A mirror which first reflects you and then gives you what you want, what is right for you

I was super excited as it was my birthday and Guruji will be in Mumbai to address the vote for better India convention. With Anuraag bhaiyas efforts I was part of security seva at the hotel where Guruji will be staying. I along with other volunteers was assigned for security at the 9th floor lobby. Guruji has not yet arrived and we were told that Guruji will come to the lobby and from there he will go to his room. But at the end moment plans were changed and Guruji took lift from the ground floor and went to his room. I was a little disappointed but was hopeful as i had the entire day ahead. In the afternoon I finally got the signal to go and met Guruji. I went into the room and sat on a sofa with others who were waiting for him. Guruji entered the room, each one took turns and met guruji and took his blessings. Finally it was my turn I went close to him and gave him a bouquet of rose flowers and took his blessing. Completely mesmerized by his divine presence I forgot all that i thought I will say to him and for a moment even forgot it was my birthday. Lucky I remembered and said ‘Guruji its my birthday today’. Guruji delightfully smiled and said ‘Oh wow’ and he adorned me with a flower garland and gave me a fruit. Then I took pictures with him, only thing that I was able to tell Guruji was how blessed and lucky I am to have met him. Completely ecstatic I return to the sofa, couldn’t believe what just happen, my long time wish to meet Guruji got fulfilled, still looking at him and admiring him. All of a sudden Guruji looked at me and for the next 10 second gave his undivided attention to me. The feeling of bliss that I experienced is beyond words, it was full of love, compassion and belongingness it was like deep meditation. That time I realized the meaning of ‘what a single glance of guru can convey, even a thousand words cannot’. Fully blessed out I went back to my seva. In the evening Guruji had a conference to attend. The lobby was completely jam packed with people waiting to get his glimpse. We have created a divergence so that Guruji can easily get into the conference room. But at the end moment a devotee shouted Guruji is coming from that way and the crowd rushed toward Guruji. I also ran and all the volunteers formed a chain around Guruji and were trying to manage the uncontrollable crowd. Then the unthinkable happen. Guruji said ‘koi haat nahi pakdega sab haat chod do mai sab se miluga’ (Don’t form chains with your hands and hold back anyone, I want to meet everyone). For a moment my heart stopped beating. I though people are going to pounce on him and hurt him. The security in charge asked us to leave hands and then magic happen. Everyone stood wherever they were, nobody moved. Guruji then said “Mai sab ko darshan dunga” (I will meet everyone) then he made way for devotees and gave darshan and when to the conference room. ‘Divine commotion’ said one of the volunteer who has been in Gurujis security before and has experienced many such miracles. It was now late night Guruji has come back from the vote for better India convention and has finished all his meetings. He called all the volunteers to his room. Out side the room I could hear people laughing, as I enter the room Guruji was surrounded by lot of people all smiling and eagerly listen to him. He looked so fresh and alive even after going through such a hectic day. Guruji gave us sweets to eat and made us all comfortable. Just like a friend he chatted with everyone, talked about vbi and made us laugh. I felt i was with a dear friend, and didn’t want the chatting to end. Finally I took Gurujis blessing and return home feeling so luck and blessed to have spend my birthday with him and witness all the divine experiences. The next day, when I got time to recollect all the wonderful experiences, I wondered when I met Guruji in the afternoon he was so divine and sacred and in the evening he was so friendly, just like one of us, then a thought came, 'Guruji is like a mirror, a mirror which first reflects you and then gives you what you want, what is right for you'. Jai Guru Dev. 

- Vishal Choudhary

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सभी सुखी होवें, सभी रोगमुक्त रहें, सभी मंगलमय घटनाओं के साक्षी बनें और किसी को भी दुःख का भागी न बनना पड़े। ॐ शांति शांति शांति॥
May all sentient beings be at peace, may no one suffer from illness, May all see what is auspicious, may no one suffer. Om peace, peace, peace.


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