Nectar for The Soul

Nectar for the Soul .. !! 

By H. H. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

 Don't see people as real .. !! See them as characters .. I tell u, u will have great fun in life .. instead, u take them too seriously when u get into trouble .

Spirituality .. is the science of Conciousness .. !! God .. is like the space, in which everything is born, everything is sustained & everything is dissolved .. !! Heightened awareness is God .. !! Truth - Conciousness - Bliss is the Nature of God .. !! 

The World .. is my organization .. !! I became a Master by default .. I didn't want to become one .. I kept sharing what I knew.

Ego .. has it's job/ place .. !! U don't need to get rid of it .. keep it in the pocket .. !! Don't show it around .. no need to exhibit it to everybody.

Anything that u do .. put your 100% to it .. that's Karma Yoga .. !! If u expect joy out of it, then it's akarma yoga - u will be disappointed .. !! A job done as an expression of joy is .. Karma Yoga .. !! Everything u do should be an expression of joy & happiness .. & where do u find happiness ?? Within Yourself.

U .. are the source of happiness & anything u do .. should be an expression of happiness.

If life appears meaningless .. give a pat to your back .. !! You're trying to find meaning, where there's no meaning .. !! My dear .. Wake up .. !! Life is a game & games don't have meaning .. u win or lose, it's still enjoyable .. don't sit & philosophise your life too much .. !! Go & serve people.

 Reflect on your own life .. !! What can u contribute to others .. ?? U will have no time to think of the meaning of life .. if u keep searching for the meaning of life - what comes to your hand is depression.

If everything appears meaningless, it is good .. !! This .. is the time to go inside - in meditation .. !! Without meditation .. there is no juice in life .. without juice - life will always appear dry.

Meditation .. is the answer. 
       Connection with the Divinity .. is the answer. Wake up to know that you're connected .. that's it .. !! Period !! Never question your connection with the Divinity .. Got it ?

Whatever culture u are .. whatever tendency u have .. know, that u are a beautiful spirit .. a fountain of joy .. a ray of light .. !! Just a rememberance of this, will take care of all self - blame, victim conciousness, inhibhitions .

 Why is it hard to see me .. ?? Am I not visible ?? Just download the Sri Sri App on your phone, I'm available 24 hours & there's a webcast every week .. !! And another thing u can do is & it's very easy - just close your eyes - I'm with u & you're with me.

Message for kids .. Honor non - violence .. !! Get them to take a vow, to stand up against Violence .. !! In communication, we become so agressive which gives rise to violence .. !! An unanswered question or a fermented question gives rise to violence .. it's a skill, we need to communicate, in non - agressive manner.

Don't be too hard on yourself or others.  It's okay to get angry/ upset sometimes .. but u go upset because u got upset & the chain continues .. !! If u find some imperfection, let it be there - work on it or give it to a higher power/ being to take care of it .. !! That prayer of helplessness works magic . Hasn't it been working?

Dwelling too much on our disease is not a healthy thing ..!! Believe that your body has the ability to adopt & move on .. our body has enormous capacity to adapt to situations - if we remember this, miracles happen .

If Parents think, that what they're doing for their child is good for him/ her in the long run, don't buy into the child's tantrum because later on the child may blame u only .

When u put on a label of "I'm working so hard"  then you're blocking your energy .
 U have already put a limit to your energy - the next will be exhaustion only. U can tell yourself that u have enormous energy to work smarter, not only harder. whatever seed u sow is what sprouts .

If your income grows .. your expenditure also grows . If u feel that u have a lack of something, that lack will grow - start feeling the abundance, this u need to work on . Have faith - whatever u need, u will get it . Work towards it .. don't be a couch potato .

Clarity in Mind Purity in Heart  Sincerity in Action these three things bring up the intuitive ability in u. Intuition  can never go wrong . If it goes wrong, it never was Intuition isn't it ?
Your imagination can go wrong, your fantasy can go wrong but definitely not intuition .

Handle deceit & lies with compassion & patience .. !! When u encounter it, the first reaction is anger .. but does the anger help in getting someone out of their deceit ?? No .. !! Use other skills .. your purpose is to get people out of deceit & lies - work skillfully towards it .. your reaction won't work, see how u can help them come out .

Defense .. is not Violence .. !! Protecting yourself from violence is defense .. !! Violence is done out of anger, rage, frustration on others .. !! We need to bring in positive energy in the society .

Compassion should not be a concious act on your part but a natural flow of your inner energy .. !! Sometimes being strict is also compassionate .. compassion is not about being goody, goody, wigly, wigly .. Compassion is doing the right thing & the right thing is the best thing .. !! One must work with your awareness & intelligence & attention .. when u become too emotional in your work area, then the left part of the brain stops working & this can definitely get u into trouble .

Don't label people as negative .  The moment u term them like this, u have blocked your communication with them .
 U have a tendency like this.  Even if u think that they are thank them they are bringing out the best skills in u ....with good people, u don't need skills to communicate but with people like this, u need communication skills .. they can trigger all your good talents .

----- Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji

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