इह खलु हेतुर्निमित्तमायतनं कर्ता कारणं प्रत्ययःसमुत्थानं निदानमित्यनर्थान्तरम्| 
तत्त्रिविधम्- असात्म्येन्द्रियार्थसंयोगः, प्रज्ञापराधः,परिणामश्चेति||३|| 
COMMENTRY – Here in the context of JWARA NIDAANA the general causes of all diseases have also been mentioned, first general causes are enumerated then the specific causes of the produced disease are deatailed, to show the appearance of diseases symptoms and synonyms are used practically. IHAETI means in this context causes are said by different meanings. At other places also causes have been explained by the other words like HETU AADI like“हेतुरकृतकत्वात्” (वि.अ.८)इति, तथा “दशैवायतनानि स्युः” (सू.अ.२९), तथा “कर्ता, मन्ता,वेदिता, बोद्धा” (शा.अ.४) इत्यादौ, प्रत्ययस्य लडादौ, उत्थानस्यउद्गमनादौ|
This description of the synonyms of the cause is in accordance with the texts practically, because by saying the different words as synonyms, causes are explained at different places and they depict the same meaning, therefor to show the symptoms these synonyms are said. In the same wat at some other place the synonyms of VYAADHI has also been said. 
These have been said eight in number, and also JWARA has also been said of eight types and is has a close connection with HETU so said as eight, but at other places HETU has also been said by the words YONI, MOOL, MUKHA, PRAKRITI etc but they have not been said here just to avoid any undue details. This rule has also been followed also in explaining the synonyms of the disease also. 
TATA TRIVIDHAMA ITIYAADI shows three types of the causes. These have also been said in DEERGHAJEEVTIYA and TISAREISHNIYA chapter but here they have been said to explain thh three type nature at a different level, this is in accordance with the context and it is not a repletion, here the three types of each HETU like normal use, wrong use and excessive use of each HETU have been indicated as three types. 
Although ASAATMYA INDRIYAARTHA SANYOGA is the basic cause of the disease but still in diseases like RAKTAPITTA AADI the cause has been said as JWARA AADI as JWARASANTAAPAADARAKTAPITTA UDEERYATE – NIDAANA STHAAN 8, but saying the nearest disease as the cause is not opposite to the rule, because in the origin of the RAKTAPITTA AADI the JWARA AADI is present as ASAATMYA INDRIYAARTHA SANYOGA. 
Earlier also this ASAATMYA INDRIYAARTHA SANYOGA has been said as the main reason for the origin of the disease by the verse - “कालबुद्धीन्द्रियार्थानां योगो मिथ्या न चाति च”(सू.अ.१) . 
Although PRAGYAA APARAADHA has also been said as the prime cause but ASAATMYA INDRIYAARTHA SANYOGA happen after the wrong decision of the BUDHI and by being the nearest cause, ASAATMYA INDRIYAARTHA SANYOGA has been the prime cause of the disease. 
Sometimes KAALA is also said as prime due to the bad effects but the ATIYOGA of KAALA etc are also manifested through the the ATIYOGA of INDRIYA etc.

Vaidya Pawan Madaan 

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