Vishwa Guru Bharat in 2040 (अमृतकाल)

India a shining star of the world. India Becomes a Global Platform and so, an Engine of Demand and Supply. Following two decades of reform and growth, the current economic and political system have become visible. By 2040, India’s population is expected to grow to 1.67 billion.

India may have 50 states and 8 Union territories if all demands of new states conceded according to language and cultural history or traditions. This may happen much sooner than 2040. I think if this is done through a nationwide initiative all over India then it could turn out to be good. 

The new Parliament House will have a seating arrangement of 888 MPs in the Lok Sabha. The current Lok Sabha has a seating capacity of only 552 MPs. Thus, when the number of MPs will increase in the coming years, there will be no problem. The new Lok Sabha will be thrice the present size.

The Rajya Sabha of the new Parliament House will also be larger than before. The current Rajya Sabha has a total strength of 245 seats. There will be a provision of 384 seats in the new Rajya Sabha. Thus even if the number of Rajya Sabha MPs increases in future, there will be no shortage of space in the House.

The design of the Lok Sabha Hall in the new Parliament House is being done so that a joint session can be held there easily. The new Lok Sabha Hall will seat 1,272 people. The theme of the Lok Sabha will be the National Bird Peacock and the theme of the Rajya Sabha will be the National Flower Lotus.

 An India Wide Open in 2040 would look very different to today’s India, as the world’s second largest economy, with widely distributed economic participation and wealth creation. In the coming years, India is expected to continue its economic growth and become one of the world's largest economies. Its young and tech-savvy population is likely to contribute significantly to this growth by driving innovation and entrepreneurship. 

India to become the world’s “Special Economic Zone”. India to open for all foreign and domestic business and employment at the most competitive tax rates in the world. India to become the world’s manufacturing hub, with scaled capabilities in both light and heavy industries driven by a highly skilled and low cost workforce.

 Literacy rates would increase from 75% currently to 92% or above. Also, education system is changing from mediocrity to meritocracy. 18–20 more IITs, 12–14 more IIMs, 3 more IISCs are established in different cities, considering the fact that population will rise till 1.67 billion by 2040s and we have more number of seats and more skilled professors.

The whole country gets technically advanced and almost all transactions are done with numbers. Of course, for this to work some additional steps need to be taken. For example, the supreme court strength has to increase judiciary digitalism; Artificial Intelligence (AI) can take part for primary stage counseling of common types of cases.

Most of the multinational companies employs Indians as CEOs after the phenomenal success. India has established numerous MNCs are the demand is high worldwide. India has atleast 20 top global brands. People start working for India, from other countries. It is the third largest economy after US and China. India’s human development index is high 0.8863.

And how can we forget the startups and Unicorns that are giving Domestic and International Giants a good run for Money. India has focussed on industries and research and development. India’s economy and capital markets would be fundamentally transformed with manufacturing output rising over twenty-fold is above 90%. 

Poverty reduced to 2.16% by 2040. Indian unemployment rate has been reduced to 0.87% in 2040. India is creating new employment opportunities and using its youth demographics as a big asset. India regains its Real secular and harmonious structure. People started voting only for the leaders with vision, instead of taking currency notes, drinks and biryani packets (reject bigots). 

Congress almost extinct. (no offence please)

India stands out as a vibrant democracy. The democracy index is pretty well at 8.02. Yogi Adityanath replaces Modiji as PM, after his retirement. Crime rates slashed drastically after strict vigilance all over the country by Yogi. Uniform Civil Code has worked well. The caste system is eradicated. Caste-based politics, chauvinism and reservation have also come to an end.

Several attempts have been undertaken to encourage self reliance in arms manufacturing and to be honest it has started showing Results but still we are a long way off as compared to China. Today we are the 4th most powerful country in the world with a functional nuclear triad but we are dependent on foreign imports. With Navy Planning a 2rd and possibly a 4th Aircraft carrier along with several Valuable orders coming from Airforce and Army to domestic manufacturers. 

The term POK (Pakistan Occupied Kashmir) doesn't exist. Kashmir and its citizens are well-accomodated with Indian. Kashmiri Pandits have been rehabilitated and it is fairly contributing to India’s economy, also people are living peacefully. Communal Riots have decreased sharply in the last few years and Radicalization also has seen a decline. India has been successful in ensuring women safety in public places. 

 As of 2040, India has 25 smart cities, 20–23 metro cities and 7 high speed networks: Mumbai-Ahmedabad, Mumbai-Delhi, Bangalore-Chennai, Kolkata-Guwahati, Indore-Nagpur, Hyderabad-Vishakhapatnam and Chandigarh-Jammu. Northeast is no longer ignored, it also has 4–5 smart cities (Tier-1).

India has increased the number of healthcare and educational institutes. India has over 30–35 AIIMS in remote places and most of them have good staff and faculties. Skill development was the main motto. They are well equipped with new technology.

India is a part of G-9 nations and a permanent member of UNSC (United Nations Security Council). It is gaining global support and has friendly relations with most nations. India (ISRO) has successfully launched 250 more satellites. The Chandrayan-III and Mangalyan-II. 

By 2040, expected output from wind (8 300 TWh) and solar PV (7 200 TWh) are expected to exceed hydropower (6 950 TWh), aims to reduce GHG (green house gases) emissions by 29.4 per cent across all scopes by 2027. It is also eying net-zero target of reducing GHG emissions by 90 per cent across all scopes by 2040. 

India has ensured clean drinking water to 90% of its citizens. The purification of saline water from ocean bodies, more awareness of rainwater harvesting, encouragement to drip irrigation, water wheel etc. has helped a lot.

While the society has become increasingly Materialistic, the traditional Social Values still hold strong. The now younger generation's contribution had made India one of the cleanest country, as trees are also important. India has increased its forest cover from 712,249 sq. km to 928,390 sq. km, which is nearly 30% of total area.

Indian Economic development

Authored by Anadi Sahoo

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