Parashurama or Bhargava Rama - Part IV, Encounter with Lord Rama of Ayodhya of epic Ramayana,

Parashurama or Bhargava Rama - Part IV, Encounter with Lord Rama of Ayodhya of epic Ramayana,

Did you know that Parashurama or Bhargava Rama, during the Treta Yuga after he had earned the moniker as 'Kshatrantaka' following his slaying all Kshatriyas, has an encounter with young Rama, prince of Ayodhya of epic Ramayana in King Janaka's court where the Shiva Dhanus is broken?

Did you know that Parashurama or Bhargava Rama, is present in the Ramayana epic due to the conflict with Rama (the protagonist of the Ramayana) over Shiva's broken bow, also appears later in Mahabharata epic as the guru of Bhisma, Drona, Rukmi, and Kar na?  

Parashurama, the sixth avatara of Vishnu meets with the seventh avatara of Vishnu, in the Treta Yuga itself, at the breaking of his Shiva Dhanus which he had gifted to King Janaka in the epic Ramayana. This furious encounter of Parashurama with young prince Rama of Ayodhya takes place in the Swamyamvara event organised by King Janaka in his court for finding a suitable suitor in marriage for his daughter Sita.. The challenge posed to the royal suitors present was lifting and stringing the huge Shiva dhanus which had been gifted to Janaka by Parashurama himself, on an eralier occassion. 

Only prince Rama could lift this Shiva dhanus and string it but it broke with a thunderous noise which Parashurama heard in his ashrama, and locating the source of the noise in his divine vision became furious and came running to accost the perpetrators of this noise. This incident has been narrated in two different versions.

In the first version, as narrated in the Vishnu Purana, which is now a popular screened TV version, happened in King Janaka's court in Mithila. As Parashurama entered through the main gate of the palace into the royal court, he saw a large gathering of royal dignitaries who had assembled for the Swyamvara of Sita, Parashurama also suddenly saw the broken Shiva dhanus which he had gifted to Janaka and he became furiuos. King Janaka and Vishwamitra immediately bowed to him, and Sunayana, wife of Janaka and her daughter Sita followed. Parashurama blessed Sita to get married to the greatest of men. Prince Rama of Ayodhya and his brother Lakshmana were also introduced to him and thery paid their obesence to Parashurama and he blessed them to live long with unequalled fame, Parashurama then tersely asked Janaka as to who broke the Shiva Dhanus given by him, and even threatend Janaka saying that: "He would destroy the person who broke it". Then, Rama told Parashurama that: "He who broke the bow of Shambu (Shiva) is a slave of yours, and whatever order you give I will follow it. With Parashurama's threat all the suitors, rajas and princes left Janaka''s court in haste. 

But Lakshmana intervened and posed a pertinent question to Parashurama: "Your holiness, We broke many bows in our childhood. You never became mad at us like now., Why are you so attached to this old bow". Parashurama did not like this question from a young man and warned Lakshmana, and calling him an upstart asked him to hold his words or he would face his wrath. Sage Vishwamitra intervened and tried to pacify saying that Lakshmana was just a boy . Then prince Rama intervened saying that he picked up the bow and strung it and it then just fell apart. You can get angry with me and punish me in whatever way you wish. Parashurama was startlled by Rama's reply and told him: "...since you claim that you did it then pick up this bow which I am carrying and string it if you can, and remove my doubt. He also told Rama that this bow had come to him with God' Vishnu's grace, and if you raise the bow and string it, then I will know who is God, the spouse of Lakshmi.

Parashurama then placed the bow , the Vijaya bow of Vishnu crafted by Vishwakarma himslef , granted to him by Lord Indra he was carrying before Rama to lift and string. Prince Rama easily lifted the bow and strung it. Parashurama then realisng that Rama was none other than an avatara of Vishnu, his successor, folded his hands and bowed to Rama and then went around Rama three times in Pradaskhina (cirumambulation). He thus rightully gave back all his powers to Rama saying : "I will leave for my mounatin resort and I will never use weapons again."

Another version of the above event, happened when Lord Rama and his brothers with their brides of Janakas' family were returning in a grand procession as part King’s Dasaratha’s entourage, with pomp and gaiety with beating of drums. As the procession passed through the hermitage of Parashurama at Siddhivana, disturbed by the noise of the drums, Parashurma who was doing penance in the ashram was annoyed came out in anger, and obstructed the path of Dasaratha. Dasaratha was horrified at this turn of events. Parasurama’s unforgiving hatred against all Kshatriyas was something that all of them had heard about and learned to be scared of from the time they were all little children. With great trepiditon, Dasaratha approached the sage with folded hands and entreated him to spare the young prince Rama. Parasurama ignored him and continued to address Rama thus:

"Both the bow broken by you and the one I carry now were crafted by the architect of the gods, Visvakarma. The one you broke earlier belonged to Shiva, but this one belonged to Vishnu and is therefore more powerful. This bow has been passed on by Vishnu to my ancestors and thereafter to me. I now offer it to you, Rama. Considering your sacred duty as a warrior to always accept a challenge, exhibit your strength to me".

"Unperturbed by Parasurama’s anger and demeanor, Rama addressed him thus: " You are a Brahmin sage and are therefore worthy of my worship. However, since you despise the entire Kshatriya class, you despise me and I therefore have no choice but to display my prowess to you"

Rama then easily lifted the bow called Vijaya, and set his arrow and asked the sage: "Where shall I discharge this deadly arrow? As you are my superior and a Brahmin, I cannot aim it at you." Impressed and astonished, Parasurama immediately realized that this was no ordinary Kshatriya standing there in front of him. He told Rama: "You surely must be Lord Vishnu himself" He accepted defeat and told Rama that he was indeed the lord of all the worlds. He also admitted to Rama that he had divested him of all his power and pride. Parashurama bowed down before Rama who released the arrow which hit the sea. The sage also vanished. Varuna, the god of the water then appeared before Rama and gave him the celestial bow to keep, on behalf of all the gods.

It is also said that the Punyaloka which had been earned by Parashurama by tapas was destroyed by Rama. This was accepted by Parasurama who watched the incident dispassionately and wished Rama well as he knew Rama was a matchless divine soul and hence he did not mind losing the Punyaloka to Rama. After losing his power, Parashurama went to Mount Mahendra to do penance. 

Note: To be continued in the next episode titled: "Parashurama or Bhargava Rama - Part V, in epic Mahabharata

Narasipur Char 

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