХроиாродро░்’ роОройрок்рокроЯுроХிро▒ாро░். родройி роЪрой்ройродிропிро▓் родாропாро░் ро░роЩ்роХроиாропроХி роЗро░ுроХ்роХிро▒ாро░். роЙро│்рокிро░роХாро░род்родிро▓் роЙроЯைропро╡ро░், ро░ாрооро░், роиро╡роиீродроХрог்рогрой், роЖрог்роЯாро│், роЕройுроорой், роорогро╡ாро│ рооாрооுройிроХро│், роХро░ுроЯாро┤்ро╡ாро░், роХுро▓роЪேроХро░ роЖро┤்ро╡ாро░், роироо்рооாро┤்ро╡ாро░் роЪрой்ройродிроХро│் роЙро│்ро│рой. 

роЗроХ்роХோропிро▓ுроХ்роХு родெро▒்роХே 2 роХி.рооீ. родூро░род்родிро▓் рокீроЬாроЪро▓роо் роОрой்ро▒ рооро▓ைроХ்роХுрой்ро▒ு роЙро│்ро│родு.


 роЪிрод்родிро░ைропிро▓் рокிро░рооோро▒்ро╕ро╡роо், ро╡ைроХாроЪி ро╡ிроЪாроХрод்родிро▓் роХро░ுроЯроЪேро╡ை, роЖройிропிро▓் роЬேро╖்роЯா родிро░ுроороЮ்роЪройроо். роЖроЯி ро╡ெро│்ро│ிроХ்роХிро┤рооைроХро│ிро▓் родிро░ுро╡ாроЯிрок்рокூро░роо். роХிро░ுро╖்рог роЬெропрои்родி, роиро╡ро░ாрод்родிро░ி. родிро░ுроХ்роХாро░்род்родிроХை. ро╡ைроХுрог்роЯ роПроХாродроЪி. родை рооாродроо் роХிро░ிрокிро░родроЯ்роЪрогроо். рооாроЪி родெрок்рокроо். рокроЩ்роХுройி роЙрод்родிро░роо்.

роХாро▓ை 8 роорогி рооுродро▓் 12 роорогி ро╡ро░ை, рооாро▓ை 4 роорогி рооுродро▓் роЗро░ро╡ு 8 роорогி ро╡ро░ை родிро▒рои்родிро░ுроХ்роХுроо்.


ро╡ேро▓ூро░ிро▓் роЗро░ுрои்родு рокро│்ро│ிроХ்роХொрог்роЯா 30 роХி.рооி родொро▓ைро╡ிро▓் роЙро│்ро│родு роЗроЩ்роХு роЪெро▓்ро▓ рокேро░ுрои்родு ро╡роЪродி роЙро│்ро│родு .

роирой்ро▒ி роХௌродроо் роРроп்ропроЩ்роХாро░்

Yesvee Venkateshwaran 

Ayurveda and Treatment

“Ayurveda” is being recognized as a holistic system of medicine, Which holds that the body is the foundation of all Wisdom and Source of all Supreme Objectives of life.Ayurveda” have effective treatment for, Asthma, Mental Tension , Spinal Disorders , High blood pressure , Mental Stress, Spondylosis , High Cholesterol , Fatigue , Obesity , Headaches , Respiratory Problems , Heart Diseases , Migraine , Gastric Complaints , Chest Pain , Arthritis , Weight Loss , Osteoarthritis , Body Purification , Gynecological Disorders , Rheumatism , Anti-ageing , Chronic Constipation , Speech Disorders , Piles , Back Pain , Nervous Disorders , Hair Loss , Gout , Premature Graying , Skin Diseases , Psoriasis , Insomnia , Memory Loss , Pain , Gastric Problems , Immunity Problems , Anemia , Acne , Anorexia , Anxiety , Acidity , Bronchitis, Diabetes , Dyspepsia , Dysentery , Dandruff , Depression , Diarrhea , Dengue , Chikungunya , Indigestion , Urinary bladder disorder , Fungal infection , Nasal Congestion , Gum and Tooth diseases , Vitiation of blood , Burning Sensation , Oedema , Emaciation , Impotency , Inflammation , Ulcer , Thirst , Chloasma of face , Tastelessness , Pleurodria , Intercostal neuralgia , Pthisis , Vitiation of semen , Sciatica , Filariasis , Tumour , Intermittent fever , Lassitude , Hoarseness of voice , Mole , Conjunctivitis , Glaucoma , Myopia , Repeated Abortion , Duodenal ulcer , Malabsorption syndrome , Eczema , Flatulence , Fever , General Debility , Irregular Menstrual Cycle , Jaundice , Hepatitis , joint Pain , Kidney stone , Leucorrhea , Leukoderma , Liver Disorder , Menopause , Premenstrual Tension , Pyorrhea , Peptic Ulcer , Palpitation , Rheumatism , Ringworm , Stress Management , Sinusitis , Sore Throat , Skin Allergy , Sciatica , Sleeplessness ,Toothache , weight , Urinary Diseases , Vertigo , infection , Restlessness , Hypertension , Malarial Fever , Cough , Cold , Pimples , Black Heads , Appetite problem , Vomit , Eye problems , Abdominal fever , Abdominal lump , Swelling , Fibroid , Cyst , Bleeding , Infertility in men and women , Pneumonia , Curing Dryness , wounds, cuts, & burns . Consult a certified Doctor for more details on Ayurvedic Treatment.

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May all sentient beings be at peace, may no one suffer from illness, May all see what is auspicious, may no one suffer. Om peace, peace, peace.


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