Let love be love

Ques: Guru Ji, What makes ordinary man extraordinary?
Sri Sri: Extra ordinary man always thinks they are ordinary.

It's the age of aero planes and you are talking in terms of bullock carts.You have sat in a plane and your flight has taken off.Now, this plane will take you to your destination. You need not ask for the path.

Ques :- Guruji mujhe aapka autograph milega kya ?
Sri Sri :~ Main autograph Dil me deta hu.kagaj-kalam se nahi.Abhi tak mila nahi kya ??

Ques. Everyone comes to you with their problems. Do you have any problems of your own?
Sri Sri : I have no troubles. That is why I can take away yours. If the doctor is sick, then can he heal you? Since I have no problems, you have come to me.

Ques: You are so wonderful,when can I become like you?
Sri Sri: First stop attempting to become like me. Know that I am you.

Ques: I just want to thank you for all the blessings. Why is that every time I see you I cry?
Sri Sri: Oh my god, you are taking away my reputation! Every time people see me they smile. Yet tears of love and gratitude are also very precious. When the heart opens it brings tears to the eyes.

Ques: Dearest Guruji, may I give u a big hug?
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Yes…but flying ones.


Ques : Guruji, You’ve said that death is like a long sleep – can you say something more about it? What happens when we die?
Sri Srii: I don’t want to take the surprise away from you! Anyways, everyone will find out! (laughter)You know I want you to have some surprise when you die. (Laughter!!)If I tell you everything right now then you will not enjoy the scene after death! Then you will feel “Oh! I already knew it!!” (Laughter!!)

Ques: Guruji , Krishna gave Arjuna Vishvaroop Darshan, when will we get the Darshan from you ?
Sri Srii: You become Arjuna first then you can have the Darshan .

Ques: It is said that when we take one step towards the Guru, he takes ten towards us. If we take one step backwards, what does he do?
Sri Sri: Wait for you to take a step forward.

Ques. Are we following you or are you choosing us?
Sri Sri : With changing times the leader has to be behind the followers, pushing them ahead. Earlier it used to be the leader in the front, but followers were left behind. So now I have changed the strategy! I am pushing my followers ahead!

Ques:Guruji,wen do you t ake rest, do you even rest??
SriSri: Of course I rest, in between lifetimes !!

Ques: Sometimes questions come in my mind and are answered when I sit in meditation. However, sometimes, I get no answers. Is that because there is no connection?
Sri Sri: No connection? You mean you don’t get the range? It only happens sometimes, so it’s ok. May be it’s a difficult question and I don’t have an answer! Maybe that’s why the connection gets broken!

Ques: Dear Guruji, are there many other planets where there are many other Gurujis or are you the only Guruji of the universe?
Sri Sri: Yes, why do you want to worry about other planets now? I think I am enough for you to handle

Ques: I first time saw you yesterday, but I didn't feel you are a stranger?
Sri Sri: I have never felt, meeting anyone, as if I am meeting a stranger. The way your feelings are, you perceive the same. Any person you meet is only your reflection.

Ques. How do you initiate your disciples? Do you choose your disciples?
Sri Sri: Don’t limit our relationship. Let love be love, don’t give it a name. For a master, no disciples exist. But for a disciple, the Master exists. See, if you do the Sudarshan Kriya, you are initiated.

Ques: What is the relationship between seeker, guru and the Divine?
Sri Sri: The beginning, middle and end of a same line. It is the Seed, the Plant and the Tree.

Ques: Guruji, you have told us that the Guru’s work is to confuse the disciple. Then whom we go for for answers?
Sri Sri : Where else can you go? Anywhere you go you will get more confused, isn’t it? From where the confusion has come, the answer will also come.

Ques: How should be one’s relation with the Master? One is an ordinary person and other is a person with so many powers. Should it be like a friend or a beloved?
Sri Sri : Let love be love. Don’t give it a name. Love is above all relations. Being in love with the master is like being in Love with the divine. Master, God and spirit are not different. These all are one. Only one exists – one non dual existence. Everything is divine.

Ques. Why do you want to help everybody?
Sri Sri : Will you ask the sun, why do you shine? If you ask a tree why do you flower, what will it say? It is simply its nature. I only do what is in my nature. Helping others, manushyatva(humanity) is our swabhav (nature). We have to move from a lack consciousness (abhav) and the influences of external factors (prabhav) to our swabhav (nature

Ques: How do you know the answers for all the questions?
Sri Sri I don’t have one for this!

