Going Beyond Negativity

All The Suffering and Misery exists due to Seeds of Negativity!


Being Negative;

Negative Happens!


Wrong Thoughts!

Wrong Emotions!

Wrong Deeds!

No Results!


This Chain of Negative Thoughts ;

Create Bad Aura &

Destroy Body ; Mind and Soul!

Diseases For Body;

Impure Mind;

Stoned Heart!


This Brings Head to Head Collisions!

This is the Picture Of world ;Today!


Hence Nature Has Taken Birth In The Form Of Guru!


This is How Devotee's get the opportunity to become Enriched Devotees!


We have Learned Opposite Values are complementary!

Both Day & Night are Important for Our Growth!


Life Throws Challenging Situations through Negative People;

It’s Up to us ;

Either to get carried away! 


Take refuge in Master!


Second Step Is Easy as it Gifts Beautiful Life Time Gifts!


Nature has Five Elements ie Air ; Water ; Fire ; Earth and Space!

There is always Conflict between Air ; Water and Fire!

This is Nature's Design!


We are also made out of these five Elements!

Imbalance in them results in Tri-dosha's!


We have got many experience how Negative

Thoughts or Emotions or People 

bring disturbances in Our Life!

We experience Feeling Low ; Boiled!

Our Spirits feel bad ; depressed!

We thus have to learn to go beyond Negativity!


Being Aware About our Negative Tendencies; 

We take help from Spiritual Practices!

It teaches us skills to Uplift and keep our Spirits Happy!



Divine wants us To Read Different Guruji's Books;

    which reveal secrets of Life!

Divine Himself Purifies us Through His Magical Magnet Words!

This Helps CLear Old Space!

This Designs Our New Life Routes!

This is Setting up Purity in Thoughts; Actions and Deeds!

Rise above Words; World happens Graciously through Knowledge!

A Strong Divine Armor is Built up!

Thus Knowledge Brings Purity and Draws Auspiciousness and Abundance!


We get Directions to handle Different Situations!

Our Hanging Questions Get Answers!

It gives key points to bring smiles on our Faces!

It creates Foundation of Our lives!

Thus we can Stay Happy; being fully aware that ;

     Master is Running Our Show


     Only the best would happen!


We learn Skills to win Over Own





We learn to shift our Focus to Guru!


Guru means Light ; Growth ; Direction ; Liberation and Celebration!


Life seems to always be in Conflict!

Life Throws Events One after Another!


This is the Divine Plan!


Divine wants us to learn to Rise up!

Divine wants us to grow out of odds!


Divine wants us to Wake up !

Divine wants us to Shine Through us!


Divine wants us to simply Smile every moment!

Smiling in spite of Odd Situations;

Rebuilds Our Pious Aura!

Energizes our Body!

Kindles Confidence!

Self Charged up!

Expands Our Consciousness!

Clears our Blocks!

Makes us Aware!

We get Solutions!

Thus We get Liberation from Misery!

Smiling has Infinite Benefits since it directly connects us to Infinity!

Infinite Scope of Purity Happens!


The Divine wants us to do Asanas!

Doing it ; we are actually

cleaning our body;

increasing levels of Prana to different Organs;

Hence they function properly!

Purity in the Body Happens!


Its my experience; 

Our Life Solutions Lies in Practicing Sincere Asanas!

Our Thoughts get Realized & Hence Karmas gets Deleted!

The Sequence of Asanas and Different Postures Build Strong Aura


Gives us Timely Solutions!


Our Body , Mind and Soul can stay in Harmony Through Asanas ; Meditation and Sudarshan Kriya!


The Divine wants us to do Meditation!

Dropping Body and Merging into THAT Grace Is Meditation!

Efforts to Effortless happen!

This is Important Key to Build Inner Divine Kingdom of Grace

& Outward Personality of Skilled Dynamic Aware Actions!

This Invokes Purity in all seven Levels of existence!


The Divine wants us to do Sewa!

It opens our many blocks ; self-Idea and concepts; illusions ;habits ; fear etc gets Deleted or Redefined!

It Opportunity to evolve beyond our own negative tendencies of Genes!

This also brings infinite Purity !


Sewa Makes Life Celebration!

Sewa Teaches us so many things which are self-learning experiences!

Our Different Shades of Personality get Exposed!

They get Softly Shifted and Our New Strong Personality takes Birth!

This process of Easy Smart Re Evolution is Infinitely Possible through Sewa!

Sewa gives immense growth of Intellect; builds Love Bonds ; easy routes to our blissful life Opens!


Sewa is an Opportunity to Grow And Celebrate Divine Qualities!

Sewa is Link to Delink from our Old Chapters!

Sewa Creates New Space where in Only We join hands with Divine and Dance!



The Divine wants us to practice Silence!

As in Silence Divine Stays and Brings Our Infinite Progress!

Being Silent ;

Lots of Energy and Time gets saved!

Dispassion Happens!

Awareness Spikes!

Pieces of Mind reunite to Peaceful Mind!

Intellect gets new ideas and directions!

Celebration of Divine Qualities happens!

Intuition; innovation; inspiration gets kindled!

Mind Opens up to Live in the Moment ie **Now !** get Established!

Let Go ; Forgive and Forget Becomes Very Easy!

Silence Brings Purity in Words!


The Divine Wants us To Sing!

Singing helps to bring up positive emotions & win over our own Small Mind!

This is a very Fast Process!

This Brings Purity in Feelings!

Singing should be part of Daily Routine!

Make a habit of Singing Bhajans; while preparing Food & Having It!

Infinite Shift in Consciousness; Awareness happens and Divine Qualities Increase!



The Divine wants us to Listen To Mantras and attend Homas!

This is the Supreme Levels Of Purity & Auspiciousness!

Having made ourselves Pure through Spiritual Practices ;

We get Open towards Welcoming Divine Within us!


Mantras bring Harmony and bring Enormous Divine Grace!

This is very sacred and Secret & yet Powerful!


Our Body is all Space!

Attending different Homas; allows this Space to get Divine Presence!

Going Beyond Negativity means;

Charging up Our Space with Divine Grace!

Uniting our Heart with Divine Grace!

Bringing Divine Rhythm in Our Life!

Sudershan Kriya Helps to get us Tuned to Rhythm Of Nature!

When WE are Aligned With Nature!

We would be always At Ease!

Being Relax ; Perfect Actions Happen!

Siddha Purusha is Born With Time & Self Efforts!


 Hence We Learn to Win Over Negative Tendencies!

This Is Opening New Pages of Grace & Glory being Gratitude!

Asawari Bedarkar

‘Like a flower bud, human life has the potential to blossom fully. 
Blossoming of human potential to fullness is Yoga’

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji

What the world thinks Yoga is and what Yoga actually is, is very different!
 There are many myths and questions surrounding Yoga. Like, 
Is Yoga just postures, is it exercise, is it religious, can only a Hindu practise it or an Indian, 
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All these questions and more are answered by Gurudev in this eye opening video!


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Ayurveda and Treatment

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सभी सुखी होवें, सभी रोगमुक्त रहें, सभी मंगलमय घटनाओं के साक्षी बनें और किसी को भी दुःख का भागी न बनना पड़े। ॐ शांति शांति शांति॥
May all sentient beings be at peace, may no one suffer from illness, May all see what is auspicious, may no one suffer. Om peace, peace, peace.


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