That is why it is said, "Hold on to the happiness of samadhi and leave all other joys. All other delights turn out to be bitter.

Chapter 5 - Rest Within 

Day 36

The happiness experienced in samadhi is similar to, but greater than the pleasure and happiness we get in the world. There is no duality. 

There is no condition that you will enjoy food only when you are hungry. Anybody, whether elderly or young, rich or poor, educated or uneducated, can enjoy samadhi naturally. 

Such happiness is your nature. Once you have that enjoyment, then happiness appears everywhere. You are happy, because you are content your mind is fulfilled and satisfied whether you are looking at a garden or watching the sunset. 

You will not feel jealous even if you see others happy. Suppose there is a group of four or five people talking, laughing and joking amongst themselves. 

An unhappy person suspects that these people are teasing him. If your mind is unhappy, when you see someone laughing, you will get indignant and scold them. 

The moment you blame a person or a situation know that you are unhappy. Blaming others is a sign of our own discontent. When you abuse others, it comes from a weakness. 

Blame indicates weakness. It is possible for those who have enjoyed samadhi to enjoy the world too. The whole world is full of joy. 

When someone offers a rose to us, we look at the thorn instead of the rose or we feel that the person has come to prick us with the thorn. We do not even notice the rose. 

Our nature has become like that. We must change this tendency. This change can happen only through samadhi. It is enough if even once you experience the happiness of samadhi, which is peace. 

Someone who drinks alcohol does not enjoy the taste of the initial two or three drinks. It is actually difficult until you start enjoying it. Whether it is alcohol, cigarettes or any other bad habit, the habit has to be formed. 

Then once it becomes a habit, you cannot escape it. Similarly, get addicted to samadhi. The refreshing experience of samadhi, the cheerfulness it gives to the mind and its fragrance will impact your life. 

If you want happiness in this world in any work or in any field, it is a necessity to enjoy the happiness of samadhi. There will be duality in the world unless we experience the happiness of samadhi. 

Otherwise, we feel even pleasure as misery. There is no misery in life. It is we who create misery. It is in the mind. Misery exists in the mind which has not experienced samadhi.

Imagine, you watch the sun set slowly in the west. You feel happy for perhaps a few moments, enjoying it. In those moments you have experienced samadhi.

People search for happiness in various ways without realising
that happiness is only found in samadhi. Every type of happiness is hidden in samadhi.

All other footprints are wiped away by the footprints of an elephant walking through the forest." Similarly, all other pleasures are trivial compared with the happiness of samadhi. 

That is why it is said, "Hold on to the happiness of samadhi and leave all other joys. All other delights turn out to be bitter. 

Even if you enjoy samadhi for only a fraction of a moment, it will no longer matter whether or not you experience other pleasures. 

For example, in the morning when the sun shines, you do not say, "Light the lamp so I can see." Once the sun shines, it does not matter whether or not a small lamp is lit. 

Who would want the dim light of a small lamp with the sun shining? Once samadhi is attained, the happiness from it spreads. 

The whole world is searching for that happiness. This subject is discussed in the sutra very briefly. It is not necessary that all six billion people enter samadhi, but if even a few people. 

Walk the path of truth and if a few people enter into samadhi, the effect on others will be seen. In the world, it is only a few people who cause problems, but all of society m fears them. 

It is not that everyone is a terrorist. However, when only one, two, four or ten people become terrorists, they disturb the whole nation and alarm everyone. 

If there is that much strength in wrong-doing that they can terrorize everyone, then do you really think that goodness is weaker than wickedness? 

On the path of meditation, everyone gains happiness from it. Many undergo transformation. You can see its influence on people. 

The happiness found in samadhi creates waves of pleasure in the world. If a person says he is in samadhi but he is unhappy and you can see it on his face, then something is certainly wrong. 

He has definitely not attained samadhi. The sign of samadhi is that waves of happiness spread in every direction.

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