Ques: Guruji, the way I feel so connected to you, do you feel the same?
Sri Sri : More than that. You know, connection means that there is a difference. I don’t feel connected for I don’t feel the difference. I feel you are a part of me

Ques: When will God come?
Sri Sri : Never! One who is always here doesn't have to come and go!

Ques Dear Guruji, when can I become one with the Divine?
Sri Sri When will the wave meet the ocean?! My dear, Where is the wave?
If you feel the restlessness and longing, then you are blessed and fortunate. Your inward journey has begun. Do Seva, Sadhana and Satsang. They will free you from restlessness and soak you in the fountain of love

Ques: How to do samarpan (surrender) in bhakti (devotion)?
Sri Sri: In the same way how we have sweetness in sugar

Ques: Guruji, with your grace I got a new car but if you don’t sit in it, what’s the fun of having the car?
Sri Sri : Your body is the car of which the heart is the motor. It’s enough for you to have a seat for me there. What’s the fun of sitting in the other car! Make me reside in your heart.

Ques: How can I get close to you?
Sri Sri : Assume that you are close to me. It is you who thinks you are not close.

Ques Guruji, the way I feel so connected to you, do you feel the same?
Sri Sri :More than that. You know, connection means that there is a difference. I don’t feel connected for I don’t feel the difference. I feel you are a part of me.

Ques: Guru Ji , Do you dream?
Sri Sri: Do I dream? I consider all this a dream! It's nothing more than a dream! Isn't it ? Just wake up and see! All that has happened till this moment,are they more than dreams?

You went to school ,you went to college,you caught a bus, you rode a bicycle, you did this,you did that....Wake up and see... does any of it (till this moment) exists now?Now ! it's all like a dream...and this could be a dream too! Are you sure this is not a dream? See less


Q: Would you enter the Big Boss house if invited?
Sri Sri - I know of only One Big Boss and I am in his house all the time..

Q: Do you answer all prayers?
Sri Sri: Be careful what you wish for. You should always add a clause at the end to say “and whatever is best”....

Q: Why do we get attached and how do we get over the feeling of attachment? It is very painful when the person whom we are attached to chooses to leave us.
Sri Sri: Remember, whatever is yours will always be yours. Whatever is not yours will come for a little while and then go. Wake up! Go deep in knowledge.

Q: Guruji, how do I know that I am doing what you expect me to do? Am I on the right path? At times I feel very weak and cry a lot. How can I stop my tears?
Sri Sri: When you feel weak I am with you as your strength, you are not alone. Whenever you feel weak, know that you are not alone.Be clear with what you want in your life and what you want to do. Then plan and move on those plans. Sitting and crying being emotional is not going to help. Wake up and see this is the world and the world has its own metrics. See how you can move forward.

Q: Guruji, often I don’t realize how seva is happening and sometimes I think I am doing it. Who is it actually who does?
Sri Srii: Who is the one who is observing? When you focus on that you will know that, First the eyes are seeing, then the mind, then the intellect, go on with this … and you will see that there is nothing! That’s why Lord Buddha said “Anaatma”. He said, “I could not find the self anywhere, though I searched and searched”. Then Lord Shankaracharya came and said, “Its all Maya” temporary”. Then he said, “Who is the one who could not find? That is the one”!! He totally turned around the whole picture to a new dimension with a new sentence! You are the one and you are never away from the self! That’s why we do, “I am”.. Have you done the “I am”process today? Advance course…During the process you must had several pleasant and unpleasant experience.Its ok.. huh…they come and go, what remains is the self.

Q: Guruji, is it okay to fall in love in the student life?
Sri Sri:: It will be okay if you fall in love with your studies and books,your career. So, that you will not regret it in the future.

Q: What is the origin of thought?
Sri Sri: What is the origin of this question? (laughter) Just sit for a while and ask
yourself that – then you’ll see that this thought also comes from that quiet space.

Q: Guruji, how to realize the soul?
Sri Sri: Have you done the Sudarshan Kriya? Yes. Tell me how do you feel?
Blank? That is it!

