Chennakeshava Temple, Hullekere

Chennakeshava Temple, Hullekere

Did you know that the Chennakeshava Temple in Hullekere in Karnataka, a 12th century Hoysala period temple, has a scheme of placement of Chaturvimshati (24) forms of sculptures of Lord Vishnu in standing posture, each representing the permutation of Shankha, chakra, gada and Padma are held in the four hands?

The Chennakeshava Temple in Hullekere village in Arasikere taluk in Hassna distric of Karnataka is an eketala (single tower or vimana) temple in the and unique Hoyasla period architectural style, studded with exquiste sculptures both on its interiror and exterior faces with Chenna Keshava, a form of Lord Vishnu as the principal deity in a standing posture adorned with Shanku, Chakara Gada and padma in his four hands. It is a dated to 1163 A.D ( 12th century) atributed to King Narasimha I of the Hoysala dynasty and with lot of contributions by his son king Veera Ballala II or Vishnuvardhana. It is a single shrine (vimana) construction with miniature vimanas, the basic building material used being Soap stone. 

The temple stands high on a mound behind the Hulkere village with carvings which are intense and stunning, and being in a mostly unexplored country side, the temple has retained its completeness. 

The entranace to the temple is through an open pillared hall or porch (mukha mantapa) followed by a closed hall (mantapa or navaranga). At the entrance door there are two mammoths and a huge inscription, in stone. Inside are the navaranga and a garba griha or sanctum snactorum in a square paln with the principal image of Chenna Kesava. The closed inner hall connects to the sanctum via a vestibule (called sukhanasi). The ekakuta vimana tower above the sanctum has the kalasha, a decorative water-pot like structure which stands on a large ornate dome. This dome is the largest piece of sculpture in the temple measuring about 2m x 2m. The tower is divided into decorative tiers with each tier diminishing in height and culminating in an "umbrella" (dome) like structure.The decor on the parapet walls, ceiling, lintel over the entrance and the pillars is noteworthy. The porch, squre in shape, consists of an awning supported by half pillars and parapets on either side.
A unique aspect of this temple is the wall scultpures which are placed in their traditional sequence starting with Keshava and ending with Krishna. A scheme of placement of Chaturvimshati (24) forms in the traditonla sequential order is followed. In this tmeple tweleve of the 24 forms of Vishnu are on the southern walls and the remaining twelve on the northern wall. All the images are standing in the samabhanga pose on a padmasana pedestal. All images possess four arms, are adorned with kirta (crown) and other usual ornamnets. They are arrnaged alternating with well executed tunnels and pilasters, The difference between any two images can be discerned on the basis of the way, the permutation, in which Shankha, chakra, gada and Padma are held in the four hands. 

The Hoysala emeblem of the statue of Sala (the founder of the empire) slaying the lion placed on the tower over the vestibule is partially damaged. Sala's right arm is broken. However, what draws attention is the spectacular carving of Goddess Chamundeshwari inside the curled tail of the lion being slayed. 

The temple in Hullekere village is 3 kilometers from the Arasikere town on the Arasikere - Tiptur road. Arasikere is 193 km from Bangalore city.

Narasipur Char 

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