Rose Gulkand, a sweet preserve, is a bye-product of the Rose industry. It is a preparation, medicinal in property, made from petals of fresh rose flowers and sugar.

Rose Gulkand

Did you know that Roses believed to be more than 30 million years old with scores of species and innumerable cultivars and hybrids, are made into a preserve from its sweet scented petals with sugar, known popularly as Rose Gulkand?

Rose Gulkand, a sweet preserve, is a bye-product of the Rose industry. It is a preparation, medicinal in property, made from petals of fresh rose flowers and sugar. Gulab is a Hindi name for rose. Gulkand is jam. Rose flowers of the autumnal crop are preferably converted into Gulkand.

Roses, coined the “King of Flowers,” is believed to be more than 30 million years old. However, historically, it is believed to be from ancient Indo-Persia territory and originated around 900 BC. The word Gulkand is derived from the words; 'Gul' meaning "flower" in Persian and 'Kand' or 'Qand' meaning "flower"in Arabic. So, Gulkand simply means “sweet flower.”  

Scores of species and innumerable cultivars and hybrids have been recorded. They have been cultivated since ancient times in India, France, Cyprus, Greece, Iran, Morocco, USA and Bulgaria. Himalayan range is rich in wild species of roses. In India, the damask rose introduced by the Mughals and the Edward rose introduced by British are highly scented and are widely used for making Gulkand. It is cultivated in South India and many parts of MP on commercial scale, both for making garlands for offering to gods, and as Gulkand. 

Gulkand can be prepared from any of rose variety or species. All healing properties of Gulkand are attributed to its Rose Petals. Almost all varieties of roses used for making Gulkand have similar therapeutic actions, so there is no particular preference. 

Conventionally, Gulkand (preferentially with special pink rose petals) is made over a few weeks by putting alternate layers of sugar (with sugar as the top layer) and fresh rose petals, which is rich in Vitamin C, in an airtight glass jar. This is put in the sun for the sugar to melt and form a jam with the rose petals. It is also made by slow-cooking rose petals with sucrose (sugar) for a long time, reducing the juices into a thick consistency. Ingredients involved are: One pound rose petals, 1 pound white granulated sugar, 1/2 teaspoon ground cardamom, and zest of lemon or rose water (optional).

In ancient Ayurveda and in ancient Persian medicine, doctors used to prescribe Gulkand to all those patients suffering from an imbalance in the pulse. In general, Gulkand is particularly useful during summer season since it cools the body temperature. Other therapeutic benefits of Gulkand are: curing constipation in expecting mothers & children, relieves menstrually related issues eliminating foul body odor, improves memory & eyesight, skin tonic, relieves stress, improves digestion, improves energy, regulates metabolism, and relieves heartburn.

- Narasipur Char 

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