Q: What about people who have betrayed me?
Sri Sri: Leave them and don’t be concerned. Uproot them from your heart. If they have betrayed you that is their karma, and your karma was to get betrayed and now it is over. The score has been settled.

Q: Guruji, if somebody is being hypnotized and manipulated in various ways then how can one get out of it?
Sri Sri: Meditation is the antidote for hypnosis. People who meditate and who do pranayama cannot be hypnotized easily. It is very difficult to hypnotize them.


Q: Guruji how can I see you in everyone and everything?
Sri Sri: No need to see me in everyone and anything! Just be natural and be
yourself!! That’s enough!

Q: Guruji I got your blessings today, how long will the blessings last?
Sri Sri: (Laughter) depends on what you are going to use it for. I am ready to give you a blank cheque. But what will you use it for!??!

Q: Guruji give me brahma gyan?
Sri Sri: I am ready to give you and that’s what is what you are doing here. Relax and let go..Become hollow and empty.And only when you are hollow and empty you are ready to take it.

Q: How do you increase the love?
Sri Sri No Chance, it is full already

Q: Guruji, what is the difference between Knowledge and Science?
Sri Sri: Knowledge is “Who am I?” and science is “What is this?”

Q.: How to love somebody you hate the most?
Sri Sri: First just accept that person. Just accept that they are incorrigible and will never change. Then understand that they are a victim themselves, of their circumstances and their ignorance.Compassion is the next step. See, step by step we have 1, 2, 3. Acceptance, Understanding and Love.

Q: We are with you in 2007? Where will you be in 2107? I want to play with you even then.
Sri Sri: You are asking in front of all these people. Everyone may get the same idea (laughs) Where will I be in 2107? I am not so foolish as to make plans for 2107 now. All my plans are made done spontaneously in the present moment.

Q: My boss told me that if all the CEOs and MDs had done the Art of Living
course – they would only be doing positive thinking and they would not have been able to make much progress.
Sri Sri:: Just ask your boss – that if lot of stress and negative emotions causes
creativity and progress – why do you not see it in Afghanistan and Lebanon -where the situation has been so stressful for so long. Do you see any great creativity coming out of these places? Just ask him that.This is a wrong notion that creativity comes out of stress and negativity.

Q: Guruji, I am feeling very empty right now. Feeling like nothing.Why?
Sri Sri: Do you have a smile on your face? Are you happy? That’s good! Then
that’s how it should be!

Q: Guruji, what happens when we die?
Sri Sri: You know I want you to have some surprise when you die. (Laughter!)
If I tell you everything right now then you will not enjoy the scene after death! Then you will feel “Oh! I already knew it!!” (Laughter!!) See less


Q: I often talk to you in my heart. How do I satisfy myself that my words have reached you?
Sri Sri : My job is not to satisfy you but to make you restless to get the highest knowledge. In that restlessness, you achieve awareness.

Q: How to be an instrument of the grace of the Guru (Gurukripa)?
Sri Sri : By being more grateful. The one who is always complaining gets a little away from the Grace. When we are grateful for whatever God has given us, then we never lack anything and the grace continues forever.

Q: What is Guru Tatva?
Sri Sri: You have a question, you want an answer. Wherever the answer comes from - that is Guru Tatva.

Q: Why do saints have long hair?
Sri Sri: Yogis do anything 100%! Either they keep it or remove it all together. Maybe I’ll change my look completely someday. Don’t judge a person by appearance, their appearance.

Q: Why did you start the Art of Living?
Sri Sri : Are you enjoying? (Yes) Just for you!

Q: What is the Atma (soul)?
Sri Sri : It is the cause behind your very existence. Without it, you would not exist. The Atma is that which listens through the ears, perceives through the eyes, smells through the nose, tastes through the tongue, and which is the reason for everything that happens.

Q: If all the pain I am going through in this life is because of the karmas of my previous life, then that makes me feel more sad. How do I face it?
Sri Sri : You are trying to walk forward with your head turned backward. This is why you feel miserable. Just let go!

Q: What should be one’s goal in life: money, fame, position or something else?
Sri Sri : Contentment.

Q: Does contentment make you lazy?
Sri Sri : What do you think? There is a lot of difference between laziness and contentment. One who is contented has more energy. Is there energy in a lazy person?

Q: Can love be selfish and, if it is selfish then is it love?
Sri Sri : The Self is love.

