Parashurama or Bhargava Rama - Part IV Encounter with Ganesha

Parashurama or Bhargava Rama - Part IV Encounter with Ganesha

Did you know that the moniker given to god Ganesha as Ekadanti was courtesy Parashurma's parasu (axe)?

Parashurama, known as Kshatrantaka after his marauding revegeful action of slyaing the Kskatriya race, remorseful of his actions, sought as a favourite disciple of his guru Lord Shiva's comforting guidance and blessings. The sage found himself just outside Kailash, abode of Lord Shiva, and was surprised when he found Ganesha, the son of Lord Shiva and Parvathi wasoutside the door. Ganesha blocked Parashurama from entering the chamber of Shiva as he was sleeping.

Ganesha refused to let Parashurama in to disturb the sleeping Shiva. Parashurama, who had thought that he could meet his favorite guru Shiva anytime anywhere) became furious and tried to force his way in,. But found Ganesha a determined opponent. Ganesha challenged Parashurama and a fight ensued between the two. Ganesha then picked up Parashurama with his long trunk, swung him round and round till he was dizzy. and helpless, and pounded him down to the groud.. When his head cleared, Parashurama got up groggy, and in fury but unaware that Ganesha was the son of his guru Lord Shiva,, flung his axe at the stubborn Ganesha. Now, Ganesha could have avoided the axe easily, but he recognized the weapon as one of his father Shiva's . He could not insult his father by resisting his weapon. So he took the axe humbly upn one of his his tusks, whcih broke, 

Disturbed by the commotion of fighting, Shiva rushed out of his chamber (a cave in Kailasa) followed by Parvati. Parvati, when she saw that her son Ganesha was seriously wounded,, turned into a fiery Durga and raged at the warrior Parashurama who was standing with his axe in his hand. She derided him for his actions as an insult to Shiva, his mentor and she even cursed him saying: " Though you are an avatara of Vishnu no one on earth or heaven will ever worship you"; She was so furious that she was even ready to end his life instantly. Parasurama stood still unarmed with folded hands prayed to Lord Narayana and chanted "Om Namo Bhagavate Narayanaaya" . instantly Narayana (some Puaranas say Lord Krishna which is unlikely as it was still Treta Yuga) appeared before Parasurama and gauging the tense situation appealed to Durga (Parvati) to calm down.

Immediately, Paravti smiled at Narayana, gave up the attack and welcomed the Lord of the Universe along with Shiva. Narayana then advised Parashurarma to apologise to Parvati ( Durga) and also seek the blessings of Ganesha. Parasurama, as advised, prostrated before the gods and surrendered his Parashu (axe) at Ganesha's feet in tribute . Ganesha, as a mark of forgiveness, retruned the axe to Parashurama.,, Parashurama then retreated to a distant mountain to begin his meditation

Even since this encounter with Parashurama, Ganesha has been depicited with only one tusk. In another prosaic version it is said that Ganesha wore down one tusk to a stub by using it to write down the epic verse of the Mahabharata dictated to him by sage Vyasa. 

Note: Next episode shall be: Parashurama or Bhargava Rama - Part IV Encounter with Lord Rama of Ayodhya in epic Ramayana,

Narasipur Char 

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