The glory of the divinity | Variety in this creation

Chapter 3 - Rejoice Without Conflict 

Day 21

Love and business are opposite in their nature. In love, you give more and take just little bit, just for exchange. In business, you give a little bit and take more. They don’t go together. Business is a subject of your head and love is a subject of your heart. They have completely opposite values. 

You should never do business with your heart and love from your head. When you are in love, don’t go on judging, don’t be manipulative in love you will destroy love. But when you are doing business, don't do it from your heart. You will be a failure in your business. 

Keep them in their place you cannot mix soup and ice cream. You can have them in the same meal, but a little apart. You have to keep them apart otherwise you will neither be able to enjoy the ice cream nor the soup. Love and respect need to be enriched in life. 

The greatness and glory need to be appreciated. Each particle in this universe exhibits the glory of the divinity. Look at the variety in this creation. If you keep looking at the variety, where is the time to worry? Where is the time to sit and grumble? 

So many types of people, so many types of flora and fauna, so many types of animals. You can be busy the whole time, appreciating, wondering about this universe. In love, the gopis never forgot the glory. Often , when one is in love, one starts demanding, one starts feeling jealous about the other. 

Jealousy, demand, anger, all these come when you do not keep your beloved on a higher pedestal. When you put the divine on a higher pedestal, then there is a sense of surrender, then there is a sense of submission and there is a sense of unconditional love. 

That is called mahatmya, the greatest, the glory. Often, when you glorify someone, you just idolize them, but there is no love connection between you and them. You only love those who are on your same level. You cannot love someone above you, you simply appreciate them, glorify them. 

But you cannot feel that oneness, the connection, because you feel that there is a distance. “Oh, they are up there, how can I be one with them? Then how can I be one with God? How can I be one with the prophet? How can I be one with the saint? He is a saint and I am just a normal human.” 

When you put yourself down, you cannot have a total communication, a total rapport. That becomes a hindrance. But when you feel one with them, then all this other paraphernalia of negativity begins. Demand comes and you forget the glory. 

In spite of having such a personal love for the Lord, for Krishna, in spite of having such oneness, friendliness, the Gopis never forgot the glory aspect. They did not forget the greatness. This is a combination of greatness and intimacy that you see in Buddha, in Krishna, in Jesus, in the Prophet. 

The closer you go, the glory never diminishes, it only increases. When you are centred, the closer a person comes to you, they appreciate you even more. When you are not centred, the closer they come, they start losing respect for you. Love and business need to be kept apart. If they are mixed, it will be like prostitution. 

In that nobody gains any pleasure, nobody gains any happiness. Divine love on one side and prostitution on the other hand are the extremities of the band of love. This love is higher than action, higher than any service that you may do. Service done without love is of no use. 

People do a lot of service they work in Red Cross, in hospitals, do this and that, you may do many good things to people, good actions - but divine love is higher than action. Knowledge - you may be a wonderful yogi, you maybe doing the highest form of meditation, yoga, practices. 

But he says, it is much higher than people who are engaged in action, people who are engaged in knowledge and people who are engaged in yoga. That does not mean that one who is in Divine love is just in a mood - “I am in Divine love - no need for any yoga, any meditation, any service”. No, he says, thay are all aids to you.

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सभी सुखी होवें, सभी रोगमुक्त रहें, सभी मंगलमय घटनाओं के साक्षी बनें और किसी को भी दुःख का भागी न बनना पड़े। ॐ शांति शांति शांति॥
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