Q: Do yogis have a weekend?
Sri Sri : In between lifetimes!

Q: What is the relationship between Seeker, Guru and the Divine?
Sri Sri : The beginning, middle and end of a same line. It is the seed, the plant and the tree.

Q: Why is it that even the good things I wish for don't happen immediately?
Sri Sri: The baby cries for milk but the mother takes time to prepare it. Just because the baby is crying, she will not give it hot milk. She knows what will be ok for it.

Q: How to open my heart for more love?
Sri Sri : Don’t try to open your heart. You cannot do an open heart surgery on yourself. Leave it to me!

Q: What is the goal of a seeker. How does a Sadguru help?
Sri Sri: By first making one a seeker, removing the inertia in him. Then fixing a goal for the seeker, taking him towards the goal and then making him rest when he reaches the goal.

Q: Please say something about being religious.
Sri Sri : Purity in heart. Clarity in mind. Spontaneity in action. This is what religiosity is supposed to bring. Being religious means being righteous and preserving the traditions, doing your prayers. More important than this is spiritual upliftment.

Q: Is it bad to be addicted to Meditation?
Sri Sri: Addiction is a wrong word to use for something good. You don't say I'm addicted to brushing my teeth! Like dental hygiene, meditation is mental hygiene!

Q: What do you mean by 'Owning God?'
Sri Sri: The Divinity belongs to you. It's not like shopping at the supermarket in a hurry and rushing back home. When you see the whole store is at home, you are not in a hurry to shop. You are at ease.

Q: What to do when suddenly one experiences a state of emptiness? What to do when all meanings fade away? Please bless me!
Sri Sri : Yes, bless you! All these feelings and emotions come and go. Sometimes you feel so dry like everything has disappeared. All your good feelings: love, dedication suddenly go away; but suddenly they appear too. So these are just passing phases in life, just keep moving on.

Q: After having explained your point of view to another person, how do you make the person come to terms with it and accept what you have said.
Sri Sri : Skillfully, you need a skill.This is where you have to think – how skillfully are you conveying to them what you want to say.

Q: If something bad is happening, what do we do about that?
Sri Sri : First, you accept that something bad is happening, and then realize that you want to stop the wrong from happening. The wrong will stop at the right time.

Q: If love is not an emotion but your very existence then how come love disappear one day and appear again some other day?
Sri Sri : See, the sun appears to have disappeared but in reality, it is not. It is just hiding or we have turned to another side. That’s it!

Q: What kind of questions from people make you uncomfortable?
Sri Sri : So far I don’t even remember anybody asking me any uncomfortable question. I don’t feel uncomfortable with anybody whatsoever. Not until now. I don’t know about the future

Q: Every time I am in a dreamworld. What can I do?
Sri Sri : Just wake up!

Q: What is more important - faith in ourselves or faith in others?
Sri Sri : Both are necessary. However, add one more. That is, faith in God.

Q: How much do you love me? How do I know?
Sri Sri : Leave it! Love cannot be measured because it is infinite. There is no boundaries to it. But knowing has a boundary. Ponder on it.

Q: What do you do when you love your work and you know that you are good at it but still not successful?
Sri Sri : You are appreciating your work, but others also have to appreciate it. Keep at it and see what more you can do to improve. If your attention is on that, things will change.

Q: Since we surrender our botheration, pain and problems to you, are we running away from our responsibilities?
Sri Sri : No! You should have a balance there. You give your 100% and then leave the rest. Surrender does not mean running away from responsibilities, it is a sense of assurance in you that yes things are going to be well.

Q: Is someone’s destiny fixed or can it change as well?
Sri Sri : A part of destiny is fixed, and certain things can change.

Q: What is that one primary mantra to success?
Sri Sri : The one primary mantra to success is to digest failure.

Q: Do hearts mend also?
Sri Sri : Absolutely. First your heart will mend, and then you will be able to mend others' hearts.

Q: What really is the mind without thoughts?
Sri Sri It is nothing. A bundle of thoughts is what the mind is. When the thinking stops, that is the no mind state. That is what happens. It happens for a few moments in meditation and then you feel very good.

Q: What quality should an ideal disciple have? Do you differentiate between disciples?
Sri Sri: Don’t worry so much, just be like a child, and take life with ease. Yes, I differentiate between disciples and you are very special. Each one of you is unique and each one is special, so everyone is different.

