Liberation From Lust

This one mind of ours sees through the eyes, hears through the ears and tastes through the tongue. The
same mind feels experiences in each and every part of the body - hands, legs and other limbs. 

Who is experiencing all these sensations through the five senses? One mind experiences the world in five different ways, through the five doorways of the senses. 

From this arose the five elements, which can be experienced on the physical level. Similarly, the mind thinks with the intellect and stores impressions in memory. 

Ego is- "I should do this or that," or "I should be like this or like that." This is how its ideas get expressed. Like this, the whole world is made up of 24 elements or principles. 

Some say it is 24, and others say 16. The counts are different in the various shastras. But all of these elements continue acting by themselves. The energy of an atom is the same everywhere, but the same atom is different in coal than it is in diamond. 

You can make idlis and dosas with rice. With the same rice, various dishes are made. We also make noodles, cooked rice and lemon rice. These are prepared separately, and so we do not mix them, but eat them separately.

Similarly, this world, though it started from a single principle, has different forms with different functions. Not understanding this is mayd. 

If you look from the perspective of this one principle, then you find that principle everywhere. What is our body? It is a bag of blood, bones, flesh, nerves, and a brain - a sack of many elements. 

It is a machine, which has the ability to think. Yet this is not how we look at people. We do not say, "See how many sacks are here," or when a guest comes, "Look, a thinking machine has come."

People think that maya means money. Even this has some meaning. It is not that it is without meaning. Why do we need money? We need money to protect this body, to have clothes, to maintain a house to live in, to go here and there and in order to do work. 

Money is required for everything except breathing. It is required for us, for our happiness. Yet there is no point holding onto money just to have money. Once, a very wealthy businessman was ill, and as his last days came near, his relatives all gathered around. 

The doctor asked him, "What is your final wish?" The businessman was very sad. When everyone expressed their sympathy, he said, "I am not crying because I am dying. I am not concerned about that. 

What should I do with all the wealth that I have earned? My children are useless, and I do not want to give it to them, nor do I want to give it to anybody else. That is why I am worried. 

After working my whole life, I have amassed so much wealth. What should I do? I do not want to die, leaving my wealth." He could not take the wealth with him after he died. Somebody suggested he consult an astrologer to find out where he would be born in his next life. 

The astrologer said that he will be born in a particular house near Tumkur in Shira Talak and that he will have such and such name. The businessman was very pleased. 

He called his lawyer and had a will made out, leaving all his property in that person's name. The businessman said, "Now I can die in peace. I have nothing to worry about. I am going to recover all my property. I have not wasted this life. It has been fruitful." 

The person was content that he could enjoy in the next life what he had earned in this life. This is attachment. Maya is ignorance of the elements, or principles. 

Knowledge is understanding that everything in our body is changing. We are unable to have knowledge because of attachment. There are two causes for creation in this world attachment and lust. 

Without lust there is no creation. Lust is present in every animal, bird, creature, plant, tree and human. You were born because of lust. It is the start of creation. That is why Devi is called "Kamakshi" and "Kameshvari." 

The whole world is full of kamakoti. What is meant by kamakoti pitha? This world has not only one lust, but millions of particles of lust are there. Desire is filled with the creative power of creation. 

Shakti, or energy, sits on the seat of desire. But nobody sees this energy because lust blinds us. The awakened consciousness does not stay with us. It becomes the flame of desire. 

Everyday creation happens because of lust, and it is nourished by delusion. Do not look down on lust. We scorn desire. The only culture that does not look down on desire is the ancient Vedic culture. 

That is why we worship the linga, and not just the linga but the linga and the yoni. The highest worship is honouring the linga and yoni. 

We also worship Manmatha, calling him the Lord of Desire, Kamadeva, and celebrate the festival of desire. What we worship does not bind us. Usually, we cling to what provokes us.

Suppose you fight with your spouse, neighbour, daughter-in-law or mother-in-law. Your mind will think about them even when you visit a temple, and on your way to the temple your mind will be scolding them. 

God will not be on your mind even though you worship and chant his name. Our mind is far from the object we worship. This is an important psychological path, our mind will be free from whatever it
adores, up till the very point when devotion fully blossoms. 

We are in bondage to whatever we look down on. The people who keep on condemning desire really have desires inside, but they blame it on the world.

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji

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