Shoonya Masa, Zero month or fruitless month, or Dhanur Masa, starting from entry of planet Sun into Dhanur rasi (Sagitaruis) in mid December

Shoonya Masa (fruitless month) or Dhanur Masa

Did you know that in the belief system of Hindus, Shoonya Masa, Zero month or fruitless month, or Dhanur Masa, starting from entry of planet Sun into Dhanur rasi (Sagitaruis) in mid December till its entry in to the Makara Rasi ( Capricorn) mid January, according to the Hindu almanac, is considered not favourable to any kind of auspicious actitivty, except meditation?  

Shoonya Masa, or Dhanur Masa according to Hindu belief system, is a zero month or fruitless month not favourable in respect of doing any ausipicuos activity. This month starts from the Sankramna or entry of planet Sun in the star of Pushya into the zodiacal sign of Dhanr or Sagitarius from around the middle of December till its exit or entry into the sign of Makara or Capricorn towrds the end of the second week of January, in the Gregorian calenda . The Dhanur Masa also known as the Tamil month of Margazhi, marks the winter season for the Indian subcontinent. It is preceded by the solar month of Vṛischika (Scorpio), and followed by the solar month of Makara (Capricorn); the solar month of Dhanu overlaps with its lunar month Pausha, in Hindu lunisolar calendars. This month's inauspicious nature is so ordianed as the Saptha Rishis, the seven rishis or saints of ancient India who are extolled in the Vedas, and who are great masters who administer the entire creation on God’s behalf and guide all life, exclusively devout themsleves into meditation, after handing over the charge of administration to another batch of Rishis. During this month, the Saptarishis give all their focus and attention to spiritual activities, hence since time immemorial, humans are also kept aside all material pursuits and focused on spiritual pursuits throughout this month

This period of Dhanur month, the solar month is thus considered as highly auspicious for Vishnu devotees as Hindu scriptures have set apart this month to be completely focused on devotional activities. Other non-devotional activities (such as weddings, purchase of property etc.) are prohibited during this month so that attention can be given exclusively to the worship of God without any diversions.. No Homa or a special Pooja is arranged or a Rishi is invoked before God during this month. 

According to tradition, the Gods wake up early in the morning during the month of Dhanurmas. They perform special prayers to Sri Maha Vishnu during the auspicious period of "Brahma Muhurta", which is one and a half hours before sunrise. During this month, devotees after taking bath offer prayers to the Lord very early in the morning. 

During this period when the Sun passes from "धनु राशि" or Dhanur rasi or Sagittarius to Capricorn or "मकर राशि" is considered as a period trasnformation from scarcity to the plenty in India. Feeding or giving alms to the deserving poor and Brahmins. It is also believed to confer great merit i.e. Punya. Worshiping Vishnu during this auspicious period is equal to worshiping Vishnu with devotion for 1000 years. Every single step taken towards the nearby lake, river etc. for morning dip during this month brings forth merit equal to performing an Ashvamedha Yaga. 

In Southern India, especially the Vaikunta Ekadasi (i.e. 11th lunar day) or Mokshada Ekadasi, of the Mārgaśīṣa month which happens to be the Dhanur Masa, attracts thousands of devotees. Temples conduct special pujas during this period. On this day, it is believed that Lord Krishna delivered his sermon, the Bhgavad Gita to Arjuna on the battle field of Kurukshetra. 

Vishnu Sahasranama (thousand names of Lord Vishnu) is chanted during this period. Other important mantras chanted are those dedicated to Goddess Lakshmi. Also, the devotional hymns of Thiruppavai of Alvar saint Andal, expressing unconditional devotion to Lord Krishna, are recited, early in the morning, during Margali or Dhanur masam, in all the Sri Vaishnava temples in India. Thiruppavai is the nectar of Vedas and teaches philosophical values, moral values, ethical values, pure love, devotion, dedication, single-minded aim, virtues, and the ultimate goal of life.

Practioners of herbal medicine, the Ayurveda, collect herbs from the forest, particuarly during the Dhanur Masa. These herbs are dried and medicines prepared and stored in the Puja or gods room to be administered to patients after prayers to the family deity.

-Narasipur Char

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सभी सुखी होवें, सभी रोगमुक्त रहें, सभी मंगलमय घटनाओं के साक्षी बनें और किसी को भी दुःख का भागी न बनना पड़े। ॐ शांति शांति शांति॥
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