Q: What is the difference between God and Guru?
Sri Sri : First tell me what are you going to do by knowing this? Lett the two of them sort out whatever differences they may have among themselves! (Laughter) All your wishes are getting fulfilled, isn’t it? That’s it. What else do you need?

Q: What is greater – moksha or love and gratitude?
Sri Sri : Love and gratitude cannot happen without some degree of freedom within. Moksha is freedom. They go hand in hand. To the degree of freedom that you experience, to that degree you feel gratitude.

Q: If love is not an emotion but your very existence then how come love disappear one day and appear again some other day?
Sri Sri : See, the sun appears to have disappeared but in reality, it is not. It is just hiding or we have turned to another side. That’s it!

Q: How do you cope with taking on the burdens of people all over the world?
Sri Sri : You must tell yourself that you are an instrument. You are a part of the universe. Let things come and go and they will be no burden to you. It is certainly possible and you also have that capability.

Q: What if prayer fails?
Sri Sri : Prayer cannot fail, it can only be delayed.

Q: How to deal with loneliness. It is difficult to live without love in my life. How to bring love? How to bring a loving companion?
Sri Sri : Find love within you, that is what meditation is. If you are comfortable being with yourself, then anyone will be comfortable being with you. So here you are, in the right place to develop those vibrations within you. And you will see that you will get it. It is simple.

Q: If a person thinks he is good for nothing in whatever he does, how should he move ahead in life?
Sri Sri : Just be here for a little while and know that God doesn’t create garbage. Everyone who is created on this planet is good for something.

Q Past incidents keep flashing in my mind. What do I do?
Sri Sri The more you resist, they keep coming. When they come you just take it, don’t resist. Then you see how they change.

Q: How realistic is it for a person to become enlightened in one lifetime? : Even Siddhas have to take a few births to get enlightened. Why is it so difficult to get enlightened?
Sri Sri : It is not difficult. It is challenging!:You don’t have to be very special. You can have it right now in this room.

Q: What’s your secret for having so much energy, such a big heart and so much compassion?
Sri Sri : Simplicity. When you are not being yourself, you get exhausted. When you try to impress someone or expect something from someone, you become burdened.

Q: Any advice on raising the children?
Sri Sri : I have no experience in this matter. I do the job of making adults into children.

Q: How to overcome desire?
Sri Sri: This is another desire! What we need to know is that a desire fulfilled takes you back to the same place you were before the desire arose.

Q: What is the secret of a peaceful and successful life?
Sri Sri: Accept the people and situations as they are. And always be in the present moment. Do not keep thinking of what happened in the past or what will happen in the future.

Q: What is stress, and when do we experience it?
Sri Sri : When we have too much to do in very little time, and when we feel that we do not have the energy to achieve it all, then that is when we feel stressed.

Q: Are you right or left handed?
Sri Sri I handle everything in the right manner. I suppose I don’t leave anything, so there is nothing left behind. So there’s nothing left and I suppose I’m right.

Q: What is the difference between religion and spirituality?
Sri Sri : Religion is what you are born with spirituality is what you acquire. Religion is about belief, spirituality is about experience. Religion can keep the wall, can keep society divided but spirituality always unites.

Q: You have tweeted about how a smile comes when you know that the Divine loves you. Does the love of the Divine express only as positive actions in my life?
Sri Sri : Yes the result of it is only positive. It may appear to be not so positive somewhere in the middle but definitely at the end, it has got to be positive, uplifting and evolutionary.

Q: Does thoughts happen by previous Karma or impressions in the mind?
Sri Sri Karma is nothing but impressions in the mind and brings about similar thoughts. Ya, it is very much possible.

Q: What makes you so special?
Sri Sri: I don’t think I am special, not at all. I may be a little crazy but not special. If you are not crazy, you would not keep going round and round the world for nothing.

Q: Is meditation concentration on some point in the centre of forehead?
Sri Sri : Absolutely not!

Q: How do I figure out what I truly want from my life?
Sri Sri : Shift from what I want, to what people around you want. Make the change from what I want to what is needed of you, what you could do to better the nation then you will find fulfillment, you will not feel empty.

