Let us do our Meditation regularly

The Master's Voice 49

A Disciple once went to The Master and asked, "Is the sankalpa [wish] of The Master not capable of warding off the destinies of the devotees?"

The Master smiled at the Disciple and said: "The point is whether The liberated Souls, the Saints and The Master have or take any Sankalpa. One who has realised his own self shall have no sankalpas whatsoever. It is just impossible.

The Saints and The Master always Live in The Lord's Will. The Lord's Will is very simple and straight. Live in The Remembrance of The Lord and do Naama Bhakti. Antar Simran of Naama is always happening inside them, there is no break or bar. Even while The Master is talking with a Disciple, Antar Simran of Naama is going on and on. 

Since the mind is completely immersed in Naama Bhakti, it does not find motivation to move out of it. The Master and The Saints have elevated their consciousness higher than the reach of Mind. Sankalpa is possible only when the mind is actively involved in the worldly affairs.

So, we need to understand that The Master has already bestowed each Disciple with the power to overcome the miseries, the pains and sufferings of this life. The Naama given by The Master at the time of Initiation, shall elevate the Disciple and take him beyond the pains and hardships. It is possible only by The Master's Grace, and all we need to do to gain His Grace is, do Meditation. Do Simran and Dhyaan as per the instructions of The Master. Then, The Master will automatically take care of the Disciple."

The Disciple continued: ‘Then, what is the fate of all of us who pray to you, to shower your grace on us and save us? Will we not be benefited or saved by sitting in front of you or coming to you? What use is there then in coming here to you?’

The Master turned graciously to towards The Disciple and said: "It is important for a Disciple to do meditation to Realise the role played by The Master in His life. For example, an arrow aimed at taking the Disciple's head off, goes away carrying with it only the turban. The Master's Grace is protecting us.

Similarly, a person’s bad karma will be considerably reduced by The Master's Grace. The Master needs no sankalpa to protect and help His Disciples. His Darshan and Company are the most powerful force to release the Disciples from the pains and sufferings. His mere presence does wonders, save souls, gives peace of mind, even liberates ripe souls. 

The Master listens to our Inner Prayers and fulfills them in such a way, ensuring protection from unwanted worldly attachments and desires. The Master's company ensures the Disciple becomes content and has no desires left inside. His Darshan saves us by warding off the karma and giving us the boons, without our asking (in case of, sincere meditators). 

The Master does save His Disciple, but not by sankalpa, which is non-existent in him, only through His Darshan and Company. As the desire and yearning becomes profound, The Master showers The Grace on the Disciple so that he can do more of Naama Bhakti and elevate their Consciousness."

The Master in true sense, is the Shock absorber for all the Disciples immersed in Naama Bhakti. The Master ensures that He takes the sufferings and the Disciple escapes with minimum damage. Spiritual path is the Doers Path, the path to be conquered through Antar Simran and Antar Dhyaan of The Naama. There is no shortcut and The Master is aware of it. Hence, The Master is sitting inside us, at the eye center, waiting for us to do Meditation and reach eye center, so that He can Grace us with His Darshan and Company. The fortunate Souls who will Live in The Master's Will and do Naama Bhakti regularly, will be able to enjoy The Master's Grace, have His Darshan and Company. Let us do our Meditation regularly, and by The Master's Grace we shall also become The Lucky Soul soon.

It is The Master's Darshan and Company that can save and liberate us from the cycle of birth and death and present us with Eternal Moksha. 

Authored by K. Giri

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