1) Forgive wholeheartedly:
Don't wander around carrying in your mind, memories of those, who made you uncomfortable and those who betrayed you.
Forgive them. That is their punishment.
No need to befriend them again, for that.
All you do is to clear your mind. If you accept to forgive like this, it does not mean that you are weak. You have a lot of work to do, make sure you don't get carried away, with such animosity.
2) Apologize sincerely:
If we have hurt anyone, in any way knowingly or unknowingly, please apologize sincerely. Make sure you don't make that mistake again.
3) Express, Wholehearted Gratitude to Divine power:
For granting you the following, like, Good parents, close relatives, Good wife/husband , children, Good job, Good circle of friends, this nice place, society, knowledge, full energy, healthy body, Good career, earnings, & comfort, express wholehearted Gratitude to Divine.
4) Appreciate nature:
Appreciate and enjoy, all that nature has given, like seasons, creatures, trees and vines. Enjoy the magnificence of creations made from single atoms to tens of thousands of atoms. Know that, all these are living around you, according to their own rules, cherish and love them.
5) Make time for yourself
Set aside time for yourself daily as per your convenience. During this time, you should examine yourself and review your activities. Don't try to justify or rationalize anything. Look back at the path you have travelled so far. Time will tell, what kind of person you are. If you are true to yourself, the path will be clear.
6) Change your eating habits:
Choose only healthy natural foods, whenever possible. Be sure to eat, only for hunger. There is a connection between the food we eat and our thoughts. Fasting and protein are healthy.
7) Accept with confidence:
Do not compare your status with others, especially those better than you. Our position is based on God's gift and our karma. Accept it.
It is faith in Divine, that makes man live and guides him in this world. Everything that has happened, is happening and will happen is based on faith. The more you accept this, the more mature your mind will be. Opposing anything, only reinforces that which contradicts it. If you accept it, it will automatically subside.
Although it may be difficult at first, with your determination, it will take its own course, in a few days and the flow of thoughts will begin to calm down. This will become your way of life. Then, you will feel that everything is normal and pleasant to your surprise.
8. Practice, Yoga/ fitness exercises:
Make habit of practising daily, yoga/ Fitness, pranayama, & Meditation to keep both our body & mind fit.
Above Guidelines are based on Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankarji Teachings.