Q: I have been told since childhood that eating non – vegetarian is like committing a sin because we are killing helpless animals. Is it so?
Sri Sri : Don’t think those who eat non – vegetarian are sinful. It is only that tamsic tendencies are encouraged when one eats non – vegetarian. See less

Q: Who is the observer? Is our goal to merge with the observer?
Sri Srir: There is no goal, there is nothing to merge. It is there, that is it. Got it? What is there is there. In the present moment it is always there; the witness is there. Who is asking the question, that is the witness.m

Q: Can you make me meet God?
Sri Sri : Definitely, I am here to do exactly that. First, just become totally content and happy from within. Then you will get all that you.

Q: How do we keep God and the world together?
Sri Sri : They are already one. Where is the question of combining them?
In the nature of form, it is world, and same is God in its formless nature. You don’t have to do anything to bring them together.

Q: Can you help us?
Sri Sri : Always!

Q: Guruji does all our wish gets fulfilled in this lifetime. In case it does not, then do we have to come again in the next life?
Sri Srii: Its all getting fulfilled in this lifetime only. Isn't it? How many of you have experienced this?

Q: Is it possible for all of us to get enlightened?
Sri Sri : Definitely. Anytime! The seed is there. It can sprout anytime. It can become a big tree anytime.

Q: Is it necessary to have you physically around in an activity or does it also work when you are not there? If you are in India and I have a difficult problem here, what should I do?
Sri Sri : I am everywhere. Physically I may be in India, but in my being I am everywhere.

Q: What does it actually mean to have a spiritual teacher?
Sri Sri : To have a spiritual teacher means to feel at ease, to feel comfort and to have the confidence to go on a journey to the unknown. A spiritual teacher means: There is somebody to take care of me. If I fall, someone is there to hold me.

Q: How much do you love me? How do I know?
Sri Sri : Leave it! Love cannot be measured because it is infinite. There is no boundaries to it. But knowing has a boundary. Ponder on it.

Q: Whenever I see you my tears keep flowing. Why does that happen?
Sri Sri : These are tears of love. When you see me you cry out of love.

Q: I get confused in loving you and Krishna. Please tell me what to do.
Sri Sri : Don't worry. We all have a pact. Krishna says in Gita, whomsoever you adore, it comes to me. It goes to the one truth, the one reality.

Q: Every lifetime has certain karma why don't we know it before hand?
Sri Sri : See the past as destiny, future as free will, and be happy in the present moment. Usually people think that the past is free will and the future is destiny and they become so lethargic, and they are sad in the present. Foolish people think like this. But we are all intelligent right?

Q: Why does a mistake happen?
Sri Sri : It happens because of ignorance. When you have lighted the lamp of knowledge inside you, you become free in the present.

Q: Why do our nearest ones often remain strangers?
Sri Sri: Because no one can understand anyone totally. Life is a mystery !

Q: Is it ok to fall in love in the student life?
Sri Sri : It will be ok if you fall in love with your studies and books, your career. So that you will not regret in the future.

Q: How to know the difference between love and lust?
Sri Sri : In love the other is important, in lust, you are important.

Q: I often talk to you in my heart. How do I satisfy myself that my words have reached you?
Sri Sri: My job is not to satisfy you but to make you restless to get the highest knowledge. In that restlessness, you achieve awareness.

Q: How can I get close to you?
Sri Sri : Assume that you are close to me. It is you who thinks you are not close.

Q: I wish I were you. Is it possible or not?
Sri Sri : Of course! You don’t have to wish, you are already! We are all one. I am you and you are me.

Q: Sometimes we feel disconnected with you how to overcome that?
Sri Sri : Sometimes only na! So you got disconnected and then you feel the connection again, it will happen.!

Q: What are things that make you enjoy?
Sri Sri : I enjoy when every tear turns into smile! And it happens all the time.

Q: Like I appreciate, the Sun and the Moon and the Nature, why can’t God appreciate when I do something good?
Sri Sri : He doesn’t appreciate you, because he knows you can do better. If he starts appreciating you every moment, then you desire to perform better will not be there.

Q: What is the secret of a peaceful and successful life?
Sri Sri : Accept the people and situations as they are. And always be in the present moment. Do not keep thinking of what happened in the past or what will happen in the future.

Q: How can we avoid stress from our life?
Sri Sri i: You can handle stress through your own breath.

