The more you try to think positively, the more you are drawn towards negativity.

Chapter 1 - God Loves Fun 

Day 2 

When you see beauty, you worship, surrender to it. If we don't surrender to the beauty, we want to possess it. Whatever we surrender to, we don't want to possess it. We can't possess it. 

How can you possess something that is greater than you? God is conceived as beauty, the most beautiful. When you worship beauty, the sense of possession will simply vanish. Beauty is youthful. 

For most of us, God means an old man, somebod ver ancient, with a white beard. God is ever youthful to me, God is very naughty and God loves fun. All this is fun. 

That's why God created so much fun around, including all the worries and that tape that goes on with it. That is also fun. Life is fun. When you recognise this, then life is not dull. 

Then spiritual practices will not be dull. Some think of spiritual practice as being very serious. You sit with a long and grim face. The grimmer the face, the more spiritually evolved the person is. 

The more paraphernalia they have, the more evolved they are. This is erroneous. True experience of beauty can dawn in silence. See, we label things. Then we think we are loving. 

Many people think they love their lovers, but nothing is happening inside. That love, which was there initially, has disappeared somehow. To keep that fountain of life deep inside alive, one has to take some space, go deep into oneself.

There was a German boy who could not get along with any girlfriend. This was his problem He would make friends very easily and in a few days it would all break up. He didn't know what the reason was. 

But he talked too much, always non-stop talk. He wouldn't allow the other person even to answer. He would ask a question and he would answer it himself. 

He would ask the next question and again answer it himself. It was very natural that nobody could stand this. You would have to buy earplugs or simply run away. 

Okay, it didn't matter if other people had earplugs or not because he was not expecting answers from them. He just wanted to talk. Well, in some programme, he met an Italian girl. 

The Italian girl didn't know German and he didn't know Italian. So they got married and they are still married. I told them, "It is good that you don't learn each other's language. You are fine the way you are." 

Whatever he needed to communicate, he had to look in the dictionary, word by word, and tell her. It took some time, and at least he could breathe and she could breathe.

We can communicate in silence very well. We can communicate through our hearts very well. There is so much in it. There is so much beauty we are missing in our lives if we have not lived in that area of silence within us. 

Everyday keep everything aside and stand and just look at the sky for ten minutes. Look at the stars. Look at the roses. Don't say, "This rose is beautiful, this one is big and that rose is bigger." It is there, that is it.

It is beautiful. There is so much to life. Beauty leads you to God, to gratefulness. If you see beauty and if gratefulness arises in you, then surrender has happened. Love has sprung.

Question - How can I get the courage to lose control?

Gurudev Sri Sri - You think you are in control of yourself? This is an illusion. What is in your control? Is your heart in your control? Are your thoughts in your control? 

Is your body in your control let alone the environment? You can't do anything about them. Nothing is in your control. You don't need to be afraid of losing anything. It’s an Illusion.

There is a story about Mullah Nasruddin. Mullah Nasruddin had a dream. In the dream he was bargaining to buy a car. "I'll give you $1999," said Mullah. 

"No, no," said the dealer. "Then I'll give you $1999" "No, no," said the dealer. "$ 2000 is the final price." While this argument was still going on, Mullah woke up.

He felt so bad, he said, "Such a nice deal." He suddenly closed his eyes again, "Okay, now I'll give you $2000. I don't mind paying you one dollar more. You give me the car. Let's do the deal now." A dream world. 

Even in a dream there is possessiveness, because that has sunk so deep in us. Just know that it is not in your control. Nothing is in your control. 

Then the fear of doing something about it will just disappear. So you don't need a lot of courage to lose your control. Just relax. We think we are holding the roof. Things happen by themselves. This is a little revolutionary. 

May be it may raise many questions in your head, but thoroughly examine this statement in your life. All the events that have happened just fell into place for you to be where you are just now. You see the entire phenomenal world is happening on its own. You only have to watch.

Question - When you say that all one should really do is observe life, does that mean that if we don' t get our own way in life, that this is how it should be?

Gurudev - You see, that is a thought. You want to arrange your life in a particular way. So when some thought comes spontaneously and you see that thought is right, you act on it. But you can never know that before the thought arises. 

You can only think what you know. When you know, what is the need of thinking about it? Thinking is the cause of worry. You hear so much about the power of positive thinking. 

I tell you, this is the cause of depression. People who are into positive thinking for 3-4 years, they get into depression in the fourth year. Because they are thinking, "Oh no, no, think positively, think positively." The more you try to think positively, the more you are drawn towards negativity.

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सभी सुखी होवें, सभी रोगमुक्त रहें, सभी मंगलमय घटनाओं के साक्षी बनें और किसी को भी दुःख का भागी न बनना पड़े। ॐ शांति शांति शांति॥
May all sentient beings be at peace, may no one suffer from illness, May all see what is auspicious, may no one suffer. Om peace, peace, peace.


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