Parashurama or Bhargava Rama - Part V (a), In epic Mahabharata

Parashurama or Bhargava Rama - Part V (a), In epic Mahabharata

Did you know that Parashurama a chiranjeevi, who was so far spanned three aeons, had many desxciples during the Dwapara Yuga in the epic Mahabharata times when he trained in warfare his iconic desciples starting with Bhishma, Drona and Karna?  

Parashurama had after his encounter with Rama of Ayodhya, and following his surrender of his divine avatara powers to Rama, following the lifting and stringing and relesing of the arrow of the Vishnu dhanus by Rama, moved to Mahendra mountain for penance. His pitrurdevatas advised him only to do Tapas after a taking a holy dip in the Vadoosara River which restored his lustre; to take a dip at special spot in the river called Deeptoda. He did just that and thus regained his divine body. 

The Pandavas of the epic Mahabharata period of the Dwapara Yuga, contacted Parashurama's desciple Akritavrana, after litening to Parashurama's esxploits learned that they could meet him on the fourteenth and the eighth day of the lunar course. Yudhisthira, the eldest of the Pandavas, also learnt that they would see Parashurama in the forest dwelling clad in a sable deerskin, and wearing his hair in the form of a matted mass." 

Lord Krishna of the Yadava dynasty, the 8th avatara of Vishnu and who was integral to the story of Mahabharata, had met Parashurama who visited the hermitage of Sage Sandipani; Sandipani was the guru of Krishna and Balarama, the elder brother of Krishna ,also an avatara. Lord Krishna attended and served him. After that Lord Krishna sought his blessings. As Lord Krishna was the Supreme Lord himself, he said that what blessing could he gave to him. Therefore he gave him the Sudarshana Chakra that is the ultimate weapon.

Bhishma, the eldest of the Kuru dynsaty, had been named Devavrata by his mother Ganga, and she had taken him to different loka (realms), where he was brought up and trained by many eminent sages. She had also met Parashurama and requested him to train her son in all aspects of warfare. Then, Parashurama had just made Bhishma a great archer and a warrior who fought in the epic Mahabharata war. Bhishma, however, later gets broiled in a fight with Parashurama. Bhishma was greatly indebted to his Guru. Bhishma had named his guru Parashurama as one of the Saptharishis.  

Amba, the eldest and most beautiful daughter of Kashya, the King of Kashi, and the sister of Ambika and Ambalikaa, who was ditched by Bhishma in the svayamvara at the Kingdom of Kashi, relentlessley pursued Bhishma to marry her after Shelya, the main suitor had refused to marry her, but she had failed in all her attrempts. Then, she met Parashurama thinking as Guru of Bhishma he could persuade him to marry her.

 To help Amba, Parasurama went to Kurukshetra and sent a message to Bhishma to meet him. Bhishma arrived at the place and offered his service to his teacher. Wanting to solve the tricky situation, Parashurama ordered him to marry Amba, telling him that it was his duty. However, Bhishma denied it, reminding him about his vow of celibacy. This enraged Parashurama and he threatened Bhishma with death. Bhishma tried to calm him but it failed. An intense battle began with both protecting their words. They fought for twenty-three days, each using celestial weapons. Bhishma came to the war wearing armour on his mighty car (ratha). He also demanded Parashuram to mount on a car but Parashuram said that Earth is like his car and Vedas are like good horses that carry him. So they both faught on the ground. Ganga tried to stop them but was unsuccessful. On the twenty-fourth day of battle, Bhishma attempted to use the Prashwapatastra against Parashurama, but the divine sage Narada and the gods intervened and showed their concern over the use of powerful weapons which could destroy the world. Parashurama ended the conflict and the battle was declared a stalemate. Parasurma took leave of Amba admitting his inability to help her.

Dronacharya or Drona, who was also studying in his father's ashram in Mahendra mountain. sought the blessings of Parashurama and urged him to take him as his disciple to teach him archery and lots of other things related to warfare, Droṇacharya, the royal preceptor of the Kauravas and the Pandavas in the epic Mahabharata, had heard that the invincible Brahmana-warrior Parashurama was retiring to the forest after his encounter with Rama of Ayodhya, and was gifting away all his possessions in charity. However, by the time he was approached by Drona, Parasurama only had his weapons left to give away. He offered to give Droṇa the weapons as well as the knowledge of how to use them. This is how Droṇa obtained the greatest weapons in his possession. Parashurama had imparted knowledge of celestial weapons to Drona along with the mantra of invocation and withdrawal of weapons. He had a huge range of weapons like Brahmastra, Brahmashira, Narayanastra, Rudra, Agneya, Vajra etc. Drona particuarly obtaining from Parashurarama, the most exalted of all weapons called the Brahmastra weapon, became exceedingly glad and acquired a decided superiority over all men. Thus, Drona was also nicknamed Parshuramashishya (परशुरामशिष्य).

To be continued in the next episode titled : "Parashurama or Bhargava Rama - Part V (b), Training Karna In epic Mahabharata.

Narasipur Char 

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