Q: Guruji, you are our role model.
Sri Sri: But I model all your roles !

Q: Is it possible to attain enlightenment while having physical blocks in the spine?
Sri Sri i: Why not? Ashtavakra had eight deformities in his body, and he was enlightened.

Q: Do you answer all prayers?
Sri Sri : Be careful what you wish for. You should always add a clause at the end to say “and whatever is best”.

Q. Are there different techniques to achieve different siddhis(perfections/powers)?
Sri Sri: Ek hi saadhe sab sadhe, sab saadhe sab jaaye, if you follow one thing you will achieve all, but if you want everything, you won't achieve anything.

Q: Today we did meditation in motion. It was so painful. Have you done this?(laughter).
Sri Sri: Yes, it’s blissful! After every pain comes bliss.

Q: How can I maintain happiness?
Sri Sri: Do not make such an effort. In order to save your happiness, you have to spread it. Share your happiness with everyone. Why worry in this short span of life when there is such beautiful knowledge

Q: My heart wants to move ahead but my mind won’t let me, what to do Guruji?
Sri Sri : They keep getting into a conflict again and again. Like an old couple they get into conflict every day. (laughter) 

Ayurveda and Treatment

“Ayurveda” is being recognized as a holistic system of medicine, Which holds that the body is the foundation of all Wisdom and Source of all Supreme Objectives of life.Ayurveda” have effective treatment for, Asthma, Mental Tension , Spinal Disorders , High blood pressure , Mental Stress, Spondylosis , High Cholesterol , Fatigue , Obesity , Headaches , Respiratory Problems , Heart Diseases , Migraine , Gastric Complaints , Chest Pain , Arthritis , Weight Loss , Osteoarthritis , Body Purification , Gynecological Disorders , Rheumatism , Anti-ageing , Chronic Constipation , Speech Disorders , Piles , Back Pain , Nervous Disorders , Hair Loss , Gout , Premature Graying , Skin Diseases , Psoriasis , Insomnia , Memory Loss , Pain , Gastric Problems , Immunity Problems , Anemia , Acne , Anorexia , Anxiety , Acidity , Bronchitis, Diabetes , Dyspepsia , Dysentery , Dandruff , Depression , Diarrhea , Dengue , Chikungunya , Indigestion , Urinary bladder disorder , Fungal infection , Nasal Congestion , Gum and Tooth diseases , Vitiation of blood , Burning Sensation , Oedema , Emaciation , Impotency , Inflammation , Ulcer , Thirst , Chloasma of face , Tastelessness , Pleurodria , Intercostal neuralgia , Pthisis , Vitiation of semen , Sciatica , Filariasis , Tumour , Intermittent fever , Lassitude , Hoarseness of voice , Mole , Conjunctivitis , Glaucoma , Myopia , Repeated Abortion , Duodenal ulcer , Malabsorption syndrome , Eczema , Flatulence , Fever , General Debility , Irregular Menstrual Cycle , Jaundice , Hepatitis , joint Pain , Kidney stone , Leucorrhea , Leukoderma , Liver Disorder , Menopause , Premenstrual Tension , Pyorrhea , Peptic Ulcer , Palpitation , Rheumatism , Ringworm , Stress Management , Sinusitis , Sore Throat , Skin Allergy , Sciatica , Sleeplessness ,Toothache , weight , Urinary Diseases , Vertigo , infection , Restlessness , Hypertension , Malarial Fever , Cough , Cold , Pimples , Black Heads , Appetite problem , Vomit , Eye problems , Abdominal fever , Abdominal lump , Swelling , Fibroid , Cyst , Bleeding , Infertility in men and women , Pneumonia , Curing Dryness , wounds, cuts, & burns . Consult a certified Doctor for more details on Ayurvedic Treatment.

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ॐ सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः सर्वे सन्तु निरामयाः। सर्वे भद्राणि पश्यन्तु मा कश्चिद्दुःखभाग्भवेत। ॐ शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः॥
सभी सुखी होवें, सभी रोगमुक्त रहें, सभी मंगलमय घटनाओं के साक्षी बनें और किसी को भी दुःख का भागी न बनना पड़े। ॐ शांति शांति शांति॥
May all sentient beings be at peace, may no one suffer from illness, May all see what is auspicious, may no one suffer. Om peace, peace, peace.


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