What are you? Who are you? You think you are someone? How long have you been here? Forty, fifty, or sixty years?


                🌿Chapter - 15🌿
           ~ Dissolving The Doer ~

                   🌱 Day - 77 🌱


At first it is hard to believe that we are nobody, because for years, for ages, we have believed that we are somebody; that we are separate. This is exactly what Janaka also said. 'Aho! How come I was duped for all these years, I thought I was somebody!'

What are you? Who are you? You think you are someone? How long have you been here? Forty, fifty, or sixty years? How much longer will you be here for, another forty, fifty, or sixty years? Then what happens? Existence has been there from time immemorial. Millions of years, two hundred million years now, and it will continue for another two hundred million years. In these millions, billions of years, what is your life? Not even a drop! Look at the magnitude of this creation. What is this creation? Billions of galaxies, thousands of stars! You can't even spot Earth in the whole galaxy. The Solar System is as small as a mustard seed. All the planets are in that mustard seed-sized solar system, and it is very difficult even to spot Earth. And on Earth, the place where you were born is difficult to spot e.g. Liechtenstein, Quebec or Punjab. Earth itself is so small and in that you are invisible! How many creatures are there on Earth? You are just like a mosquito. A mosquito bites and lets you it is there. Otherwise nobody would recognize a mosquito. It wants recognition. So it bites you and leaves a mark, a small boil. A few hours later you forget it. It is the same thing with you in creation. Do you think you have an existence? The biggest wonder is how you could think you are somebody, and you exist! Look at your life in contrast with the magnitude of creation, space and time. See it in the framework of time and space. Your life becomes nonexistent, insignificant. Ego disappears. How can it exist? A soap bubble doesn't stay long. A few minutes after it comes in the air, it has to burst! Water bubbles from the ocean have to burst once they come to the surface! But inside the ocean, bubble feels, 'I am somebody existing.' That state of existence is naturalness. You are very natural. There is no barrier, nothing artificial. There is nothing that restricts you. Become very natural.

There is a story. There was a housefly sitting on the leg of an elephant. The housefly suddenly said that he did not like the elephant any longer; that he did not even care for him. He was going to leave him. As many angry wives often say that they are going to leave their husbands. He could do whatever he wanted. So the housefly decided to leave him. At that moment, the elephant accidently moved its leg a little further. It took one step ahead and so what happened? A big dust cloud arouse. And the housefly thought that when he decided to leave the elephant a storm had come. He wanted the elephant to suffer the storm while nothing would happen to him (fly). It was nothing to the the fly. The elephant is going to suffer the storm which he (fly) was raising. The fly felt it had raised a big strom by deciding to go away! And the poor elephant didn't even know there was a housefly sitting on its leg!

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji



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